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  1. D

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    So many variables. Mood, food, alcohol, etc. all play a huge role. I've listened to the same tracks on the same IEM on different days in different moods and came to different conclusions about how well an IEM performs. Always good to have a variety of different IEMs on hand to find the best one...
  2. D

    ISN Earphones impression thread. New ISN NEO 3!

    Any way to compare these against the EST50?
  3. D

    The PENON official thread

    Seller claimed he was re-ordering it as a custom.
  4. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    That's news to me. I guess I can see how the extra detail can help, though. I never thought of the DTE900 as missing detail or having a overwhelming bass. I find its imaging and staging to be top notch.
  5. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    What? "Too colored"? How much accuracy in frequency response and timbre do you need just to play games? You're not remastering a Mozart symphony. Lol.
  6. D

    ISN Earphones impression thread. New ISN NEO 3!

    Nothing yet. I've only tried the DTE900 and Neo 3. I don't think my other IEMs would be suitable based on how the GS849 affects the sound to my ears. I get the impression that bright sounding IEMs with a very up-front presentation would benefit from it.
  7. D

    ISN Earphones impression thread. New ISN NEO 3!

    Huh?? I wrote OG849 and then changed it within a few minutes to GS849. You just happened to post your reply in that short window. Jeez. Bottom line is that the GS849 doesn't sound good with the ISN Neo 3 nor the SR DTE900. And in particular, it sounds REALLY bad with the Neo 3. I'm glad you...
  8. D

    ISN Earphones impression thread. New ISN NEO 3!

    Tried the Penon GS849 cable on the ISN Neo 3 and it was absolutely terrible. Flat soundstage, too much lower mids, details were smeared. Nothing good at all. Just not a good match at all. Went back to my EA Ares X Cadmus 8W and it sounded like a $1k IEM again. Amazing what the right cable can...
  9. D

    The PENON official thread

    Anyone on the fence for buying a Voltage send me a PM, I may have a proposition for you. Thanks.
  10. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    Personal preference is a big factor. Also source quality and amp/dac chain are huge as well. I've got ~$6k sunk into my desktop system and I've compared it against many DAPs. There just is no comparison in terms of accuracy, detail, stage, and imaging. But if you're working from a certain DAP...
  11. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    Honestly if you're in the market for a $750 IEM, and you like the sound of the Neo3, then you can't go wrong with the DTE900. While similar in sound, it takes many aspects to the next level (or higher). The air, soundstage, and imaging are on a completely different level. Bass and punch are...
  12. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    I haven't heard a DTE900 equivalent yet. Possibly the UM Indigo or MEXT are similar, but fall behind the DTE900 in many areas. Strangely enough, the ISN Neo3 has a similar sound profile, but a flatter soundstage and less bass impact with less realism overall. But I'd say they are of the same...
  13. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    Just "upgraded" my DTE900 with an EA Cadmus X Ares 8W cable and it really beefed up the lower end. Brought more resonance to the lower mids and expanded the stage in all directions. Also corrected some tonal inaccuracies (certain vocals). I would say overall the DTE900 lost some "crispness"...
  14. D

    Comment by 'DrewVz' on listing 'IMR EDP Ace (Planar+DD)'

    I own and love this IEM. Best bass I've ever heard in an IEM at any price. Texture, depth, impact, it's got it all. And from a 10mm driver, too. Don't know how they did it. GLWS.
  15. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    I don't get it. I've owned and listened to many 1k+ and 2k+ IEMs, but the DTE900 really sticks with me as a standout among them all. The balance of technicals and tonality are at the highest level, yet here it sits in relative obscurity. I don't really understand how this brand has remained...
  16. D

    The PENON official thread

    Nope, still waiting.
  17. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    I will add that I experimented again with the Dunu Velvet tips and they really damped the details quite a bit without adding anything in trade. So, I will say that (for me), the Spiral Dot++ tips are absolutely the key ingredient to getting the most out of the DTE900s. I will do some cable...
  18. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    After listening to the DTE900 for the past serveral days, I can honestly say that they are as good as ANY IEM I've ever heard. That's a serious endorsement. That is all. There are too many variables involved in making this judgement, so I will leave it at that. Such a great IEM, and I've heard...
  19. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    Recently received my DTE900 and they sound terrific. Stock cable seems fine, maybe the "body" of the sound is slightly on the thinner side, but otherwise the cable seems good. The DTE900 seems slightly tip sensitive, but I found the Spiral Dot++ to sound the most dynamic and clear. Dunu...
  20. D

    ISN Earphones impression thread. New ISN NEO 3!

    Spent most of the day listening to my EST50s and just switched over to the Neo3s. Wow, the EST50s are just tremendous flagship IEMs, but the Neo3s offer such a fresh, vibrant sound it is really captivating. These little suckers are truly the IEM of the year for me. Easily the best planar...
  21. D

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    I agree as well. We're all hearing the same thing from Enigma(+). Stellar bass, superb mids, airy but not piercing trebles. Vocals to die for. If Enigma is 10/10, Titan is certainly 9/10. Very close in performance and you could not tell a difference without a direct A/B comparison back to back.
  22. D

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    I disagree on all counts, except for the treble presence of Titan which is noticeablely sharper. Maybe it's the tips or filters used. I use Azla standard short and red lower/green upper. This combo works well for me.