FiiO x Jade Audio JD1

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Reviewer at hxosplus
FiiO JD1 / Type-C version
Pros: + Warm and fun sound signature
+ Plenty of impactful bass
+ USB type-C audio adapter cable
+ HD microphone and in-line controls
+ Five EQ options
+ Lightweight and very comfortable
+ Good passive noise attenuation
+ Well made and very affordable
Cons: - Bass bleeding into the mid-range
- The bass is not that tight and controlled
- Not the last word in clarity and definition
- Not the most realistic timbre
- Mediocre cable
The J series of earphones is created jointly by FiiO and Jade Audio, the company's sister brand that focuses on producing budget friendly and cost effective audio products.

The FiiO JD1 is an entry level, single dynamic driver, earphone suitable for someone entering the hobby or everyone else who needs a second pair of lightweight earphones for daily music listening on the go and answering phone calls.


The JD1 is equipped with a 10mm liquid crystal polymer (LCP) dynamic driver that is both lightweight and highly rigid. It also uses FiiO's asymmetrical internal and external magnetic circuit design that has been used in several other products, including the more expensive FT3. Compared to the traditional design of a single internal magnet or a single external magnet, the asymmetrical internal and external magnetic circuits design effectively increases magnetic field density around the voice coil - leading to a more powerful and robust sound as well as improved transient response.

Non Audio stuff

The FiiO JD1 may be very affordable but it doesn't look cheap. It has ergonomically shaped ear shells made from a plastic compound. The zinc-alloy, hand polished, faceplates have a beautiful shiny appearance but they also tend to attract fingerprints. The sound tube is made from aluminum alloy for better durability. The FiiO JD1 is available in semi-transparent black ear shells with obsidian back faceplates and fully transparent ear shells with silver faceplates.

The ear shells are compact and lightweight (7g each) with a stable and very comfortable fit making them suitable for prolonged time of use or as sleeping earphones. They also seal well thus providing good passive noise attenuation for use in noisy environments.


Cable with type-C audio adapter

You can buy the FiiO JD1 with either a regular 2-pin detachable cable with a 3.5mm plug or a cable that ends in type-C audio adapter (DAC). This option is very handy for people who own phones without a 3.5mm plug or anyone else seeking better audio performance without the clutter of portable USB DACs.

Both cables come with an HD microphone that has in-line controls. A middle button is used to answer/hangup, play/pause music, next/previous track and two buttons for volume adjustment and EQ selection in the type-C cable.

The cable looks strong enough but it has a cheap feeling due to the plastic sheathing and also has a bad memory effect, there is no way to make it sit straight. FiiO is known for making some very high quality cables but this one doesn't meet their usual standards.


Except for the type-C cable you also get three pairs of ear-tips.


The embedded Equalizer

The type-C adapter cable supports five types of Equalizer settings that allow the user to fine tune the sound signature of the JD1. The five options are Default, Bass Extension, Treble boost, Vocal and Harman Reference. In order to cycle through the five settings you have to simultaneously press the volume up and down buttons. Every time you hear a female voice prompt tone to indicate the current selection. Factory setting is the Default option and then upon subsequent connections the EQ follows the one that the device had during the last shutdown.

I found the EQ quite effective in fine tuning the sound without causing distortion or clipping and without much deviation from the default target curve. A nice option that adds great versatility to the FiiO JD1.

Audio stuff

First thing to notice is that the type-C cable supports 15 steps of volume adjustment and while it can make the JD1 sound loud enough, it can't get it to its maximum potential as a regular cable with an external USB DAC.

The sound signature of the JD1 with the type-C cable set at the default setting is that of a casually tuned earphone that is made to offer all-around satisfaction with various music genres. It doesn't really excel into a specific type but is enjoyable with a great variety of music selections.

This is yet another earphone with a tuning that strolls around the Harman 2019 target curve with some deviations here and there. There is also the option for closer matching with this curve by selecting the Harman EQ option.

The JD1 has great sub-bass extension and plentiful bass with a generous mid-bass emphasis that makes it sound warm and thick but not that tonally accurate. You can definitely feel the bass pumping in your ears and you do get some respectable rumble but there is also a noticeable bleed into the mids and some bloat. The driver is not that slow, the bass is fast moving and is also adequately tight and controlled but still lacking in discipline. Layering and definition are average but still the JD1 is good for listening to your favorite tunes while moving around the town or having your lunch break. After all this is what is made for.

The mid-range is present and clearly audible despite the bleed effect from the bass and a certain lack in clarity. Vocalists and instrumentalists do get their share of the show but they are placed a little backwards. The textures are thin and a bit dry while the upper mid-range is more emphasized and energetic but it doesn't sound aggressive.

The treble is polite enough and not harsh or piercing but also a little muted, muffled and lacking in clarity and extension. Don't expect the best timbre or tonal accuracy, there is a touch of artificiality and a metallic taste to the textures which are rather dry and lean. Detail retrieval is so - so while the soundstage is open and spacious enough but don't expect anything special when it comes to imaging and separation.



When it comes to the competition, the $15.99 Hidizs MS1 Galaxy has a similar type of sound quality and ergonomics but it comes with a higher quality cable.



The FiiO JD1 is just $27 including the audio adapter, so for such an affordable earphone the performance is good and acceptable.

The advantage of buying the type-C version of the JD1 over the plain cable is that except the ease of use and less clutter you also get the option of five different sound profiles. The sound quality of the cable audio adapter is similar to comparable entry level USB DACs and the only disadvantage is that you can't get too loud as with a more powerful DAC.

The FiiO JD1 doesn't really shine but it does it's job pretty well as an affordable and comfortable, entry level, earphone suitable for everyday use. The type-C version is a great starters option and maybe the least expensive plug and play solution in the market.

The prices are $27.27 for the type-C$ and $24.79 for the plain cable. But currently with %25 promo they are $20.45 and $18.59. You can buy it from AliExpress.

The review sample was kindly provided free of charge in exchange for an honest review.
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New Head-Fier
Really good!
Pros: Sound, bas, treble...
Cons: Nothing on this price...

Fiio/Jade audio JD1​


Fiio/Jade audio JD1

Fiio is a brand that cares about virtually every user. He tries to reach everyone in a comprehensive and thoughtful way. Thus, it offers its products not only to people with a rich wallet, but also to those with a slightly smaller appetite for spending. JD1 is a budget option for USD 15. This is an interesting alternative and proposition for stage artists or young people who often change headphones. That’s why I decided to take a closer look at this proposition and assess for myself whether you can find something interesting in the world of headphones for under 20 USD.

The headphones themselves come to us in a small, colorful package, inside you will find the headphones themselves, one pair of tips in sizes S, M, L and a detachable cable with a microphone in the 0.78 mm standard. The headphones themselves are nice and fit perfectly in the ears. The outer panels are made of metal, and the interior can be easily seen thanks to beautiful transparent domes. The headphones themselves are made in the OTE standard, which means that the cable is worn behind the ear. The biggest cost cuts can be seen in the sloped cable. It’s not bad, but it is a bit stiff, but otherwise it looks good. So when it comes to equipment, we will find everything that is most important without unnecessary extras, but I think that they are completely unnecessary in budget equipment, where it is better to allocate a larger budget for tuning the headphones than to use essentially unnecessary accessories.


The lower bands are strong, they hit the point strongly, but unlike other cheap headphones, they remain not only elegant but also do not take away from the joy of listening to the other bands, especially the midrange. I wouldn’t call the JD1 very bassy, I would rather describe their lower bands as slightly enhanced, which translates into great performance in electronic music, rock and pop.

Midrange: The mid-range tones remain very clear and show a warmer and natural character. The amount of information in the mid-frequency range is quite large considering the price of the headphones, and the music scene is satisfyingly deep, the width is moderate, but such an intimate presentation also has a lot of advantages and I personally like it very much. The instruments are well separated and have a natural and smooth timbre with a bit of warmth.

High tones: They can be slightly metallic, but it is completely marginal. Apart from that, they sound very smooth and are not harsh or unpleasant. In this price budget, it is one of the best options when it comes to consistency and purity of presentation. The highs show a lot of information and show great performance. Please remember that it is still 15USD and the mentioned metallicity is not a mistake, but can only be heard to a very marginal extent. I also like the clean and natural presentation of string instruments.


Fiio/Jade audio JD1 (14.99USD) VS KZ ZST (29USD)

KZ are much more bassy, they also emphasize the sharp and metallic texture of the treble to a greater extent, while the Fiio in the JD1 model focuses on a pleasant and natural presentation. According to my personal preferences, I definitely liked Fiio more.

Fiio/Jade audio JD1 (14.99USD) VS FiiO FH1S (59USD)
FH1S are great headphones, but in terms of the naturalness and consistency of tuning in the JD1 model, you can see and hear a lot of work that Fiio put into tuning new products. Although the FH1S boasts greater technical performance, the JD1 makes up for it with musicality and tuning consistency and a lower price. However, I like both pairs very much and recommend listening to them.

Fiio/Jade audio JD1 (14.99USD) VS kbear sk1 (9.99USD)
Once again, fiio wins primarily with a more natural and pleasant tuning. Sk1 are more bassy and provide more entertainment in the low bands, but this comes at the expense of other frequencies, which translates into greater tonal balance in JD1.

Insulation and power:
In terms of insulation, Fiio JD1 provide a very good result, in fact, with a good selection of tips, they are able to completely isolate us from the surroundings. We don’t have to worry about performance either, because these are very efficient headphones that do not require additional amplifiers to drive.

JD1 are interesting headphones that have been very well priced and represent a warm, natural sound with a slight bass tint. Their consistent and uniform tuning character and very good wearing comfort allow me to evaluate JD1 as a very interesting and well-thought-out design. If someone is looking for a budget solution and does not want to go for higher models of headphones, they will find many interesting and interesting solutions in JD1. Among other things, excellent value for money and excellent low end. As for the disadvantages, maybe the treble can be slightly metallic at times, at this price, but it’s hard to describe it as a disadvantage, it’s rather a feature of these headphones. The ease of driving and versatility of the JD1 additionally increase their usefulness in my opinion and allow me to consider the JD1 even more as a great and recommendable product.
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100+ Head-Fier
Cheap, Well Built, and Fun
Pros: +Build Quality
+Fun & Engaging Tonality
Cons: -Metallic Treble
FIIO / Jade Audio JD1

P_20231115_104551 Cropped.jpg
First, I want to thank FIIO for sending me this IEM in for review, rest assured, the review is 100% my own personal opinion.

If you're interested on this IEM, you can check it here
Build Quality

The faceplate is made from zinc alloy faceplate, while the rest of the body is mainly plastic, It is very lightweight, weighing only at 7g each, but its till maintains to feel solid in hands.

While the cable itself is just OK, it has a mic with 3 button controller.
It uses a weird stock design for a cable, looks like a TFZ connector to me with its square base and small shroud design, but normal 0.78mm cable also works just fine.


is very comfortable and there is no pressure build up at all, thanks to its lightweight, ergonomic and dual vent design.


Tested using : FIIO K11, Stock Cable, Stock Eartips
Music mostly from Apple Music (J-POP,J-Rock, Anisong, EDM, Rap, Metal, Jazz)
Sound in general : W-Shaped / Boosted bass, upper mid, upper treble, fun & engaging

Bass has a bass boost ranging from sub-bass – mid bass, bass presentation is very snappy, has decent punch and speedy bass, rumble is also good on the JD1, bass texture is above average for its price.

Midrange has a dip around lower midrange and boost around upper midrange area, it makes nasal sound more pronounced but never too nasally, and if you use the JD1 with very high loudness, it could sound a bit shouty at times.

Body of the male vocal is not much affected by the dip of the lower midrange, while female vocal has more sense of clarity than usual.
Instrument such as violin sounds forward has nice clarity but lacking a bit of body.
Test track (Tranquility <MODv>- nZk)

has a boost on the lower treble region, dip on the mid treble then another boost on the upper region / air, it makes the JD1 sounds rather exciting and airy but never piercing.

One thing I would nitpick from the JD1 treble, it has a bit of metallic hint to it, though to be expected from a super budget price bracket.

Stage :
Very good, it has a wide soundstage, thanks to the lower midrange dip, though stage size is non symmetrical in shape, it has more of an oval shape rather than perfect circle.

Separation & Positioning : Above average, for super budget categories, the JD1 has a decently separated sound, though while in super complex track, such as your death metal tracks, it do needs your mind to focus to find the position and separate each instruments.

Detail Retrieval : Average, not the most detailed in the super budget price bracket, but it is not lacking details either.

Imaging : Average, it sounds like 2.5D sounding, has decent object depth information but definitely not holographic.


Hidizs MS1 Galaxy

The MS1 Galaxy has a more warm relaxed sounding compared to the JD1, the MS1 Galaxy sound presentation does not demand your attention and just flow effortlessly, while the JD1 on the other hand, kinda demands your attention and has a very fun, exciting sound overall.
Technicality wise, it's pretty close.


So... is the JD1 recommended for super budget categories?
It depends really on what you're looking for in an IEM.

Myself as a reviewer only giving you free data on the internet for you to process by yourself.
Though if you really want my subjective opinion,
the JD1 is recommended if you're looking for a fun, engaging presentation with forward upper midrange and clarity in an IEM.

Thanks for reaching this far !

Just in case you're Indonesian or understand Bahasa Indonesia, you can watch the video review of the JD1 here

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100+ Head-Fier
Received mine this morning and frankly I'm blown away.
For less than 15 quid you really can't go wrong.
Typically punchy DD bass, crunchy mids and perfectly respectable treble.
My one complaint is the way the cable has been folded up. Its a kink fest.