Tanchjim in ear monitors Impressions Thread
Jun 19, 2023 at 6:15 AM Post #1,486 of 1,529
First impression with Kara: bassier and warmer than Kato, though Kato still has faster and more resolving bass (I'd say tuning wise Kato is the more "fun" of the two). Mids and treble feel quite smooth and less peaky than your usual Tanchijims, with nice extension and details, also noticeably better soundstage than Kato in this area. The 3D printed shell is very light. Making this a easy-listening daily driver for me.
I would like to see a photo to compare the size of the kara vs oxygen/hana

Btw, I received the oxygen, I will share my opinions about hana/oxygen vs mele/olina
Jun 19, 2023 at 9:20 AM Post #1,487 of 1,529
I would like to see a photo to compare the size of the kara vs oxygen/hana

Btw, I received the oxygen, I will share my opinions about hana/oxygen vs mele/olina
I don't have a Oxygen on hand but from memory Kara feels slightly bigger and more rounded in ear, it is thicker but thickness doesn't affect comfort too much, overall still the classic triangular Tanchjim shape.
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Jun 24, 2023 at 4:57 PM Post #1,492 of 1,529
I had the Ola for about 10 minutes and the shape killed my ears. Like a sharp edge was just digging into my tragus
Jun 25, 2023 at 5:00 AM Post #1,493 of 1,529
I had the Ola for about 10 minutes and the shape killed my ears. Like a sharp edge was just digging into my tragus

Yep that's the achilles heel of this IEM, the bad fit. It is quite technical though, if you manage to secure an optimal fit.
Jun 25, 2023 at 8:38 AM Post #1,494 of 1,529
I had the Ola for about 10 minutes and the shape killed my ears. Like a sharp edge was just digging into my tragus
I have the original OLA and the comfort was terrible when I got it, I switched to CP100 Spinfits and bought some Silicone O-Rings to further extend the tips and the comfort was better, the newer OLA BASS does come with a small rubber ring installed on the tube.
Jul 1, 2023 at 6:00 AM Post #1,495 of 1,529
Edit: This was originally a post where I asked if people thought I'd like the Tanchjim Zero for my needs, but I've now since bought it so I'm turning this into a first impressions post.

So I got my Tanchjim Zero the other day, other than generic cheap ones that you might find at a store or bundled with a phone, these are my first IEMs, so my comparisons are mostly to my regular headphones like my K702 and HD25.

The first thing I noticed is how drastically tips and seal can affect the sound. Using the wide bore tips the upper midrange and/or treble is too harsh, in some songs it's not noticeable or barely noticeable but in some it's enough to make these sound as cheap as they are. Using the narrow bore tips significantly reduces this harshness though, to the point that it's only noticeable in specific moments. Playing around with EQ it seems like it's somewhere around the 1-2KHz region that's bothering me, and also maybe 6KHz a little, but the good news is that I've found three ways to fix it entirely: 1) EQ itself, 2) Have the tips inserted less deep in my ears, and 3) Use slightly too small tips and lose a perfect seal, this loses a little bass but 100% fixes the midrange/treble weirdness to my ears.

That's the bad out of the way, so now on to the good - one of the things that stands out to me about these is the soundstage and imaging. I wasn't expecting much for an IEM, but.. to my ears it easily beats my HD25 and DR-BTN200 in width, depth, and imaging, and seems to slightly beat my CAL! too. I've noticed there's less "is it in front of me or behind me?" feeling/confusion to the sound vs even my K702 too, but where it loses out is in height, where with my K702 I can hear the singer's precise movements up/down/left/right etc vs with the Tanchjim Zero it just seems like they move left and right.

I bought these specifically for something that'd be midrange focused, primarily just for listening to ASMR and vocal based music - rather than something heavy on the bass, but the sub-bass on these (with a good seal) is actually rumblier than my HD25 or CAL! and while these aren't going to make any bass-head happy, there's enough bass still that I can enjoy EDM, hip-hop etc - which was something I didn't expect. These also respond better to EQing the bass up than any of my non-in-ears.

Timbre is quite nice and natural with these in most songs. Sometimes the weird midrange/treble ruins the naturalness for me a little, but 1) that may be my ears, and 2) like I said I've found 3 fixes for that.

Some songs that I think sound fantastic on these:

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Jul 31, 2023 at 8:47 PM Post #1,497 of 1,529

Is it a budget Moondrop B3 alternative?

Nope, they are totallly opposite in tuning. B3 is more technical and sterile/thin note weight, Kara is thick in note weight, less technical but better timbre and smoother.
Aug 3, 2023 at 8:30 AM Post #1,499 of 1,529
I also recently got Tanchjim zero, and i love it, flat nuetral presentation, where bass is in less quantity but of good quality. Every thing perfectly balanced. I think if someone is new to audiophile world they must get something like- tanchim zero (flat) + truthear zero (bass) and may be hexa (treble) so you have good spectrum of fequency on platter which will help making better decision on future upgrades.
However im curious about the new tanchjim zero, what is changed in sq? if someone have it plz post impressions 🙏lookin forward to it.
Aug 5, 2023 at 1:13 PM Post #1,500 of 1,529
Listening to some Solar Fields on my Tanchjim Zero today. I'm curious if there are any other Zero owners reading - what tips do you prefer and do you prefer deep or shallow insertion?

I've only tried the stock tips but I'm finding that that the small narrow bore with a shallow insertion actually provides the best sound for me.

With the wide bore tips there's some frequency in the upper mids or treble that bothers me too much/sounds overly harsh, switching to the narrow bore mostly fixes this. The shallow insertion improves this further but the main reason I prefer it is just for the soundstage - I notice with shallow insertion I get quite a wide open-back over-ear headphone like soundstage, but it doesn't affect the bass at all for me so doesn't seem to be breaking the seal. (On that note, out of curiosity, do the Tanchjim Zeros have an unusually wide soundstage for IEMs? Or did I just get lucky with my ears and can I expect even an even wider one from higher end IEMs? They're the only pair of IEMs I hear a wider soundstage with them than all my full-sized headphones except my open-back K702.)

Curious if any other tips work even better.
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