Recent content by Drinkyoghurt
  1. Drinkyoghurt

    Cheap 4-pin mini XLR --> (mini)TRS headphone cables?

    Thanks, I checked everything both of those brands have to offer but it seems like they only do 3-pin mini XLR to TRS, not 4-pin mini XLR. The Pioneer setup is a bit weird, since it goes from balanced to unbalanced (both cables are like that).
  2. Drinkyoghurt

    Cheap 4-pin mini XLR --> (mini)TRS headphone cables?

    I'm looking to buy some backup cables for my Pioneer HDJ X10, which has a 4-pin mini XLR connector. These aren't really used much anywhere, and as such I can only find the original cable as a replacement. However, they're €35 each which is a bit steep for me since most 3-pin XLR cables are...
  3. Drinkyoghurt

    Pioneer HDJ X10, a DJ/Producer/Audiophile perspective

    I usually don't like to write reviews/impression threads on gear since usually others have much more extensive write-ups than what I can usually provide. However when doing research on these cans I couldn't come up with much info, and the reviews that were out there looked dodgy at best. A...
  4. Drinkyoghurt

    Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread

    Yes I did, it did make it a bit more clear, but no amount of wide boring is going to make that big of a difference compared to the Piston IV. I'm not saying they're bad IEMs, they're just not that detailed for a multi-driver but still fun to listen to.
  5. Drinkyoghurt

    Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread

    Ok, I've been comparing the KZ ES4 vs Piston 2.1 and Piston IV. The KZ ES4 sounds very close to my Piston 2.1, a bit less muffled, a bit less bass as well. Still, pretty good sound. Soundstage is very compressed and there isn't much positioning of instruments. Also some instruments don't come...
  6. Drinkyoghurt

    Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread

    I realized this as well. Deeper insertion led to clearer sound. Luckily I found my old tips from the ATE which are wide bore, and small, so I can get the earphones into my ears really deep and it works well for my purposes.
  7. Drinkyoghurt

    Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread

    Just got my ES4 in. Initial impressions is that looks are good, cable is really nice compared to my KZ Ate. I guess it depends on who you ask, but I like the memory cable more than the free dangling cable with weights from the Ate. They are bigger than my Ate and stick out a bit. The stock...
  8. Drinkyoghurt

    Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread

    The newer one that he is talking about is balanced on both sides. There are other options, just search on Aliexpress for MMCX bluetooth. No experience myself but heard that these are ok...
  9. Drinkyoghurt

    Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread

    Awesome, looking forward to it! I've had some more expensive IEMs before which were super clear and really got everything in there, but no bass. They really felt super clinical and not fun to listen to at all. It's always difficult to gauge an IEM's performance off online reviews since everyone...
  10. Drinkyoghurt

    Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread

    Still waiting for my Gearbest order to arrive, but I've ordered the ES4 after reading reviews here. I was initially interested in the ED16's, but I like my bass and I usually like a bit of a warmer tone. So far, best chifi sound for me has been the Xiaomi Piston 2.0. Is the ES4 also similarly...
  11. Drinkyoghurt

    Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread

    So, I currently have the KZ ATE and I really like the fit and power of the bass, but I still feel that everything is somewhat muddy compared to my Piston IV. The Pistons however lack the bass I'm looking for. I'm looking for a somewhat similar sound profile to the original Xiaomi Piston 2.0 and...
  12. Drinkyoghurt

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    Hey guys,   So my whilst my old Piston 2.1's are holding up to this date despite severe abuse, my Xiaomi hybrid's gave up quite quickly. I'm looking for something new in the 25~30 euro price bracket, either dual driver or single driver, but something which has a nice big soundstage like the...
  13. Drinkyoghurt

    The Xiaomi Pistons Thread 2.0

    Same here. Mine have been through HELL but still look almost new. Snagged the wire on things almost every day, roll it up and put it in my pocket without protection, been through 5 FULL washing cycles and are still performing like nobody's business. I lost them for a brief 2 week period and had...
  14. Drinkyoghurt

    Xiaomi Hybrid IEM Thread (Piston successor)

    How are these things durability wise compared to the Piston 2.0/2.1? I've had my Piston 2.1 for quite some time now and they've been through hell. Snagged the cable on door handles and other stuff many times, roll it up and just put it in my pocket for storage and it's been through 5 washing...
  15. Drinkyoghurt

    Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (Headphones, IEMs, Amps, DACs)

    I still use them as my daily IEM. They have turned out to be my most robust pair of IEM's so far and the sound quality is more than adequate for a daily IEM. I haven't had any pair of in ears remaining intact for so long and I've been using these quite harshly during my couple of months of...