Recent content by paulrbarnard
  1. paulrbarnard


    I had one so bad it wouldn’t connect. The core looked like it had been snapped off rather than cut. I used a fine diamond stone to clean it up then autosol polishing paste to get rid of the scratch marks. Works a treat now.
  2. paulrbarnard

    Audeze LCD-5 Review, Measurements, Interview

    Yes LCD5 direct from DAVE is very good. If you are looking for pure sound this combination comes the closest I’ve heard. I listen direct from DAVE more than with the WA1 but sometimes a little bit of warmth can make you fall in love with tracks all over again.
  3. paulrbarnard

    Audeze LCD-5 Review, Measurements, Interview

    Yes it’s a very stylish cube with a heavy glass top surrounding the tubes. It has a very poor DAC in it but fortunately you can bypass that. I have it connected to the DAVE and have the choice of the clinical beauty of the DAVE output or adding the warmth of the valve amp to the DAVE depending...
  4. paulrbarnard

    Audeze LCD-5 Review, Measurements, Interview

    I run mine off of DAVE, either with or without a WA1. A little more warmth with the WA1 in line.
  5. paulrbarnard

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    I read that the Mojo2 does support 192k but there are often issues with fibre and compatibility that were giving Chord support issues on other products so they simply state the spec as 96k to eliminate the hassle.
  6. paulrbarnard

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    My favourite pairing with Mojo2 is a 0G Grado RS1. It just makes magic happen.
  7. paulrbarnard

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Did you try a factory reset? Press menu button to enter the DSP menu. Then hold down the + and - keys until it resets. Worth a try.
  8. paulrbarnard


  9. paulrbarnard

    Watts Up...?

    I agree. It just depends if your main focus is the system or the experience. There does tend to be a cross over point between those two perspectives.
  10. paulrbarnard

    Watts Up...?

    It’s a good test. It’s the same for me. I’ll often gasp at a passage, exclaim out loud or on occasion shed a tear. When the music is able to do that I’m happy with my system.
  11. paulrbarnard

    Watts Up...?

    I think it is you who has done the conflation here…
  12. paulrbarnard


    Ropiee works very well. I have an optical hat on a pi4. It’s a cheap way to get started.
  13. paulrbarnard

    Watts Up...?

    Stop wasting time on the forum then and get on with it. People are waiting 😜
  14. paulrbarnard


    Amp for speakers or headphones?