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  1. OrangeStar257

    IEMs instead of Wireless Headphones at work?

    Hi. I am thinking about switching from a wireless headphone to an IEM with a portable dac for office use. Is there anyone doing this already? How do you feel? Do you think it's a good idea? Should I a BT dongle dac like Go blu or qudelix? or a dongle like Go bar, RU6, W2 or a portable dac...
  2. OrangeStar257

    Would I benefit from upgrading Amp?

    Hi. I am a hifi novice who's using HD 6xx and HD660s as my daily driver. I am currently using an entry level amp (Objective 2) as part of my desktop set up, and I think it's giving me plenty of headroom for my current headphones (I don't have to turn the knob more than 10'o clock). Would I be...
  3. OrangeStar257

    Why does my HD 6xx sometimes sound bright?

    On certain songs, I am hearing lots of sibilance that make it fatiguing to listen. I don't know why... It's really smooth and vocal intimate most of the time, but when my favorite track sounds peaky, I can't use it as my daily driver anymore, which is sad. Do you think it's possibly the amp...
  4. OrangeStar257

    My HD660s sounds the same...

    My HD660s sounds exactly the same (to me) when I plug it in to my laptop 3.5mm output, and when I connect it through the entry level desktop stack (one of the highly regarded ones in the internet, I won't say the company name.) Should I just quit this hobby already? I heard people saying...
  5. OrangeStar257

    Any ultrasone fans out there?

    Just curious. I am currently owning a pair of Ultrasone Ed.8, and I really like the sound and look of this headphone. But, it seems like not many people like this brand.
  6. OrangeStar257

    How do I compare transient speeds of two receivers?

    I have seen reviewers saying words like "fast" or "very fast" when describing a sound of an audio gear, yet I feel like I haven't heard the word "slow" in a review. But... But, everything is relative. right? It really doesn't makes sense, if everything sounds fast and tight. How do I know...