talyak's latest activity
  • talyak
    talyak replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
    so on a two pin connector is the positive terminal the one that has a positive voltage difference if you use a multimeter with the...
  • talyak
    talyak replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
    does anyone know of a coupler design that doesn't cost thousands but has a resonance peak above 15k?
  • talyak
    talyak reacted to stegeoc's post in the thread Home-Made IEMs with Like Like.
    I have never made ciems for anyone other than myself and have only used them for casual listening but certain jaw movements do squeeze...
  • talyak
    talyak replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
    i cant speak directly to the ciem stuff as i havent made any. but ive come across a few folks talking about how theyve had a hard time...
  • talyak
    talyak replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
    @dhruvmeena96 heya. im building an ety fed with a 3d printed shell over the weekend. did you mean series or parallel 75 ohm resistor on...
  • talyak
    talyak replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
    a great tool to get your head around crossovers and shiz is xsim. you can layout the ci twfk circuits and see what they do to frequency...
  • talyak
    talyak replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
    i mean... yeah, that definitely is the nature of experimentation. you are bound to get more losses than wins. but when you do get a win...
  • talyak
    talyak replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
    that's good to know! if i get a pair and attempt it, ill definitely post it here.
  • talyak
    talyak reacted to piotrus-g's post in the thread Home-Made IEMs with Like Like.
    I don't know what other brands are doing in terms of electrical wiring so I won't be speculating on that If I were to use RDI I could...
  • talyak
    talyak replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
    im working on this project because there is literally nothing on the market that matches my requirements. im not working on this project...
  • talyak
    talyak replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
    worst case scenario, i waste a bit of money, and learn a lot about what you can and cant do with these drivers. better to test ideas and...
  • talyak
    talyak replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
    i dont think there is much need to be scared of crossovers when there are such useful tools available for designing them like xsim. and...
  • talyak
    talyak replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
    I'll give that a go if the sandpaper method proves too inconsistent
  • talyak
    talyak reacted to Wgibson's post in the thread Home-Made IEMs with Like Like.
    Look for sony BAs, or find some used and pull yourself, some of those are open / no spout. If you twist the nozzle off a 30095 just...
  • talyak
    talyak replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
    not to mention the fact that im not trying to replicate their designs 100% accurately. im not trying to make an off-brand u12t or storm...