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  1. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    It can't be disabled Yep, just make sure that the amps don't have an unusually low input impedance, also keep both amps ON when playing. Some amps load the inputs when turned off and this could cause additional distortion including to the 2nd amp
  2. GoldenSound

    Weiss Engineering DAC50x (DAC501 and DAC502) Review

    Unfortunately not. IMO they absolutely should, and most professional oriented products as well as many high end DACS (RME, Benchmark, Chord, Ferrum etc) all have appropriate digital headroom management. BUT, many manufacturers like Topping, SMSL, Gustard that market heavily based on their SINAD...
  3. GoldenSound

    Weiss Engineering DAC50x (DAC501 and DAC502) Review

    Because as said, if you pad the Msb, you end up attenuating everything by 48dB
  4. GoldenSound

    Weiss Engineering DAC50x (DAC501 and DAC502) Review

    This is an example of intersample overs. The green squares represent the PCM samples. The green line represents the actual waveform once reconstructed: You can see that despite all the samples themselves being at or below 0dBfs, the waveform goes above it. To make it clearer here's the same...
  5. GoldenSound

    Weiss Engineering DAC50x (DAC501 and DAC502) Review

    The bit depth doesn't matter. max value at 16 bit is still max value at 24, 32 or 64 bit. Otherwise when playing 24 bit content you'd suddenly find everything was about 48dB quieter than 16 bit The issue is that if the source material has content that when reconstructed exceeds 0dBfs, your DAC...
  6. GoldenSound

    Weiss Engineering DAC50x (DAC501 and DAC502) Review

    I've not had a chance to test the 501/502 at home so can't say. Though analog attenuation wouldn't address the issue. It's the DAC itself that is clipping and once it's clipped that's it
  7. GoldenSound

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    In that case it's likely a network issue. How is your network set up? Due to some of the underlying protocols roon relies on if you have an unorthodox setup or are running via a vpn such as tailscale it may not see or be able to access devices even if the roon remote client itself is able to...
  8. GoldenSound

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    Is your pc seeing the DAC at all? Probably best first to determine if this is a roon issue or a hardware/setup issue
  9. GoldenSound

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    Make sure usb input is selected on the may. If it's set to i2s or coax or something the USB input is disabled entirely and the connected pc won't see it
  10. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    If anyone wants a particularly good song to try the spatial enhancement with, give this a go:
  11. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Yeah if you buy a brand new stock Wandla it'll have the voltage divider. If the dealer has old stock it wont
  12. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    The upgrade will give you the spatial enhancement, impact+, tube mode, and the changes made to the DAC operation itself. Though you won't get the voltage divider option as that is a new hardware aspect.
  13. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    :eyes: 465 is pretty damn fantastic
  14. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Yep! The spatial enhancement has separate speaker and headphone modes (I use speakers a lot myself, increasingly so these days) And the tube mode and impact+ mode are effectively 'playback method agnostic' and work great through both mediums
  15. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    That's the intent yep! It doesn't alter FR at all, but adds some extra even order harmonics which make things a little warmer/weightier sounding overall. It's intentionally subtle so that it's not a party trick you use for 3 songs then turn off forever, but for either tracks or headphones that...
  16. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    For EU folks, the Ferrum order page is available here:
  17. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Shoot a message over to customer service and they should be able to confirm status of your order. Not all the units went out on the same day though so it could just be that
  18. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Really glad you're enjoying it! If you've not done so yet, I'd strongly recommend trying the track "Closer" by Lemaitre. During the main chorus/busy part, try switching spatial enhancement on, then off again after a few seconds and hear the difference. That particular track has been one of...
  19. For Sale  Holo May KTE

    3400.00 GBP
    Or best offer
    Ships to
    1. Europe
    Reluctantly selling my Holo May KTE due to needing to raise funds in a short timescale. This has been my personal favourite DAC for a very long time having tried a significant number of alternatives. Includes the DAC, Remote, Original Boxes, Interlink cable
  20. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Oh, seems maybe they don't include the adapters with the elite. That's a bit of a shame, they do include them with the normal iPower and iPower X
  21. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    The iFi iPower PSUs should come with more adapters, there's usually 5 in the box including the negative pin one. If those weren't in yours sounds like you may have received a "Refurbished" unit rather than a new one
  22. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    If you're using the analog or digital vol control that Is also attenuating the output voltage.
  23. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Nothing to do with The only agreement there is the sales exclusivity in NA. There's nothing else. And it's in Ferrum's interest to have the conversion program ready as soon as they can so rest assured it'll be out as soon as possible
  24. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Conversion program requires a fair bit of extra development. Estimated to be ready 3-4 weeks from now