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  1. nhat_thanh

    Reply to review by 'nhat_thanh' on item 'Soranik MEMS-3S'

    > What's the point of that? Humans can't hear past ~24KHz. It's literally not possible. From technical standpoints of drivers, the higher the extension, the less rolloff-ed its lower frequencies are. What people often overlook when looking at frequency range is that not only it can reach...
  2. nhat_thanh

    Reply to review by 'nhat_thanh' on item 'Soranik MEMS-3S'

    > Does it still make sound? Edit: nevermind, don’t try. What if something somewhere somehow is overloaded and starts smoking Nothing will go up in smoke. Just that sound will be very faint and muffled.
  3. nhat_thanh

    Reply to review by 'nhat_thanh' on item 'Soranik MEMS-3S'

    ^ Speaking of ultrasonic, the new MEMS speakers from SonicEdge (SE2000) and xMEMS (Cypress) can extend up to MegaHertz before being demodulated!
  4. nhat_thanh

    Soranik Audio Discussion

    With the Diablo 2, you can enjoy more sound tuning options as the xMEMS mode on the Diablo 2 is EQ-ed internally. You can try connecting it straight from the Diablo 2 running Normal or Turbo to the AP0 energizer to get the non-EQ signature, which is also very impressive in its own way!
  5. nhat_thanh

    Soranik Audio Discussion

    Thanks Kiats for the detailed impressions (and Steve too!). Indeed the MEMS speakers benefit a lot from additional power. The Onix with its balanced output of 5W @ 32Ohm is far more powerful than the little AP0, hence your impression of more flourished signature :) Back at Canjam Singapore I...
  6. nhat_thanh

    Soranik Audio Discussion

    Yes we are running prototypes of the next version right now, they can swing more than 3 times (roughly ±20V) the original design of the AP0 due to having much higher input voltage supply.
  7. nhat_thanh

    Soranik Audio Discussion

    That was faster than I expected! Please note that the commercial version of the energizer will not have the Bypass function, this one is for shop’s demo only!
  8. nhat_thanh

    CanJam Singapore 2024 Impressions Thread (April 6-7, 2024)

    Surprising to read your comparison! It's been nearly 7 years since I heard the Shure electrostatic, a truly amazing piece of engineering indeed! :)
  9. nhat_thanh

    CanJam Singapore 2024 Impressions Thread (April 6-7, 2024)

    Great job nailing the contrast especially with such low light condition we had at the show.
  10. nhat_thanh

    CanJam Singapore 2024 Impressions Thread (April 6-7, 2024)

    Yes, so much fun I did not feel tired at all despite not having a single moment of rest from morning till night! Speaking of smile, there was this gentleman who kept smiling while listening at my booth, his smile was so sincere and heartful that I had to take a photo of that moment!
  11. nhat_thanh

    CanJam Singapore 2024 Impressions Thread (April 6-7, 2024)

    Finally it was over! Incredible event and people! Here’s to the next one!
  12. nhat_thanh

    CanJam Singapore 2024 Impressions Thread (April 6-7, 2024)

    The first full-ranged xMEMS ever available in custom form! Experience at booth B11!
  13. nhat_thanh

    Soranik Audio Discussion

    Please refer to our website for more information, it's live :) The energizer is quite inconvenient indeed if portability is the priority, though a bigger pouch might solve the problem. I myself usually strap the energizer to the back of my phone for streaming while out and about. Looking...
  14. nhat_thanh

    Soranik Audio Discussion

    Glad to hear you liked it! The web page for purchasing will be available this weekend as we will be launching it at Canjam Singapore next week! There will also be a seminar about MEMS and their technological challenges on the 2nd day :) Cheers! Nice to see another fellow Vietnamese here...
  15. nhat_thanh

    Soranik Audio Discussion

    Cool photos! The Mass Kobo pairing looks interesting, I'd love to try the combo one day. :) One of the challenges we faced during the research and development process was designing a suitable energizer. There are several concepts available, but they were either too bulky or power insufficient...
  16. nhat_thanh

    CanJam Singapore 2024 (April 6-7, 2024)

    Yo can’t wait to see you guys! I will drop you a PM later :)
  17. nhat_thanh

    CanJam New York 2024 Impressions Thread (March 9-10, 2024)

    Yes that's the universal version of your CIEM, which was adjusted to catch up with your custom :)
  18. nhat_thanh

    CanJam Singapore 2024 (April 6-7, 2024)

    See ya! Let’s hangout for dinner like last year! :)
  19. nhat_thanh

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    Cypress will not be available for commercial till next year.
  20. nhat_thanh

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    Hope I can shed some light on the matter based on my limited experience with both MEMS manufacturers :) First of all, MEMS speakers are all superior to conventional drivers in terms of high frequencies. This is due to less moving parts and the tiny form factor of the speakers themselves...
  21. nhat_thanh

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Yeah an integrated energizer would be great, I heard Singularity is also working on one of their own and I am looking forward to it as well :) However, you won’t be able to cable roll in that case (everyone loves cable rolling, no?) unless it’s a standalone device, which will be at least the...
  22. nhat_thanh

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Hey I really missed our meetup last time! It’s can be carried outside just fine. I solation is roughly on par with conventional IEMs as the diaphragms of the MEMS are normally closed at rest. They are only ‘open’ when music is playing allowing air to move back and forth. The energizer is still...
  23. nhat_thanh

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Yes the mesh/grill is for venting of the MEMS driver, and even more than that it is part of the whole open-back design to create expansive and natural soundstage/imaging. The concept is similar to that of open back fullsizes, the larger the open back area, the more amount of air can be moved...
  24. nhat_thanh

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    Any brief comparison with other TWS on the market may I ask? :) By dongles you mean ones that have 4.4mm connectors?