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  1. iFi audio

    iFi Zen Stream: Setup, Tips, Tricks...

    Yes once the beta testing is complete, it will be uploaded to the server for General, I am sure if it's not me someone will notice and post an update here. Cheers!!
  2. iFi audio

    iFi Zen Stream: Setup, Tips, Tricks...

    I would guess it would be in the first part of June, nothing concrete but it's on pace for that. Cheers!!
  3. iFi audio

    iFi audio iPower X - The Official Thread

    Thanks for your patience, I personally appreciate it! And Thank you from iFi for your support we appreciate it! CHeers!!
  4. iFi audio

    iFi audio iPower X - The Official Thread

    People can make mistakes, and I have corrected it, but Thanks anyway! And I also said let me verify, as I did not know. Cheers!!
  5. iFi audio

    iFi audio iPower X - The Official Thread

    Here you go... From left... H= 3.5x1.35mm G= 4.0x1.7mm F= 4.8x1.7mm G= 5.5x2.1mm C= 5.5x2.5mm Reverse Polarity Plug White Cheers!!
  6. iFi audio

    iFi audio iPower X - The Official Thread

    Will do that, I did send him the pic you posted, I will update with any answer I get. Cheers!!
  7. iFi audio

    iFi audio iPower X - The Official Thread

    I will relay your post to him, in all honesty, I didn't know that's why I asked them. Sorry! Cheers!!
  8. iFi audio

    iFi audio iPower X - The Official Thread

    I asked one of our tech support folks, along with the picture and this is the answer I got... "That's the polarity adapter plug. Most things are center-pin negative. There are some things out there (guitar pedals and various other things) that use center-pin-positive" Hope that helps...
  9. iFi audio

    iFi audio iPower X - The Official Thread

    Apparently not, but then again sometimes it's never easy lol Cheers!!
  10. iFi audio

    iFi audio iPower X - The Official Thread

    If I remember correctly that is the last one on the list, "Polarity Plug (White)" but let me reach out and clarify this 100% for you. Cheers!!
  11. iFi audio

    iFi audio GO pod + IEMs = brilliant wireless sound on the GO!

    I will certainly mention this as well in my communications over this issue, thanks for the thoughts. Cheers!!
  12. iFi audio

    iFi Zen Stream: Setup, Tips, Tricks...

    Technically .9 would have been the "current" correct version, but as I said it was taken down from the server. I don't want to overcomplicate it, but you are on the "current available version" Some folks out there may be on the one that was 2.32.9 and was released last year. Again the newest...
  13. iFi audio

    iFi Zen Stream: Setup, Tips, Tricks...

    All Good, Hopefully, the newest version will be out soon, and you can move up from where you are now. Cheers!!
  14. iFi audio

    iFi audio GO pod + IEMs = brilliant wireless sound on the GO!

    Thanks for this, I will relay what you are experiencing to the tech folks as well! Cheers!!
  15. iFi audio

    iFi Zen Stream: Setup, Tips, Tricks...

    As mentioned above, version 2.32.9 had dropped from the server, when it was reuploaded it had caused issues. This version has been out since last year so I am not sure why you would not have already had this version of firmware, however after the issue, it was decided (with the newer version...
  16. iFi audio

    iFi Audio Asks... Will You Show Us Your iFi Gear?

    When you are ready you can also post reviews in any of our showcase threads here... Cheers!!
  17. iFi audio

    iFi audio iCAN Phantom - Vanish into the music!

    We look forward to hearing which way you went in the end! As an owner of the Pro range the Phantom intrigues me, but I do not know (although I have heard E-Stats) if I would ever go down that road myself, but that is the appeal (to me) of the Phantom is that ability. Along with a slightly...
  18. iFi audio

    iFi audio GO pod + IEMs = brilliant wireless sound on the GO!

    I certainly hope so. The head-turning would lead me to a connection issue of some kind, but I am no tech. I have been trying to read a bunch about Android connection issues is where I am being pointed by these leads, just by reading I have come across numerous posts in foms about this setting...
  19. iFi audio

    iFi Zen Stream: Setup, Tips, Tricks...

    Ah! That's good that you have figured it out, I probably wouldn't have thought of that myself! Cheers!!
  20. iFi audio

    iFi audio iCAN Phantom - Vanish into the music!

    I can chime in a little here,... While any piece of electronics can be prone to failure at any point, I can say that to my knowledge the Phantom has shown little to no issues in terms of needing support and/or repair. So if it was an instance of a part failure that is where the warranty comes...
  21. iFi audio

    iFi Zen Stream: Setup, Tips, Tricks...

    In all honesty, I do not know, many folks here are way above my pay grade in that area. However it is important to keep in mind that the Zen Stream software (To My Knowledge) is only based on Volumio, I have never once been told it is full-blown volumio and such can handle the same...
  22. iFi audio

    iFi audio NEO Stream - Sweet Streams!

    How is everyone making out with the new firmware? Is Tidal Max working for everyone? Any issues let us know! Enjoy! Cheers!!
  23. iFi audio

    iFi Audio Zen Dac 3... Plug In, World Out!

    A Big Thanks to James Fiorucci for his thoughts on the Zen Dac 3! You can read them right HERE! Cheers!!
  24. iFi audio

    iFi Audio Zen Dac 3... Plug In, World Out!

    Thanks so much for posting your thoughts on the ZD3, we appreciate it very much! Cheers!!
  25. iFi Audio ZEN Phono 3 Turn On Tranquility

    iFi Audio ZEN Phono 3 Turn On Tranquility

    Futuristic Features. Nostalgic Feeling. In a world where modern technology is ever-evolving, simplicity and connection are what we crave most. Nothing demonstrates this quite like the familiar act of picking your favourite LP, hearing the soft crackle before it starts, and sharing a story or two...