Recent content by proton007
  1. proton007

    Pen-Fi (FPs, RBs, BPs, etc...) [56k Warning]

      Nah, it looks like a piece of rolled up paper fiber that's stuck in between the tines. Happens when the paper is too wet.   Well, this reminds me of another scenario. I too do this if my nib catches some loose fibers of the page, reverse the nib and try to write so that the nib can free...
  2. proton007

    I don't like the Burden of Proof Augument.

    I've grown tired of these claims.   Hearing a difference can be just a difference in hearing.   Hearing a difference can be your state of mind, your mood at that moment.   Hearing a difference can be a neuron 'misfiring'...maybe an indication of some other bigger issue to be faced in the...
  3. proton007

    Pen-Fi (FPs, RBs, BPs, etc...) [56k Warning]

      Looks like he's drawing something.   And I can understand using the nib turned upside down gives thinner lines....I do that myself sometimes for pens with bold nibs.   This is the only explanation I can think of.
  4. proton007

    Pen-Fi (FPs, RBs, BPs, etc...) [56k Warning]

      Where is this from?   Although I've had people manhandle my pen, a FP only works one way...
  5. proton007

    how to sound science, a messy attempt.

    As much as I agree with the sentiment and the content of this thread, using the word 'science' as a verb is cringeworthy in my opinion. It sounds like we've started to place 'science' at the altar now, and I for one don't see this going down very well....
  6. proton007

    Pen-Fi (FPs, RBs, BPs, etc...) [56k Warning]

    Coming back here after a while. Glad to see the thread is going strong!
  7. proton007

    Headphone & Amp Impedance Questions? Find the answers here!

      Hmm... my knowledge is limited in this respect, but I believe phase measurements are reflective of the Inductance properties of the coil. As much as the coil works with an outside voltage source, its own emf will oppose this change. So yeah, in some cases, more power may be needed because...
  8. proton007

    Pen-Fi (FPs, RBs, BPs, etc...) [56k Warning]

    The Pelikan Stresemann is here! Collecting it tomorrow.
  9. proton007

    $10,000 Ethernet cable - a refreshing take on the phenomenon

    Ars, Slashdot, and now here. The 10k cable.    Works or not, it's been getting some large amounts of publicity. I bet everyone in the world will know about this company now.   This is what I love about the media. Super stardom lies in being a deviant, better or worse.
  10. proton007

    Headphone & Amp Impedance Questions? Find the answers here!

      Thanks for the clarification! This would mean a near zero output impedance amp would work, portable or not.
  11. proton007

    Can listening to music way to much actually ruin ears in the long run?

    Most listeners tend to underestimate the root cause behind 'listening to loud music'.   Our listening has evolved to be relative to the surrounding environment, and the environment today for most outdoor listeners is to put it mildly, less than ideal. Once our ears get used to the higher...
  12. proton007

    Headphone & Amp Impedance Questions? Find the answers here!

      It's fine if you could understand the first explanation...that's the jist of it, the rest is just putting 'measurements' in their proper context so that we can predict and calculate things without having to rely on feel. That goes for most science btw. Things are not as hard as they seem.  ...
  13. proton007

    Pen-Fi (FPs, RBs, BPs, etc...) [56k Warning]

    Haven't purchased pens in a while, but I did manage to find the JHerbin 1670 Stormy Grey.   Sometimes I feel I have enough pens to last me a lifetime...some are reserved for special occasions, others are going through a rotation, slowly.
  14. proton007

    Audiophile cables, an interesting question.

      Steve, as far as I know, filing an application for a patent does not require any physical demonstration or proof that the device actually works. Further, the phrasing of the document, as done by patent lawyers, renders the patent barely comprehensible. Also, when saying getting a patent is...
  15. proton007

    Pen-Fi (FPs, RBs, BPs, etc...) [56k Warning]

    J. Herbin Stormy Grey:   want...