Recent content by Chris Kaoss
  1. Chris Kaoss

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    Have a look at Dekoni Elite Hybrid pads for DT1990. It looks quite close to the Quad velour pads. Just peel off the old ones off the mounting ring and reattach the new ones. :)
  2. Chris Kaoss

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    Can't remember of any. You'd need the mounting rings, from another set or selfmade with a 3d printer. :) Once you have a set, have a look at ZMF pads. There're many options available, leather perforated or suede perforated in particular. My recommendation is the lambskin Universe pad for now...
  3. Chris Kaoss

    .....and, I'm up for air!

    :joy: :ksc75smile:
  4. Chris Kaoss

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    That's the standard for se, yes. But it isn't set in stone with the Mojo. It's more like a general recommendation, imo. Trust your ears the most and be eager to experiment. :) Depends on the gain of the connected amp as well. For example, my R28 likes the blue setting also. Some amps can...
  5. Chris Kaoss

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Ime, it's more a matter of the connected transducer, than the amp. If you've the right and proper connection, it should work well with any amp connected. :wink: Edit: Make sure to use the right output voltage from Mojo to your preferred amp. Than you're good to go.
  6. Chris Kaoss

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    ZMF Bokeh works perfectly. The mids are a dream. :) Voices sounds the best I've heard to date. Had a brief listening to them with my Mojo 2 2 weeks ago. I don't like closed back that much, bc they heat up my ears to quickly. But if I'll be in the need for one (beside my Monitor 5), this is it...
  7. Chris Kaoss

    Meze EMPYREAN - the First Isodynamic Hybrid Array Headphone

    Different hearing, I guess. :) Hybrid pads on the Elite, except there was a full leather pad at the time. Can't stand suede pads on any of my headphones. :) On the Caldera, there were the stock pads and the ultra perf for testing. Oh, and I've to blame myself. It wasn't the Mojo 2 in this...
  8. Chris Kaoss

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    I can't comment on "the best for". Maybe the Noir HPC could be a better pick, eventually, but I'm not sure about. But it is a stellar build cable, soft, without any tendencies to twist. It flows down the chest, so to say. :) Braiding is top notch. The main part was, that it has fit at my...
  9. Chris Kaoss

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    There was something off with my cable (2ohm difference from left to right), plus the ergonomics aren't that great, though better then the cable which comes with the T1.2 cable. ^^
  10. Chris Kaoss

    Meze EMPYREAN - the First Isodynamic Hybrid Array Headphone

    Imo, the Elite has the best impact/ kick I've heard to date from an open back headphone. It feels like it hits "behind your neck/ throat". After my brief listening comparison between Elite and Caldera, I'd like to get a Caldera combined with the impact of the Elite . :ok_hand: Was tested with...
  11. Chris Kaoss

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    Interesting. I'm very happy with the FAW Noir Hybrid (4 strands pure copper and 4 strands pure silver) on my Quad, so with the short Claire Hybrid I have. :) No matter if I use it balanced or se. Didn't liked the cable which came with them.
  12. Chris Kaoss

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    I guess the light "globes" are more visible while use portable. That's how I see the benefit of the dark body. :)
  13. Chris Kaoss

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    That's really sad. I'm with you. :sweat: Hope you can get a good price for and not a fire sale at all.
  14. Chris Kaoss

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    Snag a used one for less money. :) It's great to have some spare parts and mounting rings in your arsenal. ^^ If you don't need the additional mounting rings, eg. pads, i'm sure they'll find a new owner easily. (me included) :beyersmile:
  15. Chris Kaoss

    QUAD ERA-1 Thread

    Hard to say what to ask for. It ranges from 200 to 550 €, depending on platform and condition. Sad that you can't put them back to your rotation, they really deserve it. :)