Campfire Audio Andromeda

General Information

Five balanced armature drivers and tubeless resonator in a machined aluminum enclosure.

Designed and hand built in Portland, Oregon USA.


Frequency Range: 10Hz-28kHz
Sensitivity: 115 DB SPL/MW
Impedance: 12.8 Ohm @1kHz
Cable: Silver Litz cable, MMCX connection


1x Pair Andromeda earphones
1x Silver Litz cable with exclusive MMCX connectors and memory wire
1x Leather carrying case
3x Pair Comply Foam tips (S, M, L)
3x Pair memory foam tips (S, M, L)
3x Pair silicone wide bore tips (S, M, L)
1x Owner’s manual

Latest reviews


Previously known as DatDudeNic
An overdue review of an aging yet still popular iem + differences on the Andromeda iterations
Pros: Design (which put campfire in the market), Build, fit, stock cable, accessories, COLOR (YES! I love how vibrant it is), Used to be my grail iems
Cons: Sound signature, Odd dips in the treble, Separation, Not clean sounding, Finish is easily (so very easily) chipped, So many confusing reiterations
For any Andromeda reviews going forward I think it is very important to specify which version you'll be reviewing. The v1.5 Andromeda will be what I'll be referencing for this write up. (I'll go into the specifics for the telltale signs of each of the different Andro's).

So, a few months ago, a friend of mine (who've already moved on with the hobby) asked me if I wanted a near mint v1 which I later found out it was a v1.5 Andro. I've had previous Andro's (v2, v3 and 2020) before and each one of them I hated and barely lasted a month with me. This will just be a very brief review on them.

One of the best and most iconic designed iems out there. They are beautiful and jewelry-like. The sharp angled edges with the vibrant green just screams luxury. The contrast between the green and the shiny stainless-steel screws is to die for!!

Outstanding! the whole body is made of aluminum making it durable and lightweight (unlike the atlas...). My only gripe would be the nozzle which is prone to condensation. I won't hold it against CFA as it's already been amended with the later versions. Add to that the finish which very easily chips off. Though I can see the appeal of how it would add some sort of patina to the overall look.

It's thin neigh-weightless and sounds great. What's not to like? Kidding's aside I have 2 glaring issues with this version's cable. 1) The ear hooks are clunky and gets in the way. 2) They oxidize from the clear sheath to the translucent 3.5mm molded jack. I've also had an issue with my late CFA Nova cable's mmcx housing cracking, but willbe regarding it as an isolated issue as I've never encountered it on any of the other CFA iems I've owned.

Sound (1-3):
Generally, they have what I would consider a w-shaped signature some may consider them neutral, but they have too much of a midbass and subbass focus. (Pardon my lack of input in this area but I find it hard to describe a signature on its own, I feel much more confident and more talkative when I compare them to one another).

My listening rigs for this are:
-Apple dongle + Tidal
-Cayin N8 (Low gain, Solid state, P STD, Super Slow PCM Filter)
-Sony A105

1) Treble - Is odd. I'm frankly not a fan how the treble is on these (nor any of the versions I've had). It is quite extended in the upper regions giving rise to sibilance and harshness. There is a dip in the lower treble regions which results to a somewhat disjointed distinction between the treble vs the rest of the spectrum. Out of the 4 Andro versions I've owned these are by far the best sounding.

2) Midrange - is linearexcept for the added thickness due to midbass quantity. Regardless, there's barely any complaints from me. No particular spikes/dips. It is smooth and pleasing, I can perceive a bit of BA timbre but nothing too glaring.

3) Bass - It has quite the midbass amount and it gives the signature a lot of warmth making the whole thing sound musical yet barely any bloom/bleed. On to subbass, for an all BA iem it is surprising how much air it can move. It can't compete against DD bass but there's a lot of body here, albeit it doesn't dig deep.

It's hazy at times but for the most part, it's adequate. If it wasn't for the midbass quantity it would've been better and cleaner. I'll give more examples of how good/bad it can get in the comparisons. I always find describing resolution best portrayed through comparisons, describing something by itself would by default make it good.

I feel it's bottlenecked by the midbass. I wish it was more expansive. Still, it never fails to deliver a holographic experience. It has satisfactory width, depth and height.

Despite sounding hazy, it is excellent! Summer Friends by Chance the Rapper is so immersive! But I find them source dependent. Imaging is nonexistent on some sources while others are exemplary.

Just note that my iem's are very much tailored to my preferences. Some are very obscure and old (I still enjoy audio, but I don't care much for newly released iems).

~ I'll put out more comparisons once I get back to listening to my other stuff. ~

FlipEars Aim v4 ($500) + Effect Audio Cadmus ($230)
The Aim v4 is a warm mid-centric sounding iem with a more forward upper midrange and a boost in the lower mids. It's cleaner and smoother sounding in the treble region with no particularly glaring dips. Both have good midrange but Aim has the more euphonic and much more pleasing (though less realistic). In the Bass section, Aim has more midbass and subbass but Andro gives a more textured experience (in terms of preference I would lean towards aim's execution). Technicalities is where Andromeda trumps Aim in all areas. Resolution is unmistakably Andromeda's dub. Going from Andro to aim makes aim sound quite veiled. Andro also ends victorious in both soundstage and imaging due to aim sounding very in your head while Andro sounds exponentially out of your head.

Unique Melody 3DD-Ti ($1099) + Effect Audio Thor II ($400)
I'm a bit cheating here because i have the thor 2 in balanced format but regardless I have to include my favorite sounding iem! It is close to impossible to describe the 3DD-Ti's sound signature. Its treble is basically 3 spikes with dips in-between. It sounds unlike anything else. And i love it! But I'll stop gushing over my love for these.
To start, Andro has a more extended treble and significantly more linear. In terms of peaks, I much prefer 3DD-Ti's mainly because it avoids sounding harsh and sibilant. It does have a bit of nasality to it but is a non-issue after a while. On to midrange. Andromeda has a thicker more natural and upfront midrange. 3DD-Ti is considerably more recessed due to the lack of midbass, and the incredibly contrasting treble spikes and dips. For Bass, it's 3DD-Ti's win as it has body, physicality, even more texture, and way better decay. Resolution is way better on the 3DD and i have no clue why... Andromeda for imaging since 3DD-Ti's midrange is noticeably more recessed making instruments and vocals sound odd. Soundstage would be a tie for me. Regardless, 3DD-Ti has my heart <3

Campfire Atlas ($1299)
We all know at this point Ken Ball's favorite child the atlas. It is bassy, fun, and very very vibrant (and unforgivingly heavy on the ears sonically and physically). The atlas will always have a special place in my heart due to it reigniting my passion for audio. I sold a couple kilo buck iems for cheap for the reason of wanting a pair as soon as possible and have never looked back. I would give atlas the treble as it sounds the more linear of the 2, it still has the tendency to sound harsh and sibilant but this time the dip is gone making it more natural. Midrange i would say is Andro's win mainly due to atlas's tendency to smooth out/mask detail because of the amount of midbass. As if it's angry for midbass. Atlas's midbass bleeds and bloom and it confidently flaunts it. Subbass is a no competition for Atlas. Resolution I would reluctantly give to Andromeda because of Atlas smoothing out detail. For soundstage, it's a clear win for Andromeda due to (again) Atlas's amount of midbass making everything sound in your face (don't get me wrong, it is still very much technically proficient just not as much as Andromeda). As for imaging, there are times where Atlas sounded incredibly life like, but they were few and far between, so by default it's yet another win for Andromeda. In short Atlas is Andromeda if you crank the bass dial to max. It is just so vibrant that it drowns the competition.

Empire Ears Merlin ($2000) + Effect Audio Cadmus ($230)
These are a special edition Empire Ears Spartan IV with upgraded internals + Effect Audio Rowan cable (which i don't have anymore). These stay true to the Spartan's lean, neutral, and somewhat analytical signature. I'll start with treble. I would say both are sufficiently extended but merlin having a more linear no sibilance/harshness gets my pick. Midrange, both are very good, but I prefer merlin's due to it having no added note thickness. For bass, Merlin is definitely leaner sounding, but have the same physicality and punch with having a proper decay yet again gets me pick. Resolution goes to Merlin, the lack of midbass makes Merlin very technically adept. But Andromeda wins in terms of soundstage and imaging because of how effortless it can paint and immerse you.

VS the previous Andromeda's I've owned:
(I will be lifting my impressions off my post on the Andro thread here)
"As for my previous andros, I'll start with v2 which was the oddest sounding to me. It was very very warm, and bass barely had any slam, it was bloaty beyond belief enough so that my $550 iem (flipears aim v4) had better slam. Now off to v3, I liked how the smoky Litz looked and felt when worn but now the issue with it was that there's not much dynamics to it. It, at times, would sound monotonous and somewhat dead sounding. As for 2020, it was what I thought to be the best out of the bunch just from reviews alone, but I found it too warm sounding for my liking."

As for the different Andromeda iterations:
V1 - Aluminum nozzle. The edges are sharp with no beveling but the most telltale sign is the use of a torx screw (looks like the Montblanc logo).
V1.5 - introduced the newer tri-wing screw heads. Has beveling around the edges improving the comfort (can attest to the comfort since my nova v1 had no beveling and i would always end with sore ears with that one). also, more beveled nozzle (I can't quite remember this)
V2 - First to use the stainless-steel nozzle.
V3 - smoothed out finish, no more milling lines, first to come with the smoky Litz cable.
V4/2020 - New nozzle design with the horizontal lines instead of the 3 bores (fixes the condensation build up issue). More rounded housing

These are notorious in the community for being such a sensitive iem. They can and will sound different on different sources. I wish I had more sources with me, but I've since been inactive in the hobby ever since I bought my grail Fourte's.

+ Apple Dongle (Tidal) - with the current trends in the hobby and a particular person saying that apple dongle is enough of a source, I went ahead and bought one and as much of a DAP purist that I am I have to admit it's not that bad an experience. Sure, the SQ won't blow you away nor are there any hint of technicalities but for an ultra-mobile solution its good. Now onto the sound, it is very warm sounding. The treble sounds quite tame here, more probably to do with the midbass being more aggressive than what I am normally used to with DAP's. Midrange sounds about the same as with my experience with other daps but subbass sounds way more rounded, it doesn't dig that deep but there's considerably more. Also, shockingly, there is zero hiss here!

+ Sony A105 (Tidal)
(My preferred combo) Compared to with the Apple Dongle, the a105 is more resolving with better midbass control and avoids sounding monotonous. Compared to with the N8, the treble is smoother and less piercing. The dip is still present but more subtle this time. Midrange sounds more neutral here with no added note thickness, Midbass isn't as forward this time, as if it's in the back adding warmth to the whole signature. Subbass, like the midbass took a back step and is now lesser in quantity but with the caveat of losing body, punch and even texture. It doesn't really get holographic with this combo. There is a bit of hiss here...

+ Cayin N8 (Flac - DSD)
Very good end to end extension to the point where it's too much. There's too much treble here and bass region outright makes it sound somewhat like a DD everything sounds very nuanced and textured. This is where it sounds holographic the most, to the point where i have more expensive iems that pales in comparison. Another con i would like to raise is the dips. Because everything sounds very spacious the dips are becoming more and more apparent. timbre at times sound very wonky. It tends to sound disjointed as if there's 2 separate areas, upper treble (TAEC driver) and the rest of the spectrum (regular BA drivers). Sad to say there is also hiss here.

What else can I say? The Andromeda is what truly put CFA in the market, some purists will say it's the Jupiter, but CFA never again captured lighting in the bottle as with the Andromeda, they literally hit the jackpot with it. Just by looking at the sheer number of iterations/special editions is enough to warrant such a claim. I remember my first time hearing a v1 Andromeda back in 2017 when I met up with a friend. At the time I was sporting a nova and wanted to know how much of a difference they had and man I was shocked to hear something so airy, dynamic, pleasant, etc. It was then and there that I understood what audio can do lol. After all these years, they still do sound good just not really what I would say competitive to more recent releases. Regardless of what I have said, I think every enthusiast should at least once, try the Andromeda. Whether it be positive or negative these iems are nothing short of legendary.
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Hello - Have you ever considered output impedance of your sources when testing with the Andromeda? Linum cables make a 1.5 ohm cable that has leveled the playing field for me with sources that have very low OI when used with any version of the Andromeda.

Sonic Sleuth

Relationship Status: Complicated
Pros: Decent Sound stage
Intimate Mids
Airy treble
Build and comfort
Instrument separation and layering
Cons: Extremely sensitive to source
The paint chips off over a period of time
Bass response
IEM Relationship Status: It's complicated.

I've been dailying (as if that’s a word) these IEMs, the OG Andromeda, on a daily basis for quite some time now. Trying to reach a definitive conclusion about them hasn't been easy. It's a love-hate dynamic, but the love part seems to be winning.

Those around me who have experienced them either adore them or outright despise them. There's no middle ground, and I can see why.

These are all balanced armature (BA) IEMs, with five on each side, resulting in a distinctive BA tonality. The bass is satisfactory, the mids are brilliant, and let's talk about the treble. I've had some trouble adjusting to it. It's not excessively bright, and the treble is well-executed, but when I listen to metal and rock, it can become fatiguing.

Then I discovered the Asla Sedna Xelastec tips, which made the treble much more enjoyable for me. The same positive effect happened when I tried the Letshouer S12. What's great about these tips is that they don't compromise the mids, and they give a slight boost to the mid-bass region, which I really appreciate.

And then there's the Cayin RU6 with Xelastec tips, which made me fall head over heels for the Andromeda. It provided the warmth I desired without sacrificing the details. With all the other sigma delta-based DACs and the Mojo that I use, I love listening to the Andromeda for a couple of hours, and then I find myself considering switching to my dynamic driver IEMs. However, with the RU6 and Xelastec, it's easy to stay in love with the Andromeda.

Regarding fit and comfort, they are simply the best for me. And that super-light stock cable! I sometimes forget they're even there on my ears.

The soundstage is decent, and the mids feel intimate, just the way I like them. Instrument separation is about a 7 out of 10 (Not that I own or have auditioned many a great IEMs to judge). As for detail retrieval, it's nothing short of fantastic.

These IEMs truly shine when paired with the right source. The source needs to have a dark background because they are highly sensitive. VERY SENSITIVE.

Now, here's where the complicated part of the relationship comes in. The RU6 drains the battery on my phone like a leech. I hesitate to use the RU6 unless I know I'll be near a charger, and that's not always the case when I'm on the go. So, if I want to use the Andromeda, I have to ensure I'm around a charger (it's like a butterfly effect).

This is one of the reasons why I've been eyeing the Hiby RS2 R2R, but unfortunately, I can't justify buying it solely for listening to the Andromeda. If I ever own another IEM like the Andromeda, I'll definitely invest in a battery powered R2R DAC/DAP. (I can already imagine my wife rolling her eyes if she hears this).

Nevertheless, I genuinely like the Andromeda.

On a side note, I also use them to test the noise floor of any equipment I come across. It serves a dual purpose: I get to enjoy music and assess the noise floor at the same time.


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Vibhor Mudgil

New Head-Fier
Campfire Audio Andromeda pre2020
Pros: + good treble extension
+ Solid build
+Non fatiguing mids
+Soundstage and imaging
Cons: - bass could be a little better
- highly sensitive to source, cable and tips
Campfire Audio Andromeda have always been my dream IEMs, so I finally decided to get a pre-owned unit for myself from a friend of mine and luckily I got a good deal on them. All the thoughts that I am going to share are based on my personal preferences and experience.

Design and comfort:
Build quality is fantastic as you would expect from an IEM at this price. Shells are made of aluminium, and built like a tank yet very light in weight. They fit so perfectly in my ears that I can wear them all day long without any discomfort.

From the moment I got my dream IEMs in my hands, I was exhilarated to put them on.
So I plugged them in Shanling m5s but all my expectations were shattered. Though it is a really capable dap and I was using 'bgvp dm7' and 'audio-technica ATH im03' as my primary IEMs but Andros were muddy and blurry. Furthermore, mid rage was overly smooth for my taste. Overall it was a bad experience with m5s.

Poco f3 gt:
I gave it a try with poco, and the sound was nice, wide and clear but nothing like a grand buck IEM. Also I was hearing a clear "hiss" all along, which was bothering me too much.

Shanling m0:
Again, this pairing is a lot better than m5s but still nothing special to brag about.

Iphone 7 plus : It sounded exactly similar to poco but without that "hiss".

Till this point, both 'bgvp dm7' and 'im03' were sounding far superior than Andromeda to me but then.....

From a long time, I was planning to purchase 'tfiio m11 pro' and thank heavens! I bought it on the right time.

Fiio m11pro:
Now that was the turning point!!
I was totally stunned by the performance!! Stage was out of my head and imaging was outstanding as well. Mids had some energy, bass was good but it had a BA timbre.
According to me, bass wasn't bad at all, but it lacks DD timbre. Talking about Treble, It was terrific and well extended. It didn't sound sibilant and yet was very detailed and resolving.

Andromeda is a remarkable pair. It is quite versatile and as one of my good friend told me that it's just like water, for how it changes its characteristics with different sources, tips and cables. It is a highly source dependent IEM which makes it a hit or miss.
Nice review bradah. Me and all of our common friends do know how much you love the Andros. Wishing you years and years of happy listening with them.



100+ Head-Fier
Hi everybody. I'm looking into maybe getting the andromeda. I've narrowed it down to andromeda and the warbler prelude. Almost 2 years ago the was discussion on this thread about custom sleeves. I need customs because I need the isolation. I'm leaning forward the warbler but I'd more strongly consider the andromeda if there were a good custom sleeve option. Maybe someone here has recent experience with custom sleeves on the andromeda. I know Snugs does one but I haven't found any recent information. Anyone here using them

Erfan Elahi

500+ Head-Fier
Andromeda users, can any one suggest me key points to identify counterfeit Andromeda? I am buying a second hand. Will be using for the first time.


100+ Head-Fier
Hi everybody. I'm looking into maybe getting the andromeda. I've narrowed it down to andromeda and the warbler prelude. Almost 2 years ago the was discussion on this thread about custom sleeves. I need customs because I need the isolation. I'm leaning forward the warbler but I'd more strongly consider the andromeda if there were a good custom sleeve option. Maybe someone here has recent experience with custom sleeves on the andromeda. I know Snugs does one but I haven't found any recent information. Anyone here using them
Guys. I just picked these up last week. I’ve listened to every genre. From Diana krall to Def Leppard Pyromania. These phones are completely addictive sublime unbelievable. Nothing out there short of CIEM’s touches them. And yes, that includes Shure 846’s. Andromeda TRASHES them. They sound like junk in comparison.