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  1. Beh0lder

    Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)

    Nice one! I just stopped listening from my DX312-PB5-Noble standard cable-Raven +CP145. Thanks for the cp145 rec, btw :)
  2. Beh0lder

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    Any updates on Euclides/Aristotle rollout? :)
  3. Beh0lder

    Fir Audio Thread - Discussion and Impressions

    If you want to clear up the sound, Code 23/24 would be my rec. Do keep in mind even after ergo refinements, the Code24 is still very heavy. But it's not stiff and molds nicely. For a better ergo than both stock and the codes, Rn6 stock cable is great. For something avaiable outside of...
  4. Beh0lder

    Fir Audio Thread - Discussion and Impressions

    I got a response from FiR (getting in touch with them is a real nightmare, my Rn6 RMA was done in stealth mode and the only info I got is the shipping number after everything was finished) and they no longer reshell uni to customs. I liked the Rn6 enough to commit to the relationship :)
  5. Beh0lder

    IBasso DC-Elite . . . The no compromise DAC/AMP with a true Stepped Attenuator

    The background is extremely black, that's what I noticed instantly. Depth might have gotten better too, and separation. But those two are minute details, the blackness alone makes this purchase worth it :)
  6. Beh0lder

    IBasso DC-Elite . . . The no compromise DAC/AMP with a true Stepped Attenuator

    Just got the Elite, what a great device! It sucks the juice from my SR35 so the Y split cable is a godsend. I don't know if it's the dongle or the player, but my RS2 could feed the Mojo2 for hours without losing charge.
  7. Beh0lder

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    Love the colours! It's easier to distinguish than W1's sorta green and kinda blue :) I frequently mixed green and blue pieces in Rummikub clone since they were so similar in dim lamplight.
  8. Beh0lder

    Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)

    How do you connect the mojo to SR35? COAX or USB?
  9. Beh0lder

    Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)

    Nah, too much of a hassle. I use the SR35 on the go, mojo2 doesn't really dangle great from the pocket. It's great for desktop use at work with RS2 via coax. I've decided to add the elite in hopes I can expand SR35's potential in both my current uses - with adding a PB5 while I'm stationary...
  10. Beh0lder

    Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)

    I also ordered one. I thought SR35 would be my mobile endgame since the mojo 2 is too cumbersome to use while out and about but the elite might be the next step while being light enough to hang from the pocket :)
  11. Beh0lder

    Fir Audio Thread - Discussion and Impressions

    I'm in a bit of a conundrum as the CODE24 is a great pairing with Xe6 but the ergo is still below average. I can't really use it with unis, but it affects my CIEM bae a little too much, weight wise. I'm considering sticking to Rn6 stock for the time being as the difference in sound vs C24 is not...
  12. Beh0lder

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    I'll have versa connectors on my Aristotle and Euclid, will check if they fit the ie900. Imo the raphael is not "extremely light and thin", it's noticeably less pliable than the Fortitude
  13. Beh0lder

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    But my noodle will be 1,5metre long :beyersmile: Anyways, thanks for the picture! Euclid in real life photo looks stunning
  14. Beh0lder

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    I hope the cases are sightly bigger to fit the cables, OG cases had space for smaller gauge cables :)
  15. Beh0lder

    Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)

    Any Raven cable recommendations? I figured out the fit with stock by changing the tips a ton but I would like to hear what your favourites are. The Code24 was to unwieldly to use, Noble upgrade cable with changeable terminations seems to be the best option as of now. I'm also waiting for eletech...
  16. Beh0lder

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    You know you are busted when she goes full Watercooler lore, memes and flexing
  17. Beh0lder

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Honey, it's just an entry level earphone called Trailli, there are a few tiers above it so relax!
  18. Beh0lder

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    I all-in'd after I saw that (well, the Aristotle at least) we are finally getting chin sliders for non-totl cables. Trickle down miracle! :)
  19. Beh0lder

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    I wanted to plug the mojo2 into PB5 amp but since the input is balanced I passed on the idea as to not hurt the amp. Balanced to single ended is suboptimal but ok for the amp.
  20. Beh0lder

    Proof of evolution—Darwin Filters V2 for HiBy RS6, RS8, RS2, FC6

    Shush! I've been waiting a year for this let me enjoy! :)
  21. Beh0lder

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

    The KK is great with layering and not being too thick. The Ronin was too warm in the mids for me. The other combo I could describe the same were the CFA Supermoon and Bonneville - my taste is set :)
  22. Beh0lder

    IBasso DC-Elite . . . The no compromise DAC/AMP with a true Stepped Attenuator

    What are the improvements over just the SR35? I'm fine with the SR35 and PB5 combo but the Elite seems to be calling
  23. Beh0lder

    Any solution for stiffened cables?

    My EVO10 was deemed unrepairable by EA themselves, the wire above the splitter is very stiff. Everything below is as smooth as I remember it being. Funny thing is my rando chifi cables thrown randomly in my chifi drawer without a care in the world haven't changed their softness at all, meanwhile...
  24. Beh0lder

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    I have a 1 IV for exactly this reason. It's quite good actually unless it's an Andromeda since it picks up a lot of noise the DSEE audio enhancer introduces - digital noise that lingers after each sound. It's fine with the Supermoon though - if I need to limit my EDC that's my go to...