  1. codythelucario

    Does anyone EQ the sub-bass of the HD600?

    In the past I didn't know what sub-bass even was so I assumed my HD600s were super dull. Now that I know what it is it still has that problem, but I just EQ'd the sub-bass and now I get more life out of them. The mid and high's, lush and smooth, with the intimate vocals. Now with sub-bass...
  2. codythelucario

    Is sub-bass a must in modern pop ahd hip hop tracks (with EDM elements)?

    I'm looking at acquiring a dt990 pro as a sidegrsfe to my hd600. I'm kinda strapped for cash but I can make do with a dt990 EQ'd for the tracks I listened to. But for hip hop and pop is sub-bass crucial? Also does anyone use the hd600 for these tracks? I feel like the hd600s are satisfactory...
  3. codythelucario

    Peace APO adjustment for HD600 sub-bass rolloff... is this sufficient?

    So basically I adjusted the settings according to what I have in the second picture, and I based off my first adjustments based on the difference between the output of the hd600 before eq and the Harman target. After adjusting I seem to be getting more bass which is good, but would this be a bad...
  4. HDGabe5636

    Are the HD580 Jubilee better than the HD600?

    My HD600 died today so I was looking into getting a replacement HD600 but I was wondering If the rare HD580 Jubilee (1995) sounds better? I heard that the Jubilee is flatter and more clear than the HD600 but I've never heard them myself. Also, the jubilees are one of the best looking set of cans...
  5. codythelucario

    Wondering whether I bought the wrong pair of headphones the wrong time - HD600 and sub-bass

    Lately, I found that the sub bass has been lacking. I relatively enjoy the low end on these cans, but lately I can't help but notice how bass is lacking compared to even my Momentum 4 wireless headphones. It makes modern trap/rap tracks from Future sound a bit flat. I hope I can solve this...
  6. username643827

    HD600 Balanced cable

    Hello everybody. Iam looking for a balanced cable for my HD600. Lenght: 2-3meters Connenctor: 4.4mm / XLR Or making a cable for myself is better?
  7. username643827

    HD600 VS HD650

    Hello. I currently own an Sennheiser HD600 and i was wondering about the HD650. Are the HD650 better in quality, comfort, stability? Are they any different in sound quality or the same? Are they "worse" than the HD600?
  8. username643827

    Different Sennheiser HD600 models

    Hello. I would like the know the different HD600 models beucase its kinda confusing. My HD600 looks a lot like a HD650 same headband, same colour also made in ireland. There is the "blue" show right here. https://i.rtings.com/assets/products/LAmwRcdQ/sennheiser-hd-600/build-quality-large.jpg...
  9. username643827

    Best DAC or AMP for HD600

    Hello everybody :) I will appreciate your advice about which amps and dacs would be best for my Sennheiser HD600. I was thinking about the FiiO E10K, around a 100 euros for me. My budget is around 200 euros.
  10. B

    ATH-R70X, K712, HD600, Sundara

    I'm curious what the community's thoughts are on the Audio Technica r70x, AKG K712, Sennheiser HD600, and Hifiman Sundara, considering they are all near the $300 sweet spot for good performance at a somewhat middle-ground price point. They all seem to have a pretty neutral sound signature, and...
  11. El nai del vent

    12au7 tubes for HD600

    I am just starting to try tubes that favour the HD600's. I find the philips miniwatt's profile too bright and lacking in bass for my taste (maybe they need a bit more burn in). I tried them with some philips holland short plate quite rare to find and what a luxury of sound.... do you have any...
  12. davstev

    Option overload: Headphone life awaits, but mildly confused (w/ Valhalla 2)

    Hi all - So I am a primarily a speaker listener. But recently, I bought a new headphone amp - the Schiit Valhalla 2 with stock tubes. I want to pick up the best headphone, which I know is super subjective. I am considering buying ligthly used Sennheiser and Beyerdynamic, mostly. Considering...
  13. T

    Headphones with great clarity (Beyerdynamic, Sennheiser...)

    I'm just starting my adventure with headphones, however, I already have a sound signature I'm looking for. I love great transparency, clarity, separation etc. and also good bass. I have auditioned several Sennheiser models (HD560S, HD600, HD650, HD660S), Beyerdynamic (DT 880, DT 900 PRO X, DT...
  14. shawns

    HD600s left side not working

    Hey guys! I've had this pair of HD600s for a little bit and I've had the same issue for the whole time. The left side continuously stops working. I used to think it's an issue with the cable but the fact that it's been happening every time makes me wonder if it is. I've bought cheap cables...
  15. timiambeing

    Ideas for an upgrade please… Soncoz/SPL/HD600’s

    HI - I currently have a budget to lower mid-range set-up and find myself with around £600-800 to splash out on an incremental upgrade to hopefully up the SQ a notch or two. My current set-up is: Raspberry Pi 4/Allo DigiOne HAT running coax spdif → Soncoz la-qxd1 DAC → SPL Phonitor One headphone...
  16. TyTB

    What are "the HD650's" of the Amp and DAC worlds? Units that are truly clean and neutral and which most faithfully represent the digital audio file they're outputting? The "Reference Monitors" of Amps/DACs?

    Hello everyone, I'm always hesitant to make a post on Head-Fi, given how controversial so many topics in the Audiophile world are, but this is something I've been wondering for a while, and haven't been able to find answers to. It's easy to find lists of Amps and DACs that are recommended for...
  17. Somatic

    TOTL Mid Range Headphone

    Seeing if the community can help me. What is the best headphones for mid range? So far I like the midrange on the HD600 better than Susvara and TC. Maybe from more energy in the upper midrange giving it a more forward midrange? Looking for the best forward sounding midrange available. Thanks a...
  18. ZMFheadphones ZMF HD6xx+ Pads

    ZMFheadphones ZMF HD6xx+ Pads

    DIMENSIONS Height: 26mm (tall side) x 22mm (short side) Ear Size: 71mm x 47mm (may vary) Diameter: 106mm, made oval by attachment ring Fits Sennheiser HD580, 600, 650, 660 and 6XX Available in suede, solid lambskin, and perforated lambskin All pads are hand stitched and dimensions are...
  19. Sennheiser

    Side x Side x Side - The HD 600 Family

    The HD 600-series of headphones has deep roots here at Head-Fi (thank you!). Seasoned members are generally familiar with each, and some of you even own (or owned) all three at some point. For those unfamiliar with the family, choosing the right one for you means some research and hopefully a...
  20. L

    are these HD600 genuine?

    I picked up a used pair of HD 600 and I was wondering if I got fakes. I'm 95% sure they're genuine but some inconsistencies lead me to believe that they aren't. (came in original box with instructions) They're the marble finish version they don't have a "made in Ireland" on the inner headband...
  21. Corvin25

    Sennheiser HD599 vs HD6xx? Trying to decide.

    Hi, I figured this would be literally the best forum to ask this question. :) So last month I purchased a pair of Sennheiser HD599 headphones. Got them on sale. Love the color, love the sound, nothing is "wrong" with them. However, almost every forum post, YouTube review, and...
  22. E

    HD600 amp/dac upgrade

    Hello everyone, I wanted to ask you, what you think of my rig and what you would upgrade from it. Also, can you tell me if I am ruining everything with a component from my rig? I have 300$ to spend in upgrades. Here‘s my current setup: Sennheiser HD600 Fiio Q3 (as a dac, connected via usb)...
  23. L

    Got a Discount for HD800S... Debating if I Want to Check Them Out if I Like HD 600 A Lot

    I can get new HD 800S pretty cheap, and even though it'll make a noticeable hole in my budget, I think it might be worth it, seeing how much I like the Sennheiser headphones. Especially if I return HD 600 and keep 800s as daily driver, while I still have the time. The few things that bother me...
  24. abheybir

    HD600 vs HD650, which one is a keeper for life?

    Not able to decide which one to keep for life!! Initial impressions one has nice airy treble extensions while other has lush musical notes, what are your views on the same?
  25. D

    Sennheiser HD 600 Fix - London Headphone Fix?

    Hello! I got a pair of HD600 from a neighbour which is not working right now. He mentioned that it is because of the connection, cable. Is there anyone here that fix headphones in London? I am trying to understand if it worths the effort :) What do you guys think? Cheers!