beyerdynamic dt990 pro
  1. codythelucario

    Headphone recommendations under $300, preferably planar magnetics. Or if possible, ways to give an oomph to my HD600 sub-bass!

    Hi! I resorted to asking on this site as my reddit account was unable to post in r/HeadphoneAdvice, which I believe I was rate limited for some reason. I have contacted the mods on that subreddit but haven't heard back, so I will ask here as this site is more specialized in audio than anywhere...
  2. S

    Budget Amp Dac for Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro 250 Ohm

    I have purchased Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro (250 ohm) and looking for an Amp Dac to drive it. I had already made my mind to go with ifi ZEN DACV2. However, the seller told me the Zen DAC V2 doesnt have enough power to drive DT990’s to their full potential. They suggested me to go with Aune Audio...
  3. Prog Rock Man

    Opinions on the Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro

    The DT990 Pro 250ohm has been around for some time now, so I picked up a pair for just over £100 online. The general opinion online is that they are too bright, with too much emphasis on the treble. Other than that, people seem to like them. My opinion is that with my most direct comparison...
  4. N

    Looking for an Amp for Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro 250 ohm headphones

    Hi, everyone! I am considering buying the DT990 Pro 250 ohm headphones. I currently have Beats Studio 2s and am looking for an upgrade for music production, DJing, gaming, editing, etc. The one thing that I am not sure on is what amp to get, as I have heard that these are fairly hard to drive...