Recent content by IndieRokker
  1. IndieRokker

    Beginner record player for budding audiophile

    Awesome info, Skylab. Thanks a lot!
  2. IndieRokker

    Beginner record player for budding audiophile

    My budget? I guess that all depends. Like, what does (generally) a beginner table run? I'm sure there's tons of factors that determine the price of a table so I dunno, maybe 100 bucks? But depending on what people tell me here that can change. Thanks, bhd, I'll look up Rega now.
  3. IndieRokker

    Beginner record player for budding audiophile

    Just to give everyone a heads up, I know next to nothing about record players and what to look for in a good one. Does the needle make the most difference, etc? I want something that sounds good and wont give me a ton of cracks and pops. Or is that normal for all record players? Thanks for...
  4. IndieRokker

    Beginner record player for budding audiophile

    Hey, friends. Now I don't know if i'm exactly a budding audiophile but I love my music, there's no denying that. Anyway, I want to buy a record player for myself because the capitalist digital age has weakened me into an mp3 collector, which I think is a tad depressing. I used to be a big...
  5. IndieRokker

    Beginner record player for budding audiophile

    EDIT: *I just saw the Todd the Vinyl Junkie forum below this one. This thread probably belongs there. Feel free to do with this what you will.* Hey, friends. Please excuse me if i'm posting this in the wrong forum (the change of the main page has me all confused). Now I don't know if i'm...
  6. IndieRokker

    Super fi. 5 Pro variations?

    Nice! Thanks everyone.
  7. IndieRokker

    Super fi. 5 Pro variations?

    Hi. I was browsing the forums and I saw a picture of someones superfi. 5 pro's and they looked noticeably different from my pair. When I ordered them from Amazon it said they were black. When I received them they looked like a really dark shiny purple. Almost black. Also, the earphone wire is...
  8. IndieRokker

    What's my Christmas present? Sansa e280 or iPod Nano 8gb

    I went to Best Buy today and was able to listen to the Sansa but not the Nano, as the nano's all had the music taken off them for some reason. The Sansa wasn't even the 8gb model, rather the 2gb. The scroll wheel is pretty neat. I like it more than the Zen vision's thumb pad thing at least...
  9. IndieRokker

    What's my Christmas present? Sansa e280 or iPod Nano 8gb

    Thanks for the replies. It didn't even cross my mind to go to Best Buy, so I'll be doing that today. I'd still love some more feedback, though. Basically, I'd like to know what everyone's experience is with the Sansa's and the nano's sound quality. Is the low level noise at low volume...
  10. IndieRokker

    What's my Christmas present? Sansa e280 or iPod Nano 8gb

    Hi all. I'm trying to decide what my first high(ish) capacity mp3 player will be and i've narrowed it down to these two: the Sansa e280 (8gb) or the red 8gb iPod nano. (I like flash based players because hard drives scare me with all their moving parts and general fragility.) Whats most...
  11. IndieRokker

    Senn PX100

    Finzup, your link doesn't work. And cheechoz, if the px100 is like a mini hd6xx, what is the hd-25? I know one is open and one is closed but still, the hd-25 sounds pretty damn good. Anyway, now I'm tempted to buy a pair of px100's. That'd make 3 pairs of portable phone's though. HD-25...
  12. IndieRokker

    Ultimate Ears super fi. 3 or Shure e2c's?

    Hey everyone. Hope you all had a great holiday. I'm dangerously addicted to this site already. Anyway, I have a 50 dollar off coupon toward anything at and I figured what better way to spend it than on my first pair of IEM's. Both are going for 99 bucks and I don't want to spend...
  13. IndieRokker

    Looking for alternative to Bose Tri-Ports

    For some reason the tri-ports are looking pretty enticing right about now. The things I want most are portability and comfort, i'v come to realize. And also, something that doesn't look goofy on my head. The tri-ports have that going for them. And judging from Bangraman's and another persons...
  14. IndieRokker

    Looking for alternative to Bose Tri-Ports

    That is a great answer, Mike, and I do appreciate it. But i'm still looking for other suggestions/alternatives. It can't hurt can it? What do you all think about the hd280 pro's for 70 bucks? The 555's scare me cuz they look huge. I've never heard of the ath-es7 before but they look nice. Are...
  15. IndieRokker

    Looking for alternative to Bose Tri-Ports

    Yep, mostly for portable use but I wouldn't mind if you knew of a 'phone that was good for both home and portable use. That would be ideal actually. I'm looking into the hd280 pro's because I see them for 70 bucks! The 555's look too big and didn't get too great of reviews in regards to...