Recent content by L0rdGwyn
  1. L0rdGwyn

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    To that end you might like NOS Tung-Sol 6550.
  2. L0rdGwyn

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I talked about them a bit in this post: Long story short, they should work but the scales for the curves in the datasheet are so large it's difficult for me to say whether or not they will bias correctly. If...
  3. L0rdGwyn

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I think it just depends on how they operate in your local area. I've had very few problems with them. I often will redirect a package to a local FedEx pickup location so I don't have to worry about missing them at home.
  4. L0rdGwyn

    Aegis DIY Tube Headphone Amplifier

    That's convenient! Just make sure they are TO-220 package and 3.3V model.
  5. L0rdGwyn

    Aegis DIY Tube Headphone Amplifier

    Yeah same idea. I had thought to add a load resistor for when no coils are connected (similar to R1 in that schematic) but figured we'd discuss that if this is something @tommyc wants to pursue. At some point I might just put together something like this myself, just don't know when as I have...
  6. L0rdGwyn

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    Matches your hutch(?) perfectly!
  7. L0rdGwyn

    Aegis DIY Tube Headphone Amplifier

    Sorry I'm working night shift this weekend so not really able to respond quickly. That might work, but you're going to have a ton of ripple. My opinion is to use a 3.3V LDO regulator. There are lots of options and they can be very cheap, a simple 3-pin regulator in a TO-220 package, a bridge...
  8. L0rdGwyn

    Aegis DIY Tube Headphone Amplifier

    I felt that way for a while, thought having the best-measuring and clean DAC paired with tubes was the way to go, but then I heard a few tube DACs and decided I needed to build one! But it all goes in cycles, now I'm wondering if I might be interested in having a non-tube DAC in addition to my...
  9. L0rdGwyn

    Aegis DIY Tube Headphone Amplifier

    I made some edits above as I realized my napkin math was for a bridge rectifier instead of a full wave. The theoretical output current is higher, so the B+ supply could in theory run the coils. But I still don't like it for reasons I outlined above (namely, putting more work on the tube...
  10. L0rdGwyn

    Aegis DIY Tube Headphone Amplifier

    Just started glancing at this, there are a couple issues right off the bat. For one, if you are pulling the voltage off the B+ supply, it is going to vary somewhat depending on what rectifier you are using so they have different Vdrop values, unless you decide to use specific rectifiers. Two...
  11. L0rdGwyn

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    Well the main ZMF cable I use is 1/4", so I either use LOW or MED on 1/4", either one is fine just depends on what kind of damping ratio you prefer! Probably LOW gives more low end control, whereas MED might be a little more airy. I tend to use MED more often. Output Z for LOW with stock...
  12. L0rdGwyn

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    Just a reminder to anyone running Susvara or Tungsten on Aegis: if you want the most juice for those demanding cans and proper damping ratios, my suggestion would be to use the XLR output, LOW setting for Susvara and MED setting for Tungsten. That gets you between a 5:1 and 6:1 damping ratio...
  13. L0rdGwyn

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I'm apprehensive to recommend them since the triode curves in the datasheet would suggest they will bias over current. Now they were tested in the DIY Aegis and that wasn't the case, but given it's a sample size of 1, I'm not 100% confident that will be the case with another sample.
  14. L0rdGwyn

    L0rdGwyn's DIY Audio

    Simpson meters arrived, little guys.
  15. L0rdGwyn

    L0rdGwyn's DIY Audio
