  1. Pricklely Peete

    Audio-gd Reference 1 DAC (56 K warning)

    Just got this in the today from the DHL man......(along with a C-2C headphone amp, pics is Amp forum later) Sorry about the pic quality...... Peete.
  2. grokit

    Hot Audio DAC WOW vs. eight other budget DACs, with NEW rankings!

    My Digital Journey: Hot Audio DAC WOW impressions, rankings and mega-shootout with eight other budget DACs   Since I joined Head-fi, I have been trying out many budget, mid-fi, and low-end hi fi solutions to learn from and enhance my listening pleasure. I am a sucker for gadgets, and as I...
  3. HeadphoneAddict

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    I have the New Nuforce HDP DAC prototype here which I am evaluating, and I have some "sneak-peak" impressions. The first or second post of this thread will be updated or replaced with a full review when I have completed burn-in and my assessment. Total listening time has been only two hours...
  4. mamba315

    db Audio Labs Tranquility DAC

    I wanted to start this thread to try and gather comments from anyone that may have experiences with the Tranquility DAC from db Audio Labs. For anyone not familiar with it, it's a USB-only NOS DAC that handles up to 16 bit 44.1khz. It will play higher-res files but not in their native...
  5. eclein

    Virtue Audio-anybody hip to them yet??

    I'm hearing really good stuff about Virtue Audio gear. They have a bunch of integrated stuff and its not real expensive-anybody hear these pieces??  Ed L.
  6. dura

    Can I get some Audio-GD DAC advice please?

    Hi, I'm looking for a new DAC and it seems to me Audio-GD makes some very good ones. Right now I'm wrestling through all the Audio-GD treads, but I fail to get a clear picture of what to expect, sound signature wise. And there are so many different DACs to choose from, in the same...
  7. Abovetheair

    Swan Audio

    I have heard great things recently of the Swan audio systems, especially their multimedia speakers. My question is how much the pricepoint of these speakers will be: Are these similar as to the M10 and M12 audio systems. I would really...
  8. kakoii

    Xbox 360 balancing chat and audio?

    Hi Head-fi! I just recently purchased a pair of Audio Technica AD-700s and have a Yamaha HDR-5560 amp to drive them (it was just lying around for some reason O.o).  Now, I'm not super knowledgeable in audio and I'm a total noob when it comes to audio, but I was wondering if there is any way...
  9. khaos974

    New Product: CEntrance DACport 24/96 USB Headphone Amp

    Exactly what the title said, I was looking for information on the Empirical Audio gear and Bel Canto gear when I noticed they were using CEntrance code to implement their 24/96 compatibility. So I decided to check their webste and noticed they planned to launch a product themselves, I thought...
  10. webo

    Project: Want to turn integrated home iPod dock to a networked DLNA compatible audio device

    So I'm thinking about renting a place that has a built-in audio system that works with an iPod dock and plays the music throughout the place.  I don't own an iPod, nor do I enjoy having to use regular mp3 players since I don't usually bother with maintaining an updated collection of music on...
  11. project86

    REVIEW: JHC-A2 DAC/amp very interesting unique product

    INTRO This review is going to be a bit shorter than my others, at least for the time being. The reason is simply a matter of time management. The device being reviewed has so many options, and so many variables that can affect its operation, that it remains an ongoing process. I will update...
  12. MrRoderick

    A (better sounding?) alternative to Foobar2000 -OR- A musing in the realm of bit-perfect streaming

    So, In my pursuits I have come across the nifty little project "Minimalist Audio Player". It is a small (very small) wasapi (or, now ASIO) audio player designed to avoid contact with the Windows API, as the creator believes that any interaction with the OS interferes with sound quality. The...
  13. ex0du5

    Need a USB DAC recommendation (for Axiom Audiobyes)

    Just got myself of Axiom Audiobytes with the sub (~$500 PC speakers).   They come with their own amp, so I figured I'd shell out for a USB DAC rather than relying on my cheapo Xonar DS.   I need some recommendation...I'd probably be willing to pay around $200 if it's justifiable. Any...
  14. Omega17TheTrue

    Tutorial : WASAPI support for KMPlayer, having a top-notch video/audio player

    1/ Presentation Since we're using WASAPI, only windows vista is compatible although it should also work with windows seven but i really don't know if its the case. I'm going to show you how to configure The KMPlayer to use the WASAPI via reclock. It is very simple. Why The KMPlayer ...
  15. EnOYiN

    ASIO4All Explanation

    Disclaimer: This article is partially outdated because there are newer and better versions of ASIO4All available right now. I will not continue to update this article because I lack the time (and the motivation) to do so. Introduction: This post will tell you a bit about how the audio...