  1. codythelucario

    Headphone recommendations under $300, preferably planar magnetics. Or if possible, ways to give an oomph to my HD600 sub-bass!

    Hi! I resorted to asking on this site as my reddit account was unable to post in r/HeadphoneAdvice, which I believe I was rate limited for some reason. I have contacted the mods on that subreddit but haven't heard back, so I will ask here as this site is more specialized in audio than anywhere...
  2. abheybir

    Favorite music Hindi/Punjabi

    Paste and share your favorite music links for music in Hindi/Punjabi
  3. B

    Hip-hop/bass Headphones around $60

    So I am new to headphones and am starting to get into them. I am looking into a new pair, but I don't have a large budget. My current headphones are $15 gaming headphones so I desperately need an upgrade, but I don't mind waiting to find a good deal. As explained in the title, I mostly listen to...
  4. H

    Giving the gift of HiFi to my man, need headphones

    Hi Again :) In addition to some stuff for me, I got my man a Fulla 2 DAC-amp combo. This is for his work, so something not-theft-invoking and compact. I mean, he's listening to music using a work laptop and USB headpiece! :O We must do something! Could I please be recommended headphones for...
  5. T

    Open Back Headphones for Gaming & Hip-Hop/R&B

    Hey guys, so I'm really new to high quality headphones and have been doing some research for the past couple days. I'm looking for some open-backs for PC gaming and possibly hip-hop and similar sounding genres. I know that open-backs won't give me as much bass as a closed back headphone, but I...
  6. D

    Headphone recommendation for versatile music listener

    Hi, I am not much of an audiophile guy but I really like to listen to music. I am looking for a replacement from my Beats Solo 2. Overall, I'm versatile in term of sounds and genre.I listen to industrial hip-hop ( or any hip-hop), which I found the sound to be bassy, bouncy and abrasive, and...
  7. T

    Over-ear Sidegrade for Sennheiser Amperiors?

    I currently have a pair of Sennheiser Amperiors (varient of the HD25) They are fantastic for rock, hip-hop, and pop, and when I'm riding on the bus. However, they are lacking as a home pair. I'm looking for a headphone that is similar in SQ, but that do not touch my ears and have better...
  8. davenerican

    Headphones for hip-hop...

    I'm trying to figure out which headphones I should buy, specifically for hip-hop and other bass-oriented genres. I currently own a pair of Sony-MDR V6's which I love for the other genres I listen to, and a pair of Koss Portapros, however they don't really have the bass punch that I'm looking...