Recent content by domq422
  1. domq422

    Symphonium Titan - Impressions and reviews

    My dogs, Marcus and Guy are letting me borrow some of their Symphonium sets for a little while for a little comparison sesh and I now have the Titans in hand, at home, on the desktop. I am in nirvana.
  2. domq422

    Reply to review by 'domq422' on item 'Elysian Acoustic Labs Pilgrim'

    This review deserves more attention, your words and especially your photos are fantastic!
  3. domq422

    The discovery thread!

    My buddy is not involved with any brand in particular and price point should be about the same if not less!
  4. domq422

    Reply to review by 'domq422' on item 'Elysian Acoustic Labs Pilgrim'

    Thanks so much @SemperMalum
  5. domq422

    The discovery thread!

    Correct and correct - all can be improved with maybe the Noir from the graphs I’ve been seeing. There’s also another IEM coming out hopefully in the near future that one of my buddies is working on… can’t disclose any details as of right now, but it’s essentially an upgraded Pilgrim that...
  6. domq422

    Reply to review by 'domq422' on item 'Elysian Acoustic Labs Pilgrim'

    Thank you, @Jaytiss
  7. domq422

    Elysian Pilgrim

    Greetings, everyone! I just posted my full review of the Elysian Pilgrim and I would really appreciate it if you had some time during your busy days if you'd drop by and leave some feedback! Thank you so much :beerchug:
  8. domq422

    The discovery thread!

    Greetings, everyone! I just posted my full review of the Elysian Pilgrim and I would really appreciate if you had some time during your busy days if you'd drop by and leave some feedback! Thank you so much :beerchug:
  9. domq422

    Review by 'domq422' on item 'Elysian Acoustic Labs Pilgrim'

    Thank you very much to HiFiGO for making the tour of the Elysian Pilgrim happen and thank you to my bud Neil for welcoming me into the HiFiGo US tour group just a few weeks ago. The process has been super smooth up to this point. HiFiGO nor Elysian haven’t asked me to say anything in particular...
  10. domq422

    The discovery thread!

    I've always been a huge fan of the OG Pandas, such a fantastic set and very slept on by the community. These have some of the best vocal reproduction of any IEM under $500 imo. so much texture and resolution without sounding like a planar at all. I will say that I disagree on the bass part of...
  11. domq422

    Elysian Pilgrim

    I don't believe so. If you look at the reg. Pilgrim, it has around 5 dB lift in the sub bass where as this one has about an 7-8 dB lift, it isn't night and day obviously, but it's a little different.
  12. domq422

    Elysian Pilgrim

    Hey everyone! Just found this thread and thought I’d share some pics of the Pilgrim. I quite like how they’ve been designed! I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the pilgrim in the near future. Spoiler alert; I quite like them 👌
  13. domq422

    The discovery thread!

    Bro I thought I had a lot of tips…. This makes me feel a lot better! 😂 if you’re ever looking to get rid of some of your tips that are unopened, lmk! I’m always buying tips.
  14. domq422

    The discovery thread!

    I'm usually not a baby blue guy, but DAMN is that thing pretty! I completely agree! You using a cheese grader as a back drop, my guy? LOL just kidding, the color matching is looking SICK! Enjoy Man, I haven't tried my Coreirs on almost anything since I got them, I found them weird in terms of...
  15. domq422

    The discovery thread!

    I wouldn’t say it’s Moondrop levels of safe, but it’s definitely more safe than I expected Elysian to display here. Although, it’s their first try at an “affordable” IEM, so I can’t blame them. They want to move units and tuning an IEM with too much treble or too much upper mids is typically a...