Recent content by texx2818
  1. texx2818

    Cayin RU7: 1-Bit Resistor Network Dongle DAC /Amp

    See that's my problem, if I need all of that, I'll just use my FiiO amp...
  2. texx2818

    Focal Clear headphones

    I think overall sound signature, they are incredibly similar, but the Clear has more punch and slam. The 800S pulls ahead in soundstage, listening to orchestra on the 800S is the equivalent of being there.
  3. texx2818

    Cayin RU7: 1-Bit Resistor Network Dongle DAC /Amp

    I did! Listening to an album drains it so quickly. I can't really do more than 64 because even with a DDHifi cable it clips.
  4. texx2818

    Focal Clear headphones

    More initial impressions: Earlier I was running these off of the Woo Tube Mini, I am currently jamming the FiiO Q15, and while the punch is more subdued, the Clear are very effortless. Not my 800S, but close.
  5. texx2818

    Cayin RU7: 1-Bit Resistor Network Dongle DAC /Amp

    I love the sound, absolutely stunning from a dongle. But the amount of trade offs is a bit exhausting, plus the power draw…considering selling mine. It drinks my 14 Pro’s battery like an alcoholic doing Jager shots
  6. texx2818

    Focal Clear headphones

    I'm going to look into pad swapping, I've heard that!
  7. texx2818

    Focal Clear headphones

    Early impressions...well, certainly not disappointed off of the Tube Mini. Only listened to AiC's Jar of Flies (my test album), but quite impressive.
  8. texx2818

    Focal Clear headphones

    Never listened to the OG, I had the 2022. I'll be the first to admit, I'm looking for colored sound, usually. With the exception of my 800s and the Clear (which come today, yay)
  9. texx2818

    Focal Clear headphones

    They were indeed amazing, but I think a bit too transparent and clinical, as dumb as that sounds.
  10. texx2818

    Focal Clear headphones

    Just grabbed myself a pair of Clears for $700. Never listened tot hem before. I had the Utopia 22s which were amazing but so overpriced, so I'm curious to give the open back Focals another shot.
  11. texx2818

    ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)

    Blasting some shoegaze on these off of my FiiO, quite insane how much punch these have at 70.
  12. texx2818

    FIIO first cassette player CP13 is officially released!

    I love mine. I sticker bombed it and use it daily. Good job FiiO!
  13. texx2818


    are you surprised? I mean...of course he's going to shill for the company he totally does not get any financial incentive from