Recent content by megabigeye
  1. megabigeye

    Headphone Amp Sennheiser HD6xx

    You just speak the truth and I'll back you up. (Actually, I won't. I really don't want to get sucked into another Head-Fi conversation. I mostly just wanted to use a Luther gif.)
  2. megabigeye

    Headphone Amp Sennheiser HD6xx

    This should be your mantra while reading anything on Head-Fi! Seriously. Every product you read about should be treated with a great deal of skepticism. I agree with @BS5711: temper your expectations. Don't expect night and day differences between amps and DACs because they likely don't...
  3. megabigeye

    Phone interferences with my Headphone cable

    It's almost definitely the Vali and not the cable. Maybe the cable is contributing to the problem, but the amp is the problem. If I understand, you tried plugging the headphones into something other than the Vali and the problem went away? That seems like the answer, right there. I have a...
  4. megabigeye

    Cheap Beginner DAC

    Only in the context of overpriced audiophile DACs is £1k cheap. Or in the context of cars or homes or yachts.
  5. megabigeye

    Cheap Beginner DAC

    The Apple Lightning/USB-C dongle is my recommendation. Less than $10.
  6. megabigeye

    Question about impedance

    Impedance determines the ratio of voltage to current. Higher impedance requires relatively more voltage, lower impedance requires relatively more current. Efficiency is how loud the headphones get with a given power (I.E., milliwatts). Sensitivity is how loud the headphones get with a given...
  7. megabigeye

    Question about impedance

    Symphinum Audio Titan are the hardest to drive that I've read about: 3Ω and 105dB/1V = 79.8dB/1mW. With that low an impedance it's probably one of the hardest to drive headphones on the market.
  8. megabigeye

    Looking for brands of DAC/Amp stacks that have matching, stackable Power Amps that I can add later. Prioritizing build quality and clean, simple looks.

    If it works for you, it works for you. I can't and won't argue with that. I'm just skeptical that you'll get the results you're hoping for (or maybe I'm skeptical that you'd get results that I'd be hoping for, which are a different thing). I guess I'd worry that so much EQ would require...
  9. megabigeye

    Looking for brands of DAC/Amp stacks that have matching, stackable Power Amps that I can add later. Prioritizing build quality and clean, simple looks.

    You think about this a lot and you pack a lot of your thoughts into your posts... I'll see if I can keep up. 1) Despite what a lot of audiophiles will tell you, the HD 800 S don't need a ton of power. They need 209mW to reach 120dB, which will blow your eardrums to Kingdom Come in just a few...
  10. megabigeye

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    What EQ do you use? I know you have some AU plugin, but what app does it work with? I haven't been able to figure it out.
  11. megabigeye

    I'm designing a stepped attenuator calculator in Excel. Anyone wants to test it?

    I think you need more posts to post in other forums, but you might get more interest in the DIY sub-forum.
  12. megabigeye

    Donating old IEMs

    You could do a local Buy Nothing group on Facebook. BN also has an app for Android or Apple, but I don't know if it's still somehow linked to FB. Or list it as free on Craigslist. When I want to get rid of something and don't want to deal with all the wack jobs on Craigslist, I do a "curb...
  13. megabigeye

    Want to be deaf, don’t want to hear crap.

    I'm assuming you mean that you want to completely block outside noises, not that you literally want to be deaf? The problem with both IEMs and ANC is that neither blocks the entire frequency range equally. ANC mostly blocks the lower and mid frequencies, IEMs typically mostly block mid and...
  14. megabigeye

    Post any photograph you want!

    Why did the lions have a toilet roll? Did they know how to use it, or did they just enjoy having it? And did they share one toilet roll, or did they each have their own?
  15. megabigeye

    Confused by the cost of CD Transports

    "I don't want to quibble about semantics, but there are some very minor discrepancies in the dictionary definitions of the words you've used versus how you've used them, and I'd like to nitpick for a moment..."