Recent content by Oingo Boingo
  1. Oingo Boingo

    T2 - Finally bought one!

    It's an input switcher. No noise, works perfectly fine. Power unit is separated inside the box. I will ask the owner of this T2 (Stanislav) to join this thread.
  2. Oingo Boingo

    T2 - Finally bought one!

    Few pictures of KG DIY T2 top notch assembly by Helium (all pictures by Helium):
  3. Oingo Boingo

    T2 - Finally bought one!

    One more T2 from St Petersburg from my fellow audio friend Stanislav. What about 86-pound single unit T2?
  4. Oingo Boingo

    T2 - Finally bought one!

    Couple of weeks as I brought home KG DIY Т2! Big mate with a BIG sound! 62 pounds of the best electrostatic sound ever! Below - T2 with SR-Omega and HE90 (and few of my electrostatic headphones):
  5. Oingo Boingo

    MSB Technology's New Super Expensive Electrostatic Headphone Amp

    So that no one gets confused: Dmitry (Demograf) has nothing to do with the MSB electrostatic amp.  The use of his picture on the MSB web site was a real surprise for Dmitry.
  6. Oingo Boingo

    MSB Technology's New Super Expensive Electrostatic Headphone Amp

    Since MSB is using the image of Dmitry Gubchenko (designer of “Demograf” audio equipment from Russia) it would be nice to compare the design of the MSB electrostatic amp with the ones which Dmitry is making.  Also, Dmitry (as far as I know) prefers HE90 and SR-Omega e-stats, rather than the...
  7. Oingo Boingo

    Sony CD3000 Thread

    I have no idea re where did you get this figure from, but anyway I’ve paid less.  Besides CD3000 I’ve got HE90 (the Orpheus), 2 pairs of SR-Omega (the original Omegas not the 007), 009, both types or R10 (bass-heavy and bass-light), two types of 007 (including the 70xxx drivers) and some other...
  8. Oingo Boingo

    Sony CD3000 Thread

    How interesting)) the seller is probably the same (I don't fully remember his name on eBay). It looks like he has one more CD3000 for sale. Both my CD3000 were at home (at least this morning)). The seller was fine, the pair he sold to me is really mint. I haven't decided what to do with the old...
  9. Oingo Boingo

    Sony CD3000 Thread

    I’ve recently bought a second pair of CD3000.  I like the CD3000 sound, but I have better cans, including Orpheus Set, original Omegas, both R10 (baas-light and bass-heavy), etc.  But this time the CD3000 I’ve bought are brand new (!) old stock.  Ark, headband and ear pads material of CD3000 is...
  10. Oingo Boingo

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    Looking for an advice re the best amp to drive the Abyss.  Sound signature – warm, not bright, high res, good bass control (bass should not dominate), no harsh, etc.  I do have Omegas, the Orpheus Set, both R10, etc.  Would like to buy Abyss (which I have heard) mostly for rock and metal. ...
  11. Oingo Boingo

    Sony MDR-R10 Owner's Club

      Are you from Moscow?  I have new R10 ear pads but not sure if I want to sell them.  I have two R10s - bass-light and bass-heavy.  Let's keep it touch!  Sent to you a PM.
  12. Oingo Boingo

    Sony MDR-R10 Owner's Club

    I’ve got the bass-light version #0457 for almost 2 years now, and recently have also got the bass-heavy #1182.  The bass-light are from 1989 production, the bass-heavy were made in 2004.  Both sound great!  I like the estats’ sound (have got the Orpheus set, the Omegas, etc.) but R10 are really...
  13. Oingo Boingo

    Sony MDR-R10 Owner's Club

    CD3000 vs R10 (bass-light) differ a lot.  It was discussed many times on head-fi.  CD3000 are still very good headphones, especially for the money.  They are a bit bright on the mids, the scene is a bit too separated for left and right (these is a small gap in the middle).  The sound signature...
  14. Oingo Boingo

    Beg for answers: how many Sony MDR-R10s were made?

    Thanks a lot!  I also think that 1300 is a more realistic figure.  I guess if we find someone with the highest # ____ of R10 – it would give the answer.  I have heard a rumor that the R10 were originally produced by 200-pieces bunches.  But some people say that the R10 within “the same hundred”...
  15. Oingo Boingo

    Beg for answers: how many Sony MDR-R10s were made?

    Hi,   Did you find the answer?  I asked the same question couple of weeks ago in R10 thread - no replies.  I have got #457 (bass-light) of 1989 and #1182 (bass-heavy) of 2004. I haven't seen # higher then 1182.  Since the last year of production was 2004 I really doubt there were another 800...