Recent content by Negs
  1. N

    How are headphone drivers typically adhered to the baffle?

    I’m experimenting with building over-ear headphones (3D printed) and wondering what’s the typical way to attach the driver to the baffle. Let’s say it’s a 50mm driver. I could print a 50mm ring and wedge the driver in. Then put some hot glue around the edge. Or I could print a 54mm ring...
  2. N

    Prog rock

  3. N

    Lets Talk Metal

    Loving Ne Obliviscaris - Exul. Never heard this, thank you for the recommendation!
  4. N

    Lets Talk Metal

    Hi! New to this thread. What are some good metal recordings that sound natural? Good dynamic range, drums that don’t sound triggered, etc. While not super metally, I’m thinking a recording like Tool’s Fear Inoculum, any of the 2 Plini albums, etc. Interested in all forms of metal. Death...
  5. N

    Prog rock

    Good call on these. FIF has always been a guilty pleasure of mine (more commercial sound but still amazing). Octvavarium sounds awesome on headphones - listening now on my new DCA Expanse and Topping.. Thx! Btw if you haven't already, listen to either of the two albums by Plini. Gorgeous...
  6. N

    Prog rock

    Totally. I wish they would record with a producer like Joe Barressi (who recorded Fear Inoculum by Tool). That album is unbelievably good with hi-fi/headphones. I saw an interview with Tool’s drummer about how good Joe’s ear is. For example one time Joe *heard* that there was a loose...
  7. N

    Prog rock

    Hi Ytsejamer - which Dream Theater album do you think sounds best on good, super detailed headphones? Studio, live or whatever. I’m obsessed with DT but never been blown away by their album fidelity.
  8. N

    Prog rock

    Amazing on good headphones, imo.
  9. N

    How to connect one earcup to an two-eared fixture like the MiniDSP or GRAS 45CA?

    Hi everyone, New to DIY. I’m building some different earcups designs and want to measure them. Anyone have a good idea for clamping or attaching a single earcup to a 2-channel fixture? Thanks!
  10. N

    What is the headphone that you will keep forever and never sell?

    My Hifiman HE1000se. I’m not always a detail/resolution freak. Quite the opposite these days. But at one point I was chasing the detail dragon and the HE1000se paired with a solid state like the RME ADI-2 is like an electron-microscope for your music. Add +4 db bass shelf and it’s oh so juicy...