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  1. tjkurita

    Stefan Audio Art not around?

    In the end, I never heard from SAA, Nord, or Forza. Who knows why? It wasn't a big deal to me then and it is even less of a big deal now. I definitely would have bought the SAA cable immediately if I had heard from them. I am glad to hear they are still going strong. It had/has been a long...
  2. tjkurita

    Inspire IHA-1 tube headphone amp

    ACORNIC did an excellent review of this amp in this thread with meticulous detail regarding tubes. I found similar results to his with tube rolling. The general consensus is that this amp benefits from tube rolling. His review will provide general impressions of different tubes in both driver...
  3. tjkurita

    Stefan Audio Art not around?

    Thanks for the reply. Those Audio Art cables look very nice. I have a feeling you are right about SAA, which is a real shame. There is some activity in the comments section of the site (such as it is). But nothing really. I remember seeing a discount code for new year's 2019 as well... I...
  4. tjkurita

    Stefan Audio Art not around?

    I am trying to purchase a 5 ft. HD800S cable from them. Pricing is strange. The 5FT is the same cost as the 9FT on the website so I sent an email and called a couple of times. First email sent was 01/16/2019 and followed up with phone calls on the 22nd and today, the 24th. No response. Is...
  5. tjkurita

    Inspire IHA-1 tube headphone amp

    Great stuff, Comzee!! Really interesting. I think my ears are not sensitive enough or I have not concentrated enough to hear the right channel hum you refer to. I wonder if shielding of some kind might resolve that. 95% of the time I'm using the IHA1 as a preamp and there is big hum in both...
  6. tjkurita

    Inspire IHA-1 tube headphone amp

    Yes. I have a feeling that if any benefits are to be expected from a separate power supply it would involve making it a different amp altogether. The price would be three times higher and it would only make it incrementally better in terms of sound. Dollar of Dollar, this is one of the best...
  7. tjkurita

    Inspire IHA-1 tube headphone amp

    That SLP 05 looks like a very serious piece of kit! If you do try it I would be very interested in impressions, in spite of the fact that I am not in the market for one. It seems like the price is pretty high for this, in the $8-$9K range? I continue to be very satisfied with the IHA-1. As...
  8. tjkurita

    Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?

    Hey Tom! Happy New Year to you guys too. I haven't been on Head-Fi in YEARS. Going to take some time to review this thread and see who is still around since the old days.
  9. tjkurita

    Upstate/Central NY Meet Interest Check

    Hello. I am looking for fellow audiophiles in the Upstate and Central NY area. I am approx. 30 mins north of Cooperstown, NY. Easy access to Syracuse, Capital Region, and Utica. I would very much like to hear high efficiency speaker systems (specifically HORNS, Open Baffle, and Field Coil)...
  10. tjkurita

    Inspire IHA-1 tube headphone amp

    I just purchased one of these and I am really enjoying it. I think it is being offered at the right price for the performance and it has a "small shop" feel to it, which is nice. I get the sense that if anything went wrong I'd be in good hands as a customer. Sound-wise it is quite nice. Very...
  11. tjkurita

    Singlepower Toaster... feeling nostalgic

    I think Purk still has one...    I nearly bought one when Singlepower first started business.  Glad I didn't.  The first indications of poor build quality started with these amps.  People opened them up and saw a ridiculous pile of spaghetti that was the circuit.  Then they stopped doing PTP...
  12. tjkurita

    47 Laboratory "Model 0147" Headphone Amp

    I just ordered the model 0247 (a 0147 with USB dac) from sparkler audio in Japan. I will be shipping them a goldpoint attenuator to replace the alps pot and will have it set up as a passive preamp. This was on the advice of a DIY expert with whom I have been consulting about the amp. He has...
  13. tjkurita

    Pictures Of Your High End System II (Same Rules Apply)

    This system is the f'ing BUSINESS!  Beautiful.  Do you headphone-listening philistines know what you are seeing here?    Wish I could hear this system.    Are you on Audiogon, Colin?   Quote:
  14. tjkurita

    Woo Audio 234 MONO monoblock amplifier official release

    For some reason I think these amps are "trying too hard."  It will be interesting to see how this "output switching key" works.  I would think for this to be at all effective, the amp would have to be a lot bigger and a lot more expensive (basically three amps in one, which does not seem to be...
  15. tjkurita

    Takatsuki Electric TA-300B

      Hi Kevalin,   I used AudioAccessory to get my backup pair of TAs.  Yohei is indeed a good source and the customer service is excellent.  He includes instant miso soup with your purchase as well!    Check out Charles1dad's thread on Audiogon.  He has a nice system of Coincident gear.  He...
  16. tjkurita


    From your enjoyment of MMW, you might want to check out John Scofield's funkier stuff.  I think Scofield "A Go-Go" you will really like (with MMW as his backing band).  And Grant Green "Alive."  I think another entry into jazz from the funky side would be, as you mentioned, Miles' stuff from the...
  17. tjkurita

    Takatsuki Electric TA-300B

    Sceleratus:  From what I have heard from an Audiogon member who has listened extensively to the Takatsuki, Royal Princess, and EML 300Bs, I don't think anyone can go wrong with ANY of these tubes.  This is hearsay, but I think these are all TOP contenders and preference will be a matter of...
  18. tjkurita

    Pictures Of Your High End System II (Same Rules Apply)

      Indeed, my room is very small.  You can check out my entire setup here:   The dimensions are approx. 15' long by 9' wide with 8' ceilings.  I have used sound absorption panels and foam bass traps from...
  19. tjkurita

    Pictures Of Your High End System II (Same Rules Apply)

    They are Cain and Cain IM Ben speakers.  Double backloaded horns with a 6.5" Fostex 168 Sigma full range drive and a t900 super tweeter.  Approx 95 db efficient with a steady 8 ohm load.  Unfortunately Terry Cain passed away and the company that took over production, Lovecraft Designs, went out...
  20. tjkurita

    Pictures Of Your High End System II (Same Rules Apply)

    Moved into a new house and set up my listening room.  I am quite happy with it.  I've got bass traps and absorbers set up and two subwoofers on the way:  
  21. tjkurita

    Takatsuki Electric TA-300B

    Awesome!  Thanks for the info.  I will look into it. 
  22. tjkurita

    Songs that make your headphone WOOOOOW!!!

    Man, Keith Jarrett, Gary Peacock, Jack DeJohnette trio "My Foolish Heart."  This whole album is just great.  A great recording of an incredible group playing incredible music. 
  23. tjkurita

    Takatsuki Electric TA-300B

    Interesting.  I didn't know about Kuboten.  It is worth it to me to go through a service like that so as not to bug my relatives in JP.  Thanks for the heads up.  I will probably wait for the Yen to get to a more reasonable level before I purchase again.  But I will definitely get at least two...
  24. tjkurita

    Takatsuki Electric TA-300B

    Axiss Audio is the American distributor. I don't know what the cost is, though. If you do get them domestically, please let me know how it goes and what the dealer charges. Axiss Audio contact info is somewhere in an earlier post.
  25. tjkurita

    Takatsuki Electric TA-300B

    With the help of some relatives in Tokyo, I was able to obtain a pair of these tubes for $1400/pair.   My system:  Custom 300B: 6SN7 driving 300B, capacitor coupled, OPT, tube rectified (5AR4), Emm Labs DCC2 source, Senn. HD800.    Why did I buy them?  It’s a lot of money to spend on tubes. ...