Recent content by justanut
  1. justanut

    HISENIOR AUDIO Discussion Thread

    After 2 weeks of listening, these IEMs really open up when properly driven. Off dongles, they sounded good but maybe a little underwhelming after all the hype. But with the 320MaxTi, man… all the details and resolution come pouring through, together with all the soundstage gripes I had...
  2. justanut

    HISENIOR AUDIO Discussion Thread

    My fav at-work combo now is: M4 iPad Pro + iFi Gold Bar + EA Code 24 + Mega5-EST… I can be satisfied with this combo as long as I don’t go and A/B with my Walkman / 320MaxTi
  3. justanut

    iFi audio GO Bar - The Best Pocketable HiFi System, Bar None!

    Just ordered the gold bar (open box) at a good price. Can’t wait to join the club! I stream lossless so not much interest in the Kensei that costs more. Can I check if firmware updates come with MacOS files as well, like the Diablo? I noticed that there’s 2.5 and 2.2 which indicated “Limited...
  4. justanut

    HISENIOR AUDIO Discussion Thread

    Finally received my set yesterday and been letting them burn in a tad. Paired up with my Code 23. I agree that they are extremely well tuned and there is nothing done wrong. Everything is “just nice”, but to those seeking fun, colorful or punchy IEMs, they might go away feeling disappointed...
  5. justanut

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    I believe it was targeted at “noise” but lawmakers started implementing it for personal audio products. I agree that it’s a stupid law - you don’t see them limiting how loud music can be played at concerts, clubs and the such that are at levels of loudness (100, 110db?) that can cause permanent...
  6. justanut

    HISENIOR AUDIO Discussion Thread

    I emailed Gareth, he's very prompt with his replies. Apparently they have a new batched prepped to go, was delayed cos of a shortage of the cables of all things. Mine is on the way finally! Still waiting on the Fedex tracking though
  7. justanut

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    1000 pages to read haha... Mostly it's us owners trying to justify the purchase. Everyone defends their choices. At that point in time, I felt that the Sony sounded better than the 300Max, so i bought the walkman and sold the iBasso. Then because i started on headphones, i bought the 320MaxTi...
  8. justanut

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    If you post in this thread you will likely get votes for the Sony, if you post in the Cayin thread, you will get votes for the N7.. They're all fantastic players. Just go for the one that calls out to you. You need to enjoying holding it, playing with it, looking at it to better enjoy the music...
  9. justanut

    HISENIOR AUDIO Discussion Thread

    I placed my order on 21 Apr, still waiting no thanks to DMS' video. Spoke with Gareth and apparently there's a huge backlog. They take special care in matching both the LR pieces, so I'm trying my best to be patient and wait for mine to drop. Not like I have any lack of IEMs and earbuds to play...
  10. justanut

    Earbuds Round-Up

    My Mingjiang 32ohm and 600ohm buds are in. Can't get a proper fit via the over ear style with the Code series cables. Waiting for newly ordered cables to come in. Otherwise I'm pleasantly surprised at how sweet and dynamic the 600ohms are out of my tube amp. The 320MaxTi also seems to drive it...
  11. justanut

    DX320MAX Ti The musical event worth the wait. ROHM X 4. !! NEW Firmware: 2.03 !!

    I agree. It is simply not user-friendly to change digital volume from song to song. I too would rather have the side buttons allows me to change digital volume rather than skip tracks, or at least given the choice to choose what it functions as. Still, even without adjusting digital volume, I...
  12. justanut

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    When i was deciding between the 2, there were slight differences in sonic signature, i wouldn't say "better-better". The Z had a blacker background, cleaner. Then it all boiled down to the fact that I liked the heft (was rocking the 300Max back then), and the bling bling. Lastly, i was able to...
  13. justanut


    Code 24 brings out the dynamics of the IER-Z1R when paired to1ZM2, whereas with the stock cables i very much prefer running them off the 320MaxTi. However I do detect a hotter treble as well. Early days, shall see how they fair down the road. But man... this pairing is making me want to sell...
  14. justanut

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Oh i shall have a try, thanks for the suggestion! Its really difficult to find tips that would allow them to stay in my ears too.
  15. justanut

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Wait what? I'm sensitive to sibilance, IEMs like my beloved Sony EXK are too sibilant for me on many vocal tracks. Even the Dita Project M were hot out of the box. But the Alpha 3 were never sibilant, so that's really strange. I've listened to them out of my iPod 5.5G, RU6 and Walkman thus far...