Recent content by Sonic Sleuth
  1. Sonic Sleuth

    Focal Bathys bluetooth HIFI?

    Nice!! Congratulations!
  2. Sonic Sleuth

    Upgrade for the EA1000

    Unfortunately I haven’t heard EM10.
  3. Sonic Sleuth

    Can somebody tell me how to fit the Sparkos op-amp into the Xduoo XD05 Pro?

    I clipped the endings with a nail clipper and installed the OpAmps without any riser. It’s been a week and I did not notice any excess heating issues so far.
  4. Sonic Sleuth

    Upgrade for the EA1000

    I would definitely recommend Elysian Pilgrim.
  5. Sonic Sleuth

    Is there anyone using the L&P W4 who has encountered the following issue?

    Nope. I used Z1R and Xelento 2nd gen with the 3.5mm jack and never had this issue. I did however use it always with NOS filter. I fiddled around with the rest extensively.
  6. Sonic Sleuth

    Focal Bathys bluetooth HIFI?

    I do agree that wired is always better than wireless for SQ however for casual listening and convenience, wireless is definitely better. If your uncle really wants Bathys, I think it’s best to gift him what he wants. There is no other wireless HP that comes close at that price point.
  7. Sonic Sleuth

    Is there anyone using the L&P W4 who has encountered the following issue?

    It was W4_V1.0.1.6. Why don’t you try flashing the older firmware and see if it fixes the issue?
  8. Sonic Sleuth

    IEM recommendation and what to do with old one

    Meteor’s shell is big and is very uncomfortable for me. Sound wise, I would consider getting Top, Variations or Pilgrim.
  9. Sonic Sleuth

    Upgrade for the EA1000

    I wouldn’t say Project M is an upgrade over EA1000. In terms of fit, you can try Eletech Baroque tips. They’re wonderful and I get a good seal with EA1000
  10. Sonic Sleuth

    Aful Performer Impressions Thread

    Any review you see is mostly subjective even from the reputed sources. You can go through all the reviews, compare notes, find things that are common and make a decision.
  11. Sonic Sleuth

    Aful Performer Impressions Thread

    Let some reviews come in and you can then decide. Looking at the FR graph should also give you little idea about how it might sound
  12. Sonic Sleuth

    Aful Performer Impressions Thread

    Would definitely love to try the Explorer. @gadgetgod any review tour planned?
  13. Sonic Sleuth

    Is there anyone using the L&P W4 who has encountered the following issue?

    I did own W4 until last month and never had this issue. Did this issue start after recent firmware update or did it exist in the previous update as well?
  14. Sonic Sleuth

    Is there anyone using the L&P W4 who has encountered the following issue?

    Can you try using a different good quality type c cable and see if this is still happening?
  15. Sonic Sleuth

    Fiio KA17 or Qudelix-T71?

    I am currently using T71 and it definitely has neutral sound signature.