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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      Hey, You can start by placing the drivers where you want to be and then start creating sketching's with splines that goes from the...
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      Hey guys, Thanks for all the help! Coming back with the final product: Left CIEM 5BA's(destroyed one while soldering, it will be...
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      I will try with yellow too, to se what will happen but if I am not using dumpers to the other tubes the DD will still don't have low freq.
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      Yes, it is a vent, I added a Red dumber at the end of that vent, and it works very well. For testing purposes I covered all the tubes...
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      Tried and that didn't help. Tried running them one by one and that still didn't make any difference. Conclusion I must have for both est...
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      Here is a picture with how I made the dd have low freq (the tube that has no dumper is the one from the dd) and there is a link with the...
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      I tested out with some isopropyl alcohol(and some wire to see if it catches somewhere) on the dd to see if there are any leaks from the...
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      Right now I am making the crossover for the drivers and I use VituixCad.
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      I managed to make my CIEMs have low freq(at last). The issue was that at the low freq instead going in the ear it was escaping on the...
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      Hey, I am using Fusion360 to design the CIEM(both shell and components ). With a measurement tool I take the dimensions if I don't have...
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      O don't think I will buy something that expensive for a project that is for myself only. But is good to know for feature if I want to...
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      Tried to cover the hole and still no base I don't think that's the issue, I tried to measure the dd only and the graph looks like...
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      The tubes are made from resin, they are not soft tubes. What component tester do you recommend(can I use a multimeter)?
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      Hey guys, I have an issue with my desing for my IEMs . For some reason I don't have any bass with this design (the red line is the dd...
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      wolffyx replied to the thread Home-Made IEMs.
      I brought this speakers. They seems to work so. It's legit. Regarding the freq I don't have one yet, I am still building my IEMS (glued...
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