Recent content by peterinvan
  1. peterinvan

    Meze Audio 109 Pro

    The 4.4mm balanced cable for the 99 Classics works just as well as the “silver” version $79 CDN at Or check Amazon
  2. peterinvan

    Meze Audio 109 Pro

    Sorry to hear that the treble is bothersome. I too am sensitive to harsh treble. I will say again that you shouldn’t judge till after about 100 hours of break-in with bass heavy tracks. This allows the drivers to attain optimum flexibility in their operating range. Albeit I have older ears...
  3. peterinvan

    Meze Audio 109 Pro

  4. peterinvan

    UFOs Are Real, Now What?

    I enjoyed watching Asteroid City on Prime Video. Star cast and great dialogue.
  5. peterinvan

    Best DAC for Sennheiser HD600 under US$ 500

    I am using the FiiO K7 and it meets my needs. Love the AKM sound. You might also look at the K9 AKM FiiO K9 $530 USD
  6. peterinvan

    Reccomendations for Headphones that are good for watching movies?

    Of the two solutions I have, a Bluetooth transmitter, or my oldest headphones (Oppo PM3) with a long extension, I prefer the wired headphone solution. No lag/sync issues. I have the TV headphone out wired to my AV amplifier, then I plug the headphones into my amp which has wireless volume...
  7. peterinvan


    I have been able to shorten my leather strap (2019 LCD-XCs) by drilling two new holes about 5mm above the existing holes. This allows a small gap between the strap and the steel spring band. Nice improvement in comfort. Lesson learned: don’t hang these heavy phones by the leather strap...
  8. peterinvan

    Focal Elegia - what do you think?

    ELEGIA "OPEN" MOD (a warm 109Pro?) The increased clamp force using the Chinese "Audeze type" headband caused an unwanted boominess and veiled presentation. In my attempt to get my project phones (see above) a bit brighter without resorting to EQ, I bit the bullet and made my an opening in the...
  9. peterinvan

    Focal Elegia - what do you think?

    BRIGHTER PADS FOR ELEGIA? From your experience which pads produce the brightest sound? I.e more treble without boomy bass???
  10. peterinvan

    Tidal Lossless Streaming

    I am still looking for the “best” solution to use EQ to tune my Tidal hiRes tracks. So far I have tried: 1. Roon EQ on my PC: very good parametric EQ, but I just can’t justify the cost of Roon 2. HiBY Music on my Android DAP. It streams my Tidal tunes in 44.1, and the EQ works, but not as...
  11. peterinvan

    Focal Elegia - what do you think?

    OPEN MODS? Thanks for your notes. I am trying to avoid EQ fixes as Tidal on my DAP does not have EQ functions. Hopeful we will hear from others before I perform this mod as it would be hard to close the cups if I change my mind.
  12. peterinvan

    Bowers and Wilkins PX8 Wireless Discussion

    After five years my Elegia headband snapped. I repaired it for $60 USD using a Chinese "Audeze" type headband. See my posts in the Elegia thread.
  13. peterinvan

    Focal Elegia - what do you think?

    ELEGIA "OPEN" MODS? My Elegias have become a project after I installed the Audeze type headband from China. I find with the tighter seal and the Dekoni Custom Stellia pads the bass is "muffled". I am considering opening the cups by adding more vents (drilling holes in the cup). Has anyone...
  14. peterinvan

    Focal Elegia - what do you think?

    Test track: Easy Money, Ricky Lee Jones. My old ears cannot detect any difference. The "silver" cable is much better looking :wink:
  15. peterinvan

    Bowers and Wilkins PX8 Wireless Discussion

    Let's request feedback from PX8 owners that have NOT had any headband issues. Me for one. PX8 007, two years old. Daily use. No problems.