um mest
  1. NymPHONOmaniac

    BONE CONDUCTION IEM Fans thread-Hybrid, Tribrid etc (impressions, suggestions, news)

    Hello headfiers! I've seek for a thread about (good) bone conduction earphones and can't find any. This isn't about single bone conduction driver sport earbuds or wtv, it's about hybrid, tribrid and quad drivers IEM with bone conduction. I feel we are into a momentum right now and that 2024...
  2. A

    Help Comparing UM Mest OG VS MK and IER Z1R

    Hi, I just recently got a UM Mest OG and I’m liking it a lot so far. I enjoy the bass but i also feel like it could slam a bit more. I’m wondering if the MK2 has better bass then the original? On the other hand since bass slam is mainly what I’m looking for if I should just go after an IER Z1R...