Reviews by Saraugie


Formerly known as Saraguie
Pros: Clarity, large soundstage, separation of instruments and voices, deep accurate bass, warm yet crystal clear mid range
Cons: Nitpicking here, as compared to my K-10 customs there is not as much isolation
For me the Encore shares the same sound signature as its predecessor Noble Kaiser K-10.   There are already 31- K-10 reviews on H.F. including mine.
Read what is written about the K-10, then think @ 10% more and better; air/separation between instruments, larger sound stage, deeper bass, and clearer sounding over the entire sound range and Voilà you'll know what the Encore sounds like as much as possible if you have not listened to it or the K-10.


Formerly known as Saraguie
Pros: Great top to bottom extension, very engaging, wide soundstage, does everything very well, screams quality made and looks great.
Cons: I'm sure there are for some folks......but for me not when the fit is right.
I love Rock and Blues and the K-10s are a perfect match for these genres. I have the Unique Melody Miracle and the K-10 does what the Miracle does but up a couple of levels.


Formerly known as Saraguie
Pros: Clear sound, great extension, lots of separation, well made, good looking.
Cons: Customs are not for everyone.
Fantastic IEM and without a doubt one of the best available on the market today.
Well that's pretty clear :)
I feel you get too elaborate here! :wink: