Recent content by Curly21029
  1. Curly21029

    The Beyerdynamic DT250 Thread

      Will do, but it says they're sold directly by Amazon and not a third party so I doubt that they're fakes.  In reading the Deals thread, some are speculating that there was a mixup and this price is for the pads only.  I guess we'll see what happens, but at $30 I'd say that this is more than...
  2. Curly21029

    The Beyerdynamic DT250 Thread

    ...well, I'm certainly happy that I chose to drop by tonight.  $30 for a backup pair?  I can dig it.   Here's hoping that everyone's orders go through and these wonderful headphones finally achieve the level of recognition that they deserve.  
  3. Curly21029

    The Beyerdynamic DT250 Thread

    ...when was the last time I posted here?  May?   Despite the 250ohm impedance, I have been using my DT250 sans power amp for the past few months.  Even with my scaled down Audirvana Plus -> AQ Dragonfly setup these Beyers are still the cat's pajamas!  Scale and dynamics are somewhat...
  4. Curly21029

    The Beyerdynamic DT250 Thread

    It has now been approximately six months since I've purchased the DT250-250.   Gripes: Null Desire to Upgrade: Null   This is a truly brilliant headphone. 
  5. Curly21029

    Best neutral, closed, and not Made in China-Taiwan headphones ?

    Quote:   I haven't read any reviews on it, but the (coiled) cable is certainly more hefty than average.  To call it "uncomfortably large" would be an exaggeration, however.  I use them exclusively for at-home listening and haven't experienced any notable discomfort.
  6. Curly21029

    Best neutral, closed, and not Made in China-Taiwan headphones ?

    There surely isn't just one answer, but there is a best one: Beyerdynamic DT250. (250ohm version)   My last post: January 7th.  After cycling through a few dozen headphones I've had no reason to further my research after finding this one.  It's like an HD600 with more intimacy.
  7. Curly21029

    Crappy Spotify music and good headphones

    Quote:   For a lossy stream, I found Spotify to do a serviceable job from both a quality and convenience standpoint.  The only reason why they didn't retain me as a subscriber for a second month is due to what I considered to be an extremely constrained library. (that, along with some...
  8. Curly21029

    The Deals Thread (CLOSED! See the last post for the link to the new thread)

    I paid $150 for my DT250-250 and would've gladly paid more.  When ran through a quality source and amplified correctly, I really can't imagine a more natural closed-headphone listening experience.  I would've purchased a "backup" (or two) this morning but the deal was restricted to Canada.  ...
  9. Curly21029

    Album of the Year Thread

    Quote:   Thanks for the history lesson!  I'm often pathetically ignorant when it comes to what's popular.    But hey, something ambitious being recognized/rewarded is always a GREAT thing!
  10. Curly21029

    Album of the Year Thread

    Quote:   What I'd like to know is when, exactly, Michael Gira transitioned from being No Wave fringe to indie darling.  Perhaps I was just in the wrong circles, but Swans never seemed to be all that popular pre-hiatus.
  11. Curly21029

    Album of the Year Thread

    Quote:   Same here!    ...well, that and it always warms my heart to see the arts celebrated.
  12. Curly21029

    Album of the Year Thread

    Quote:   When it comes to P4k, it's always "hip to be square." ;)   Attempting to appreciate individual songs/singles is something that I made a genuine effort to do earlier this year.  I made a return to Pandora after a several year hiatus, checked out recommended stuff on...
  13. Curly21029

    Album of the Year Thread

    ...done!  This limiting to 50 thing just feels right.    *For any albums that were released in multiple versions, assume that I'm citing the standard edition. (i.e. no bonus track/remix nonsense)*     50. Fiona Apple - The Idler Wheel... 49. Dark Time Sunshine - ANX 48. Leonard...
  14. Curly21029

    The Beyerdynamic DT250 Thread

    EDIT: double post
  15. Curly21029

    The Beyerdynamic DT250 Thread

    Quote:   Advice from a fellow D-Fly owner: pair a dedicated amp with the DT250-250.  Running directly out of the AQ isn't necessarily bad, but you'll be missing quite a lot.  Volume level is more than adequate, but the overall presentation comparatively leans toward loose/indistinct/thin...