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  1. George Hincapie

    PSVANE Horizon Vacuum Tube Giveaway and Audition Event

    Nice amp. Which tubes are you using in it ATM? PM off thread if you wish.
  2. George Hincapie

    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    I appreciate all that you've said, but how can they release a new HEK which surpasses SE but which doesn't cannibalise sales of Susvara? I don't see how it's possible.
  3. George Hincapie

    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    It's been out for ages, and the reduction of HEKSE is disrupting their pricing progression. We can speculate all we like, but time will tell.
  4. George Hincapie

    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    I don't get the fixation on a new HEK. It makes zero sense. HEKSE is not a million miles from Sus as it is. I just don't see a new HEK coming at all.
  5. George Hincapie

    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    I'd buy them then 😂
  6. George Hincapie

    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    I'm trying to think logically. With HEKSE reduced to £1695, the gap between that and Susvara is too big. I suspect that Susvara will come down to allow the new pair to come in £1-2K more than Sus. Just my thoughts - am probably completely wrong.
  7. George Hincapie

    PSVANE Horizon Vacuum Tube Giveaway and Audition Event

    I want to know if they are any good first.
  8. George Hincapie

    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    There's £300 difference between HEK Stealth and HEKSE now. Which are the better pair?
  9. George Hincapie

    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    No new HEK. Susvara to £3K I think.
  10. George Hincapie

    Naim Audio Uniti Atom Headphone Edition

    Wandla does - time for you to get the full stack 🙂
  11. George Hincapie

    Feliks Audio ENVY

    I wouldn't expect to hear anything other than absolute silence on anu gain setting on an amp that costs that much.
  12. George Hincapie

    DENAFRIPS Terminator: the King of R2R dac

    Disappointing. I spoke with Alvin about the Terminator a month or two ago and was assured that it wouldn't be upgraded for some time. I am glad I went in a different direction now.
  13. George Hincapie

    Soon to be... LTA R2R DAC

    So did you order an Aero? 😊
  14. George Hincapie

    ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

    Has anyone compared Caldera to Tungsten? What was the outcome?
  15. George Hincapie

    Sonore Optical Rendu Deluxe

    I have just learned Sonore have updated their Optical Rendu. Have any of you bought one? Curious how the SQ is, particularly in comparison to other streaming transports in the £1000/£1500 range:
  16. George Hincapie

    Feliks Audio ENVY

    Something that expensive should be perfect out of the box
  17. George Hincapie

    Feliks Audio ENVY

    Calm down, Mr Money Bags 💰 😁
  18. George Hincapie

    Feliks Audio ENVY

    I have the Melz in my LTA MZ3. Superb tubes, aren't they?