Reviews by PROblemdetected


Previously known as sakt1moko
no*SOUND presents... a Oriveti OH700VB review
Pros: .
THE SUBBASS, with capital letters
The scene is wide and high
Superior shell construction...
Cons: .
Way above the market price


🔈SETUP. Exclusive 6BA (2 for high, 4 for mid) + 10mm Dynamic Driver
✨SEN & IMP. 112dB/mW | 12Ω
💰 PRICE. 699€ en ORIVETI


More time I spend with this headset, I can assure I´m willing to sell some stuff on my collection. I usually prefer warm tonalities, and this ORIVETI is a dream come true for those who loves thicker bass, warm mid-section. I like flat frequencies responses, with a bass that is separated from the mids but hits firmly, and this OH700VB has managed to do it. Just that, it already got me.

But nothing could be perfect, and the price is totally out of place, and does not allow me to recommend it. Other iems with similar configuration cost half as much. I wouldn't buy them over VARIATIONS, which cost almost 300 euros less. But, at least, they try something different. Without doubt, for lovers of warm tones, it's an alternative.

Also, the packaging and a cable that are not corresponding the price, or colors picked for the capsule are far from convincing me. If they had HISENIOR's customization service, I would definitely use it.

If you want something different, a expensive "kind of" tuning with a excellent sub-bass performance, try to get them on sale, because at regular price, they are too much expensive.


"No doubt, they are a trip, perhaps not the most natural . , not the most technical... but one of the most exciting I´ve had in 2024."

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Personally I find their bass response to be quite unsatisfying. Yes the subbass is there, but they are lacking in punchiness and they make energetic tracks too mellow. Surely they are good if you are looking for a laid back bass tuning
Yeah, it has the "thump" but not the "bump".

No midbass here, but I feel them different from other "kind of" VARIATIONS / HYPE or that kind of tuning.

Its not the best, but its clearly special


Previously known as sakt1moko
no*SOUND presents... a HIDIZS MP145 review
Pros: .
✔️ Strong bass, good Sub-bass performance
✔️ Presentation and natural image
Cons: .
❌ Below price packaging. The cable is 3.5 mm.
❌ Huge capsule, horrendous fit



SETUP. 14.5mm Ultra-large Planar Magnetic Driver
SEN & IMP. 104dB/mW | 30Ω
PRICE. 150€ at


Go ahead, the final note it's because on that price competition that exists today in the planar market, and the tuning selected for the MP145 perhaps the biggest handicap of this headset. It had everything to succeed, a groundbreaking design, a driver that at times invades you and transmits sensations that are difficult to achieve in this price segment.

Although it's a headphone designed and thought for enjoyment, even for a lover of electronic music, they are a better choice than the LETSHOUER S12, which is saying something. Problem is that the relaxed character in the upper zone weighs too much on some recordings. Add to that a booming character in the lower zone, and you end up with all the technical-loving audiophiles off your list of potential buyers. The HIDIZS MS3 was a much more aggressive tuning in that aspect, with a more defined and shorter bass; Of course with much more load at high frequencies.

The more headphones I review, the more I realize the tonal preferences and how personal they are... this headphone reminds me a lot of the FiiO FH7S and the ARTII R1 and they are much closer to my preferences than more HARMANIZED headphones. On some tracks, because of the imaging on, I could even compare to the LETSHOUER 07jm, for its warmth presentation without being excessively intimate.

At the end this is about where to put your money, and sadly I can't recommend them. Apart from the sound reasons that can turn away all those who are not looking for warm tones, it has 2 other problems: The fit is horrendous, wide and short, almost impossible to stick it to the shell of the ear (which would probably would give even better performance) and it is exhausting to have it on for hours; And then comes the issue of packaging, for €150 this cable and the box do not seem to me to be up to par, I can think of several headphones that make better use of our money.


A shame, HIDIZS, really, you had an incredible driver here, perhaps the following review will be the definitive one. I loved the HIDIZS MS3, and this planar its on the right track, but both the extension of the bass and the adjustment of the headphone itself need to be improved.

Strong bass, good Sub-bass performance
Presentation and natural image

Excellent construction, fragile paint
Voices and instruments sink into the scene easily
Some resolution is missing

Below price packaging. The cable is 3.5 mm.
Huge capsule, horrendous fit




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Actually, you could have picked the edition with the 4.4mm cable, it was priced the same.
Yeah, probably.

Anyways the quality of the cable dont match the quality of the iem.

I already swap the cable for a thicker one


Previously known as sakt1moko
no*SOUND presents... a KINERA VERDANDI review
Pros: .
✔️ Extensive, immense, airy
✔️ High-flying bass, texture, definition and musicality
✔️ Sublime & relaxed treble
✔️ Incredible in harmonics and definition
Cons: .
❌ Overpriced
❌ Huge capsule & tubillon
Kinera Verdandi
🔈 SETUP. 2 Knowles BA + 2 Sonion EST + 1 DD 6mm + 1 Bone Conduction Driver
✨SEN & IMP. 105dB/mW | 14Ω
💰 PRICE. 1200€ at

Before getting into the price, it is very clear that this is KINERA's best launch in recent months. The build quality, the sound level, the accessories... everything makes headphones that cost much more money pale...

From the deepest bass to the furthest treble, everything has an extension and depth that allows me to compare it with my everyday headphone (the ANANDA NANO). A very long scene, which can only be attributed to the lack of height; a texture and details that rarely match musicality of this level. It reminds me at times of the MANGIRD TOP, but with a much more refined character, without being overloaded, simply being natural. I loved them... but not everything can be perfect.

First, the price; As I also criticized in the FiiO FX15, I do not understand the need to put it in the €1000 segment. Dont give me fancy cables, remove some eartips and sell it for €800, It would not have any competitor. It will become the first iEM that would compete with headphones in price and performance, something that to this day I believe has not been seen.
Second, the size of the capsule & tubillon. It can be problematic, and will not work for all ears. As I try more equipment, the comfort, weight and size of a headset has become a basic factor when it comes to recommending it, and the size of this VERDANDI prevent me from doing so calmly. I don't know why KINERA has not chosen to place the same nozzle as in the LOKI, but it would have solved this problem for sure.


In any case, having some problems, which once "paid" and with the headphones in your ears they magical disappear. Saying that this iem is the best thing I have put in my ears since 64AUDIO 12T already gives you an idea that we are facing a titan of sound. If you want to beat the game, this is without a doubt a candidate to take into account.

✔️ Extensive, immense, airy
✔️ High-flying bass, texture, definition and musicality
✔️ Sublime & relaxed treble

✔️ Incredible in harmonics and definition
🟡 Male voices sounds a little bit thiner
❌ Overpriced
❌ Huge capsule & tubillon


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Thank you!
if the MEST MKIII and Thieaudio Monarch MKIII were too big of a shell for my ears will these be a problem also? because i really want them
@benjifx19 the problem is not only the size of the shell. Also the tubillon is huge.

I dont try the MESTMK3, but the VERDANDI is bigger than the MONARCH.

Sorry for you, because this iem, is probably the best (not counting 12t)


Previously known as sakt1moko
no*SOUND presents... a FiiO FX15 review
Pros: .
✔️ High-flying resolution, scene and timbre
✔️ The best exponent of the new "trending tuning"
✔️ Supreme quality capsule...
Cons: .
❌ They have to take a look at the price
❌ With the ON switch it is somewhat burdensome in certain recordings
FiiO FX15
🔈 SETUP. 10mm DLC DD – 1BA (Knowles ED-296889) - 4 Sonion Electrostatic
✨SEN & IMP. 103dB/mW | 24Ω
💰 PRICE. 799€ (sample for review by Zococity)

If I go straight to the point, it's not for me. I can think of several FiiO releases that I like more in profile than this FX15.

But if we value what is currently a "trending topic" tuning, the graphics of this FX15 should beloved for all SIMGOT fans (and other brands) that are launching headphones with: technical representations in the bass & lot of upper mids. FiiO wanted to get into that tuning, and it does so with a tri-brid that has no competition in what it offers... if the price were a little more contained. I can't recommend it, costing €100 more than the FH9, without being clearly superior to it, and personally liking more the top of the FiiO hybrids.

Let's not fool ourselves, it sounds like heaven, the packaging and construction are impressive, but it repeats accessories and conveys some laziness in the presentation of materials and design. But if FiiO wants to break the market as it has done in previous times, like they already done in DAPs and DACs, jumping on the train of "hyped" prices hurts me as a fan of the brand.


I insist again, if this headset does not have more impact, it is because there are brands that are positioning themselves better in forums and social media, but this is a launch to call all those people on the scene looking for timbre & perfect tones, for sure. The thing is that FiiO is not new to the business, and it cannot be forgiven for a launch that has lacked some effort in cost adjustment & final presentation; a shame, because sonically it has everything to succeed.


✔️ High-flying resolution, scene & timbre
✔️ The best exponent of the new "trending tuning"
✔️ Supreme quality capsule...
🟡 ...which is clouded by a cheap earphone tubillon

🟡 You can notice laziness in the packaging
🟡 Bass can be "anemic" for bassheads
❌ The price should be reconsidered
❌ With the ON switch it´s somewhat burdensome in certain recordings

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Previously known as sakt1moko
Pros: .
✔️ Impact & forcefulness in the subbass
✔️ Agile & fast in the rest of the lower area
✔️ No bleeding on the mids
✔️ Surprising feeling of space
Cons: .
❌ Voices excessively on the front
❌ Timbre & naturalness below average
no.SOUND presenta...

🔈 SETUP. 10.2mm Dual Cavity & Magnetic Circuit DD – 2BA (Knowles SWFK-31736)
✨ SEN & IMP. 112dB/mW | 18Ω
💰 PRICE. 120€ (sample for review, can be purchased on HIDIZS STORE or AMAZON UK)


Without a doubt, this headset could be the FiiO FH3 for someone new to the hobby, it has everything, it performs correctly, and although it exceeds in some aspects, it is surprising in terms of performance-per-euro invested. It reminds me a lot to "best seller" FiiO, which it shares much more than its configuration. The fit in the ear, the musicality it transmits, the highlight of the upper area, but it is even more technical in the lower area. If the S12 doenst exist in this price range, it´s an easy piece of equipment to recommend.

It has some errors, but without a doubt, it has some technical aspects of more expensive headphones, in fact, as the analysis ended, I was just thinking about the immense nature of the scene, and after having tried more expensive equipment, which perform better in timbre and restraint, I would say that the HIDIZS is better in scene, spatiality and agility.

I don't know if it is the configuration of the internal Balance Armature, or the double-cavity Dynamic, which, as I have defended several times (hi! NF AUDIO NA2) , I believe is the maximum exponent of the 10mm drivers in iems on 100€ price range, because of how much they extend without losing nothing of agility. Perhaps in the tuning they have not risked much, looking once again at HARMAN, but it is true that they do better things than more expensive counterparts and with fewer drivers that have the same curve...

A good Christmas gift for anyone, no matter what musical style your favorite is, it will surprise you without a doubt. HIDIZS, just give the design a twist, put a little more effort into the accessories... the packaging... and you have it. I'm looking forward to tasting the MP145, I don't rule out giving it to myself later.

✔️ Impact & forcefulness in the subbass
✔️ Agile & fast in the rest of the lower area
✔️ No bleeding on the mids
✔️ Surprising feeling of space

🟡Treble scales with volume
🟡 You get details on the mid-highs, but something is missing in the previous area
🟡 Packaging dont reach the level of the price
🟡 Too dry in the presentation

❌ Voices excessively on the front
❌ Timbre & naturalness below average


🔈SETUP. 10.2mm Dual Cavity & Magnetic Circuit DD – 2BA (Knowles SWFK-31736)
✨SEN & IMP. 112dB/mW | 18Ω
💰PRECIO. 120€ (unidad para review puedes adquirirla en HIDIZS STORE)

Bueno, que HIDIZS no aterrizó con la mejor de las maneras dentro de los foros, dada la polémica generada con su reciente MS5, pero su buena acogida en los siguientes lanzamientos (parece que el planar esta convenciendo), le esta haciendo asentarse poco a poco como otra alternativa mas dentro del segmento "económico" sub300€ que tanto me gusta. Por eso, cuando me ofrecieron una muestra para realizar esta review, quería ver si la fama los precedía...

Aunque han tenido muchos iems en el mercado, la gama MS nunca ha llegado a tener una gran repercusión, ya sea por estetica, calidades o tunings poco innovadores respecto a lo que estaba en el mercado. En los últimos meses, como hemos comentado, venían de un hibrido 4+1 que parecía tener un exceso en la zona alta que lo hacia poco recomendable. Pero tras eso, este MS3 y el MP145, su planar parece que han logrado llamar la anterior de mas usuarios.

Respecto a este MS3, pues he de confesar que no tenía muchas esperanzas puestas en él, viendo la grafica. Pero tras unas cuantas sesiones, de dejármelos puestos, sin escuchar ningún album en concreto, han despertado cosas interesantes en mi... Vamos al turrón, que es navidad.

*Con una capsula de aluminio, de tamaño y peso reducidos, rematados con una conexión 2pin algo resaltada, estamos ante un auricular bien construido, que resulta cómodo y apto para pequeñas orejas. No es el típico ladrillo que sobresale de tu oreja, es recogido, tanto en el perímetro como en la profundidad de la capsula. El aislamiento que ofrece esta por debajo de la media, al no ser enorme ni poseer un tubillón muy profundo.

*La terminación de todo el auricular, me recuerda muchísimo a la marca FiiO (y no es lo único, ya vereis). Buenas terminaciones, bien ensamblado, aunque la pintura tiene una textura "porosa" que no invita a pensar que perdurará mucho en el tiempo. Parece que es altamente sensible a rayarse. El canutillo es corto, mas cercano a mi preferencia que otros (hola etymotic). No posee canales acústicos, si quitas los filtros (viene con 3 tipos distintos para modificar el sonido) te encuentras con uno de sus dos Balance Armature.

*A nivel de empaquetado, es correcto, situandose a la altura de los S12 por poner un ejemplo de empaquetado, pero si es verdad que falta una carcasa de transporte rigida, y el cable... el cable hay que darle una vuelta HIDIZS. Desde el conector 2pin que sobresale, hasta la extraña curva del mismo. La innovación por atrevimiento en el diseño, muchas veces te hace tomar decisiones... extrañas. Es una pena, porque en líneas generales, tiene algo de intemporal en el diseño, que se pierde por estos "excesos".


*Aunque viene con un cable balanceado no es excesivamente dificil de mover, pero si puedes darle algo a ganancia media, que tenga margen para subirle la perilla, ese dinamico lo aguanta... otra cosa es que los agudos se hagan algo intensos. Aun prefiriendo fuentes cálidas (❤️ AKM) los he escuchado principalmente con el Q7, que suele a dar una presentación neutral... y le sienta bien. Siempre vestidos con las tips que traían en la caja, similares a mis siempre recomendadas KBEAR 07, siendo quizas, algo mas estrechas. NOTA: los he probado siempre con el filtro por defecto "ROSE GOLD"

*El rey de la fiesta, agil, contundente, con tendencia a colorear pero que podría situarse en lo neutral segun HARMAN. Es un fiesta, a la que solo le falta algo de textura, pero es el precio a pagar por un rendimiento técnico, que da una limpieza y ausencia de sangrado en otras frecuencias.
*De alta dinamica, golpea con contundencia, y baja relativamente profundo. No es que marque una nueva escala en lo que transmite, pero si lo hace en lo rapido que desaparece. Por tanto estamos en un bajo seco, y poco retumbon. Te pega y esconde la mano.

*Aunque cierta parte los mids pueden quedar "ahogados" en ciertos temas, vuelvo a recalcar que todo el impacto que venimos arrastrando de la zona baja, repercute mas a favor del cuerpo en esta zona, que en el sangrado que podamos notar.
*Si sufre en el timbre, que por momentos puede resultar metalico, pero como luego veremos en lo tecnico, se le perdona por otras cuestiones. Los puristas de las voces lo van a disfrutar por la presencia de las mismas, mas que por lo conseguido en el tono.

*Estan, tiene cantidades interesantes de detalle, aunque quizás falte algo de información en determinadas zonas. He tenido iems con menos bajos que no daban esta cantidad de detalle, sin ser tan contundentes atras
*Tienen un carácter guerrero, con mucho aire, y separacion. El "realismo" en la tonalidad se pierde algo mas en esta zona


*Los eruditos del timbre, vendrán a contarte que los platillos suenan algo "splashy" y que las voces tienen algo de "roll-off"; y puede que lleven razon, no son los mas naturales del mercado, pero resultan placenteros y musicales
*La subida de volumen la pagas en mas descontrol de los agudos, una pena porque apetece mas golpe de bajo sin pagar ese peaje. Aunque no es el caso mas escandolo en este caso. El KINERA NORN por poner un ejemplo tiene un problema mucho mayor aqui

*Aunque pierde con determinados instrumentos y la representacion de armonicos (sobretodo en los bajos) no es la mas correcta, tienen una calidad por encima de la media.
*Lo que hay que destacar es el control y la agilidad que tiene desde bajos hasta medios. Es junto a la escena, lo que mas impresiona de este auricular.

*La textura en zonas mas bajas no es mucha, ya que su rapidez en la recogida, junto con el corte para evitar sangrados, no permite que el dinamico aporte toda la informacion
*Dispone de matices en el resto de rangos, dando mucha informacion en los agudos y medios-altos. La resolucion no se ve afectada incluso con pistas de mucha carga en los bajos

*Lo mas sorprendente sin lugar a dudas, es la espacialidad en la presentación, los elementos se presentan lejanos, no es que haya toneladas de aire entre los mismos, pero si que es todo lo contrario a una presentación congestionada
*Ademas, como guinda del pastel, la representación es holográfica, no es un plano en el que están todos los elementos, se extiende hasta la media esfera, teniendo ademas cierta altitud en todo el perimetro.

*Con facilidad para colocar los elementos, la separación entre ellos esta algo por encima de la media, ayudado por la falta de invasion de los bajos.
*Las voces se colocan al frente y algo por encima del resto de elementos. El bajo llega desde el frente y los laterales indistintamente. Es curioso que muchos elementos usan la altura para separase del resto.

Por configuración y por similaridad en la frecuencia de respuesta, vamos a enfrentarlo a un dinámico reconocido por la comunidad, el TANCHJIM HANA, por ver cuan distante esta de un timbre correcto; y de segundas, a un hibrido, técnico y recomendado para masterización, como es el IDUN GOLDEN de KINERA.

Vs. HANA.jpeg

La zona baja del Hana es mucho mas redonda, calidad y envolvente. Es meloso, y aun sin ser perezoso no puede compararse a este MS3, que va en la direccion contraria. Es lo mejor de ambos, pero de manera diferente.
*Mejor timbre, mas cuerpo, y naturildad, a costa de menor sensacion de espacilidad.
*El HANA es un auricular relajado, de caracter calido y harman, perfecto para amantes de las voces, no puede tener tanto detalle en la zona alta.
Dos enfoques diferentes para un tuning similar, en el que el MS3 pierden en el timbre, pero gana en detalle, agilidad y agilidad. La naturalidad del HANA junto a lo comodo de sus capsulas sigue siendo uno de mis DD favoritos.

Vs. IDUN.jpeg

*El IDUN quiere darte informacion, esta enfocado para el estudio y por tanto no tiene "musicalidad" en la zona baja. Tiene mas textura, pero esta ausente de golpe .
Son una antitesis, uno es la mesura, la tecnica y el timbre. El otro es musical, rapido y contundente. Podrian convivir en cualquier coleccion juntos, sin problema.
*El auricular de KINERA, creo que fue un cambio para la marca, en el tuning de la zona media y su transicion a los agudos. Es relajado, y una de las mejores implementaciones con BA en voces que he escuchado. El MS3 es mas tendencioso y excesivo en estas frecuencias, destacando en exceso.
*Al esta por debajo de la neutralidad en todo el espectro, el IDUN contiene mas informacion en linea generales. En escena gana el MS3, pero el IDUN es mas realista en la misma con un poquito menos de amplitud
Son una antitesis, uno es la mesura, la técnica y el timbre. El otro es musical, rapido y contundente. Podrían convivir en cualquier coleccion juntos, sin problema.

Sin lugar a dudas este auricular, puede ser el FiiO FH3 de alguien que entre nuevo en la aficion, lo tiene todo, rinde correctamente, y aunque se excede en algunos aspectos, resulta sorprendente en el rendimiento-por-euro invertido. Me recuerda muchisimo a la "superventas" de FiiO, con el que comparte mucho mas que su configuracion. El ajuste en la oreja, la musicalidad que transmite, el destaque de la zona alta, pero que es mas tecnico en la zona baja todavia. Sino existieran los s12 de turno en este rango de precio, o HIDIZS es capaz de situarlo por debajo de los 100€ esta claro que es una pieza de equipamiento facilisima de recomendar.

Tiene sus errores, pero sin lugar a dudas, cuenta con algunos aspectos tecnicos de auriculares mas caros, de hecho, segun terminaba el analisis, no hacia mas que pensar en lo inmenso de la escena, y tras haber probado equipos mas caros, que rinden mejor en timbre y mesura, diria que el HIDIZS es mejor en escena, espacialidad y agilidad.

No se si es la configuracion del Balance Armature interno, o el Dinamico de doble cavidad, que como varias veces he defendido creo que es el maximo exponente (hola NF AUDIO NA2) de los drivers de 10mm en iems, por lo mucho que extienden sin perder un apice de agilidad. Quizas en el tuning no hayan arriesgado mucho, fijandose una vez mas en HARMAN, pero si es verdad que hacen cosas mejores que homologos mas caros y con menos drivers que tienen la misma curva...

Un buen regalito de navidad, para cualquiera, sin importar que estilo musical sea tu favorito, va a sorprenderte sin lugar a dudas. HIDIZS, dadle una vuelta al diseño, poned algo mas de empeño en los complementos... el packaging... y lo teneis. Me quedo con ganas de catar el MP145, no descarto el regalarmelo mas adelante.


✔️ Impacto y contundencia en el subbass
✔️ Agil y rapido en el resto de la zona baja
✔️ Ausencia de sangrado a los medios

✔️ Sorprendente sensacion de espacio
🟡 Los agudos escalan con el volumen

🟡 Detalles a partir de los medios-altos, pero falta algo en la zona anterior
🟡 Complementos y empaquetados a los que le falta un pelin

🟡 Demasiado seco en la presentacion
❌ Voces excesivamente en el frente
❌ Timbre y naturalidad por debajo de la media


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Previously known as sakt1moko
no*SOUND presents... a ARTTI R1 review
Pros: .
✅ Intense and colorful
✅ Hits hard without over-invading other frequencies
✅ Natural, musical, fun as hell
✅ Impressive build quality for the price
Cons: .
⭕ It is not the most comfortable iem on the market
⭕ I would have preferred to pay a little more for a slightly better cable and tips
no*SOUND presenta…

🔈 Driver Setup. 2DD 6mm PU Suspension Titanium + 1DD 8mm CC Beryllium-diaphragm
✨Sen & Imp. 102dB/mW | 20,4Ω
💰 Price. 60€

Although I am not a fan of PENON, have to confess that I have always had a platonic love with the PENON SERIAL. That triple driver configuration on the dynamic drivers has caught my attention…

Therefore, when VOLKCHOI launched this iem, I had to spend €60 to test if they were what I expected. The graphics were promising, the build quality, and the leaks that they were built by LETSHUOER (and don't even notice, 60 euros for this capsule, sets a new standard in quality), ended with my wallet empty and my ears full.

Well, enough of the stories. At first, you already notice that we are looking at a colorful headphone, with punch and quite a bit of bass enhancement. This intensity does not prevent the presentation of a correct scene, in which the voices, if the recording is good and does not have much bass load, are perfectly placed, giving way to a naturalness with which to enjoy for hours. It's one of these headphones that you can wear for whatever you want, it doesn't matter what genre or use it is, it's the same for watching the latest film from NOLAN as it is for enjoying some JAZZ. It behaves more than correctly technically, without sacrificing anything (well, a little lack of detail, not definition, in the highs)

With an elongated bass, I remember the FiiO FH7s (not being so long), and which achieves a sound similar to the LEGATO. It does not reach the definition of these two, but it has a certain texture, moving more air and being more agile. I would say that it moves more air than both, picking up quickly, transmitting a blow that is satisfactory. It really has something special on the bass tuning.
In the mids and highs, it has a tone that feels warmer. The voices are correct, with body, although they suffer from sibilance (especially in the female ones). All are forgivable failures, but taking into account that it is a very specific profile, with technical capabilities far above what it costs. I remember that this headset costs similar to what the TRIPOWIN MELE cost… destroying it in all sections.
Better in the scene than in the definition, it makes you feel as if you were at a macro concert and not in a club. I've said it several times, but what makes this headset unique is the ability to hit you... you're going to move your head as you feed these pair.

If you are not a fan of treble, and you are in the €20 range and want to try something quality without going over €100… this R1 should be among your “possibles”. Couple it with a good dongle that gives it more juice, and you have it.

✅ Intense and colorful

✅ Hits hard without over-invading other frequencies
✅ Natural, musical, funny as hell

✅ Impressive build quality for the price

🟡 Although it has spark, don't look for details here

🟡 The voices can end up drowning in the scene
🟡 Unforgiving bass with loudness-war or bad recordings

⭕ It is not the most comfortable iem on the market
⭕ I would have preferred to pay a little more for a slightly better cable and tips
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Previously known as sakt1moko
Pros: .
✅Incredible dynamics and speed
✅Impressive cable
✅Surgical in definition…
Cons: .
⭕Low-level packaging
⭕Suffers from bad recordings or analytical sources
no*SOUND presenta… (full reviews here)


🔈 Driver Setup. 2DD – 6BA
✨Sen & Imp. 109dB/mW | 16Ω
💰 Price. 220€




Let's face it, I didn't expect this performance for such a low price; a 2DD, accompanied by 6BA at this price... at least is a surprise. But when you forget about the disastrous packaging, and focus on the capsule and its performance, it really is a great piece of headset.

It has an increditble detail performance... I would like the bass to be a little elevated. Sometimes frequencies in the upper area feel “annoying”, but it is only in certain recordings and at some moments. For some time now I have been advocating presentations with elongated bass, accompanied by some emphasis on the midbass, like my beloved FA7s, and this V12 is a perfect mix between the fullBA from FiiO and the bass of the FH7s, but controlled. The ability to separate layers and elements, the texture it provides, along with the amount of detail is impressive.

Year 2023, Chi-fi still making impressive headphones at more affordable prices. So if you have the possibility of adding a “custom” cable for this incredible price, IVIPQ has my attention in the coming months.
Get me out of the dark chi-fi pit, please.

✅Incredible dynamics and speed
✅Impressive cable
✅Surgical in definition…
🟡…clumsy (at times) in presentation

🟡Somewhat thin female voices
⭕Low-level packaging
⭕Suffers from bad recordings or analytical sources



Vaya por delante que no esperaba este rendimiento por un precio tan contenido; un doble dinámico, acompañado por 6BA a este precio… sorprende. Pero cuando te olvidas del desastroso packaging, y te centras en la cápsula y el rendimiento de la misma, es de verdad un pedazo de auricular.
Tiene detalles, como que el bajo me gustaria un poco más elevado, y que en algunos momentos tiene frecuencias en la zona alta que se sienten “molestas”, pero es solo en determinadas grabaciones y algunos momentos. Hace algún tiempo que defiendo las presentaciones con bajos alargados, acompañados de cierto énfasis en el midbass, como mi amado FA7s, y este V12 es una mezcla perfecta entre este y el bajo del FH7s, pero controlado.
La capacidad de separación de capas y elementos, la textura que entrega, junto con la cantidad de detalles es impresionante. Año 2023, y cada vez hacen auriculares más impresionantes a precios más contenidos, si además le sumas la posibilidad de añadirle un cable “custom”, IVIPQ tiene mi atención en los próximos meses.
Sacadme del pozo del chifi-oscuro, por favor.

✅ Dinámica y velocidad increíbles
✅ Cable impresionante
✅ Quirúrgico en la definición...

🟡 ...torpe (por momentos) en la presentación
🟡 Voces femeninas algo finas

⭕ Packaging de bajo nivel
⭕ Sufre con grabaciones malas o fuentes analiticas
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  • Like
Reactions: Wuzhishan
For the asking price a definite steal, highly recommended


Previously known as sakt1moko
Pros: .
✅ Perfect for listening at low volume
✅ Bass is enjoyable, treble is on point
✅ Scene with depth and height...
Cons: .
🟡 ...Although its on the intimate side
🟡 The bass may not be very technical for the most audiomaniacs
🟡 Extraordinary packaging, not the accessories
⭕ The shell-color may displease the most conservative

Driver Setup.
1DD 9.5mm Dual Magnet BioCellurar – 4 Sonion BA - 2 Knowles Ba – 4Way Crossover
Sen & Imp.
112dB/mW | 20Ω


Having them on right now on my head, as I write these paragraphs, the following always comes to mind...

...Chinese market is taking great care of us music lovers. Lucky for us "lovers the warm tones", that some brands are not obsessed with the technical part, caring more about the musicality and relaxing presentation.

The ratio dollar/performance of this headset places it as one of my favorites for everyone those who enjoy a special, biodynamic and technically notable bass. I couldn't write something "bad" about this piece of gear, also see how HISENIOR has been following the reception of the product in the community, means that next WILD NATURE release, already have all my interest.

I hope that more Asian brands change the step towards more Western (relaxed) tuning, without mid-highs exaggerated and seeking more enjoyment than technical correction on their presentations.

And the tends of switches, anytime is applied this way, its the way to go.

vs. FH7s.jpeg (full reviews here) (join to the group)
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Previously known as sakt1moko
Pros: .
✅ Detail & Organic bass
✅ Impressive packaging
✅ A Hybrid Planar-Armature for 50$...
Cons: .
⭕ …But not a typical planar
⭕ Sibilant at high volume

by PROblem

This & Others reviews you’re about to read, are made without any compliments, no regrets and for personal use. I usually review products that I’ve paid for by myself. These are personal opinions. I hope you like and understand what it is. A non-pro audiophile trying to write a different approach that we usually read in professional publications. English is not my mother language, so sorry for bad writing.
0-50% ★ RUN from It
50-70% ★★ Needs improvement or be tweaked
70-85% ★★★ Average, probably got some issues
85-95% ★★★★ Special, deserve attention
95-100% ★★★★★ U WANT THIS on your collection
This is my
LAST.FM profile

Tested at 50€. Could be bought at KINERA


KINERA, one of the most special brand outhere, which has been developing their own drivers from years ago, comes to the planar market with the most affordable planar driver ever made.
The design of the brand is one of their biggest point. Making beautiful shells and exclusive packages. The GUMIHO, even on the 50$ range, born with that philosophy.Under the "subrand" of CELEST, the GUMIHO is the first try with the new exclusive driver SPD, a 10mm planar square.
Let check it out!

  • Plastic mold build in two pieces, finish with a 2pin connector
  • You can choose between various finish, white or black on glossy or matte finish
    The faceplate is the one that got the details or draw on it. Also, the faceplate is the door that closed the earphone after driver installation
  • Lightweight, with a comfort mold, because the lack of weight of the capsule
  • 3 Vents on the top part of the earphone. The tourbillon is on the deeper side, and got a special design on the mesh
  • Average isolation, no sound leakage
  • Thanks to lightweight capsule, the comfort is superb. I’ve got big ears, but the fits seem correct, and the plastic mold help to avoid any inconvenience
  • The packaging and accessories are nice. The cable is one of the best on the price range, it looks similar to the one of the old QOA Vesper, only issue is tangle tendency
  • On the price range, I can’t remember a launch at this price with all the accessories and presentation it has. Only miss a case, I prefer over the bag

  • These sound nice from a Dongle, but I would recommend something a little bit powerful, like a BTR7 on high gain from the 3.5 output. Just to get the corrected bass response without going up on the volume. Any dac with High gain mode. Or just something in balanced mode with around 200w power output
  • An analytical dac, with nice stage suits perfectly with the warmer presentation
  • I’ve using the white open bore tips provided with the earphone, I get a perfect seal and not muffling the bass with them
The tuning is clearly warmer, with lot of body on bass that extends well to the mids. All the frequencies got the ability to give all the texture and info with a musical presentation. Its not the more analytical earphone out there but its clearly on a nice place to get best of both side (musical and analytical)

With the warmer tonality and coloration presentation, the organic and body this driver has, because of the “special build” it has, you are going to find an engaging and musical earphone, with some sibilancies on “S” and “T”

*NOTE: You can check on the HEAD-FI post, the driver is not a normal one, it has another technology that gives a different performance from other planar earphones.

I usually try to EQ to find the best performance of any equipment, no matter if it is a TV, PC or headphone. Audio shouldn't be an exception. Usually plays viaroon or[/color]UAPP, using stock cables. Just some tip rolling to get a proper seal.
  • MATRIX i-mini 3 pro
  • iFi XDSD Gryphon
  • FiiO K9pro AKM
  • FiiO BTR7
  • FiiO Q5s
This is my[/color] Tidal Test Playlist
LOWs 88%
  • The bass extends all over the frequencies until a little dip before the mids, trying to avoid any bleeds. It has a richer coloration
  • More wet than other planar on the market, probably because the type of driver. It’s not a monster detail on the bass section
  • With nice dynamics is more on the impact than rumble side, being softly for moments. Its like a Aladdin a little bit technical, without losing the softness
MIDs 84%
  • With a important presence on the scene, the mids are not pushed back, having some coloration and being important on the scene
  • This kind of presentation make the voice sounds correctly presented, but tends a over-exaggerate the timbre. Male voices got nice timbre thanks to the extension of bass. Female voices sounds nice, being a nice pick for voice-focus tracks on the price bracket
  • Not best timbre out there, but definitely, the bass give body than counter the single-BA issues
  • I’m still surprised what a BA is capable off
HIGHs 86%
  • A little over neutral presentation, that tends to sound more exaggerate with ever turn on the volume knob. It´s not unpleasant, but if you are more on the relaxed or neutral presentation, this pair is exactly the opposite.
  • Lot of sparkle, and nice effects around your head
  • Over-Average capacity of reveal, is not a monster, but one of the best on the price range
  • The setup of the BA is more than capable to show the KINERA firm, making the music alive but with some tendencies to sibilance

  • Layering is average, a good sense of space between sounds, helped by the good bass representation
  • Texture is not the best part of the earphone, having a good quality, but not the performance of other planar alternatives
  • The detail retrieval is over-average, the BA is on the sparkle-side so you are going to find info on this one
  • An average coherence representation, tends to be over-colored compared to NEUTRAL-HARMAN
  • Male voices are the best on this one, but the female one tends to sibilance a little more
  • Piano sounds more empathized that convenience, cords instruments are nice represented
  • More horizontal than vertical, has a nice elliptic representation
  • The feeling of space is nice, feels open for the price bracket
  • Not tends to sound congested, is not the airiest presentation, but have a good separation in all sounds
  • The mid-frequencies are in the center, bass coming away from thanks to their good extension. Sparkle is more on the side than top
  • At the first hours, tends to blurrier the tracks, but after some burning it starts to shine, having a nice speed and dynamics
  • The recovery is engaging, not being excessively dry and having a good extension at the same the got the energy to come back quickly
  • This kind of driver, a new one way to develop a planar driver that gives some new ways to tuning a driver, losing some clarity but getting more body

So, whats the conclusion of this iem? Well, its another KINERA tuning, solid performance, with a lovely bass that got an incredible softness with some nice technical performance. The counterpart is again, the tendency of the brand to get the high frequencies to the limit.

For the price, the level of packaging and the quality of plastic shell is astonishing. Plus, you get a nice cable and nice tips. Compared to other price bracket contender, the GUMIHO destroys them.

Lastly, Have to say, its not a planar like the S12 or TIMELESS, is another kind of driver that got weakness on detail, but sound more natural and comfortable than expensive competitors.

I really loved to write this review, enjoying music and put all my effort on describe what are the good/bad things of an IEM, thanks to all people that arrive to the end of this review, you can find more information about comparison versus other earphones, and some albums I recommend hearing with this item.

Enjoy music, that is why we are all here. Feel free to comment.
Hit the like button!!


As always, we are going to compare versus a similar price range, or just with similar tuning earphone.


S12 The next bracket-step
  • A metallic shell, clearly more durable. Fit is similar
  • Bass is much more present, a little hotter on the top frequencies
  • Technicalities are better, but less airy
  • The best and more vibrant planar under 300€
GUMIHO Fly like a butterfly…
  • A lightweight plastic design is more comfortable
  • More neutral with more mid-focus sound style
  • At not the same level of texture and layering, but more airy
  • A precious contender on the bracket, but is not “a planar”

MELE Not worth the hype
  • Best finish on the bracket, precious metal shell
  • Bass bleeder king, relaxed highs
  • Intimate presentation, tends to blurrier things. Timbre is good
  • The hype 50€ king, just works with rap or old-recordings
GUMIHO It deserves attention
  • One step down on build compared to the mele
  • More coherence tuning, with marvelous bass extension without bleed
  • The stage and technical performance is nice, not so good as mele in voices
  • For technical listening is a better choice
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I think you're spot on with the sibilance at high volumes, I noticed that as well


Previously known as sakt1moko
Naturally Funny
Pros: .
✅ Fit, build & Good looking capsule
✅ Technicalities are over-average
✅ Overwhelming performance in all frequencies
Cons: .
⭕ Bass needs some volume to work properly…
⭕ …and High frequencies can be too much for treble-sensitives
⭕ With some tracks scene sounds weird, voices recessed

by PROblem
This & Others reviews you’re about to read, are made without any compliments, no regrets and for personal use. I usually review products that I’ve paid for by myself. These are personal opinions. I hope you like and understand what it is. A non-pro audiophile trying to write a different approach that we usually read in professional publications. English is not my mother language, so sorry for bad writing.
0-50% ★ RUN From It
50-70% ★★ Needs improvement or be tweaked
70-85% ★★★ Average, probably got some issues
85-95% ★★★★ Special, deserve attention
95-100% ★★★★★ U WANT THIS on your collection
This is my
LAST.FM profile


Tested at 180€. Could be bought at WHIZZER ALIEXPRESS STORE


Again Whizzer, another earphone continuing their project to deliver nice beautiful shells, with innovative technology. My last review about the HE03D, which got the same technology on the driver, with a bigger one (12mm) and totally different tuning, made me want to test the best of the products that WHIZZER got on their line.
And here we are, ready to review this Hybrid, with a pair of knowles ready to manage the high frequencies, a 5th Dynamic with tesla technology. Let's put them in!


  • Aluminium shell, perfectly shaped with 5axis CNC, to achieve a one piece for the chamber. A 2pin (semi-proprietary) connector, which accept any 2pin cable.
  • A beautiful Aluminum Matte finish, with a faceplate that has a logo and the model on the top. The hand-feeling is superb.
  • Weight is adequate, as the mold of the shelf, small ears are not going to have any problem with this earphone
  • 2 vents are present on the shell, bigger enough to avoid any flex on the driver. The nozzle seems to be part of the shell, and got double snap to adjust any tip on them
  • Need some volume to achieve a certain level of isolation, in the other hand sound leaking is non-existent
  • About fit, its light, really, the comfort could be affected because the size of the nozzle, but with the right pair of tips that comes with the earphones, it's easy to wear them all day long
  • Again, the package and accessories are over-average, rivaling some more expensive brands. The cable still tends to tangle, like the HE03D one, but it feels and looks nice

  • Needs some volume to work properly, so a powerful amp in low gain is my recommendation to drive them properly. BTR7 on low gain for example needs to fill the half of the bar to achieve a nice punch on the bass
  • Be careful with more vibrant dacs, highs could be uncomfortable on long sessions. The XBASS of iFI gives them a punchy character if needed
  • The white ones that comes in the package are my preferred, they are similar to the FIIO vocal ones
  • A nice driver capable of being eq´d. So if u want to try mod or equalization on this pair, it's perfect to the job

The tuning is more on the bright side, with a harman neutral bass, anyways thanks to the perfection of bass delivery, it has a punchy presentation with a little bit of colored feeling.
The tonality seems to be a little bit warm, which tends to saturate the high tones, with a little recessed mid-frequencies
It has the feel of an V-shape, but the technical level of the earphone makes them suitable for critical listening or relaxed ones.


I usually try to EQ to find the best performance of any equipment, no matter if it is a TV, PC or headphone. Audio shouldn't be an exception. Usually plays viaroon or[/color]UAPP, using stock cables. Just some tip rolling to get a proper seal.
  • MATRIX i-mini 3 pro
  • iFi XDSD Gryphon
  • FiiO K9pro AKM
  • FiiO BTR7
  • FiiO BTR3K
This is my[/color] Tidal Test Playlist
LOWs 93%
  • A pair of tones under Harman, the presence of the bass is nice, textured with a nice quantity of rumble.
  • Definition on low frequencies and the superb quality make this pair (again) one of the best DD on the segment
  • Best of dynamics, with a tight bass and so much rumble without distortion.
  • First time I check the graph I thought about the lack of bass (I'm a basshead) but this earphone has the exactly punch you need to enjoy music
MIDs 79%
  • The recessed frequencies, with complex tracks, tend to be drowned between upper and low frequencies. Have some coloration on mids
  • Voices and instruments sound with body, I prefer the female ones over the males. Instruments, jazz or orchestral are perfect, you can really feel every percusion
  • The issue is how recessed they sound, which is the principal problem. When the track is saturated, male voiced are lost
HIGHs 81%
  • Clearly, these frequencies are the stars of the show, all sounds on this part is gonna be revealed.
  • It's a sparkling monster, tends to over-present the details, especially the guitar chords. But they don't sound extremely piercing
  • The ability to reveal is excessive, a little bit less and more emphasis on mids, and this should be perfect


  • Its capable to present every layer of the track with clariness
  • Not the best to get textures on mids, but the rest of frequencies, are superb on resolution
  • Nice to get details of every track, the sparkling it has help to reveal them
  • It has coherence on the Timbre, nothing sound over saturated
  • Maybe male voices are affected by the body of the midbass, not bleed.
  • Strings are lovely, one of the best for this, also the percusion is fantastic. Piano feels thinner, but anyways this is superb
  • A nice ellipsis, more horizontal than vertical. Voices sound a little bit on the back of the head
  • The sensation of space is nicely done, you can point sounds around your head
  • Separation and layering are over average, maybe the bass presence point this earphone to the intimate side, closing the gap
  • For voices it is not as good as instruments (jazz, for example) tracks.
  • Resolutive, with capacity to resolve oversaturated tracks.
  • Fast, with nice recovery, feels good with percusion

When a brand doesn't create the same over and over, and launch a risky tuning like this it's something to celebrate. Compared to the price bracket contenders, maybe the lack of presence in voices that usually feels surpassed by the bass is enough to discard. BUT if you usually want to listen Live or jazz recordings, this could be a really nice pick.
Besides that,, Whizzer is a quality brand that provides beautiful packaging with the best construction in every segment.
So, if you are looking for something vivid, to enjoy percussion and guitar, this is a valid pick to put in the fight for your money.

I really loved to write this review, enjoying music and put all my effort on describe what are the good/bad things of an IEM, thanks to all people that arrive to the end of this review, you can find more information about comparison versus other earphones, and some albums I recommend hearing with this item.

Enjoy music, that is why we are all here. Feel free to comment.
Hit the like button!!


As always, we are going to compare versus a similar price range, or just with similar tuning earphone.



HE03D Glory for the bass
  • With an enormous shell, it could be an issue fit on your ears
  • Clearly a more fun tuning, looking to move your head. Mids are lost
  • Airy, with nice layering, but the stage is sometimes smaller
  • The other side of the coin, fun, engaging, with fit issues

HE03AL Sorry for the mids
  • Beautiful earphone with better fit and splendorous nozzle
  • The tuning is more mature, coherent
  • Better layering, better imaging, less stage
  • A masterpiece, but less musical than the HE03D. Comfort is better



  • Resin shell, but comfort is bad because the nozzle
  • Airy presentation, with analytical bass
  • Holographic stage, is like a 3D effect
  • Best technical earphone on the range, funnier for neutral lovers, more relaxed

  • Smaller capsule, better comfort, best build
  • Force of the bass,, more vibrant
  • Less stage, but they are on the same level on imaging
  • Funnier than Teas, a step behind on technical, two steps over on bass

Clicking on the image of the album open the webplayer of TIDAL

Carte Blanche

★★★★★ Probably one of the best DJ to see on live right now, this is his masterpiece, mixing all genres is a immense compendium of tracks

Recommended tracks:
‣ Frequency 75
‣ Butterly Effect
‣ When the Lights Go Down
‣ No More

If you want to feel the punch of the bass, and realise the inexistent bleed it got, this is the album you want to try. It's gonna make your feet move


Parallel Motion

★★★★ This fusion of jazz, from a band with more than 30 years on the stage, its one of the best album to express the contemporary jazz

Recommended tracks:
‣ Resilience
‣ Samaritan

Contemporary jazz with a beautiful recording, easy to listen to reveal what are the best qualities of this earphone
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Previously known as sakt1moko
Mid-Bass Contender
Pros: .
✅ Perfect for Mid-Bass lovers
✅ The best build/package on 150€
✅ Technology of the driver
Cons: .
⭕ A little big exaggerated on Upper-Mids
⭕ Bulky capsule
Whizzer HE03D

by PROblem
This & Others reviews you’re about to read, are made without any compliments, no regrets and for personal use. I usually review products that I’ve paid for by myself. These are personal opinions. I hope you like and understand what it is. A non-pro audiophile trying to write a different approach that we usually read in professional publications. English is not my mother language, so sorry for bad writing.
0-50% ★ RUN From It
50-70% ★★ Needs improvement or be tweaked
70-85% ★★★ Average, probably got some issues
85-95% ★★★★ Special, deserve attention
95-100% ★★★★★ U WANT THIS on your collection
This is my
LAST.FM profile


Tested at 140€. Could be bought at WHIZZER OFFICIAL STORE


WHIZZER is still looking for the best tuning on dynamic drivers since 2015, when they started to be know as the actual brand (previously named OPERA HOUSE) with the A15. Nearest releases, the HE01 got attention for the community, bringing a nice warmth coloration tuning, and a beautiful shell and build.
For this release, WHIZZER applies their latest patent, a Driver with a capsule configuration that promises a 0 distortion on the reproduction. If the interior sound as good as the exterior looks, we got a winner here.


  • A 2pin connector over an enormous 5-axis CNC full metal shell. Its one of the best metal earphone I've ever try
  • A splendorous black painting, crowned with a beautiful 3D curved glass with a beautiful “star” on the top. The build on this earphone is just superb, and surpasses a lot of more expensive ones
  • The capsule is weight is average, but the problem is more the bulky and how the mold forces it to stay out of your ears.
  • 3 Holes vents plus 3 cavity on the top of the shell create a semi-open configuration.You are not gonna find Driver flex here
  • IEven with the semi-open design, the isolation is really nice, don't need a foam tip to be isolated. It has a little of sound leakage
  • It could be uncomfortable because of the bulky capsule, but surprisingly the comfort is not as bad as it looks. Can be weared for hours without notice
  • The package, and all the accessories included (case, tips…) are probably the best I've see on the sub200€. The case has enough room for the capsules and the cable provided, and the original Whizzer tips got some interesting ideas. The cable tends to tangle but its really nicely made and looks as good as the shell

  • Can´t be used from the phone, I would recommend put some energy on this driver, the bass sound “liberated” when is plugged to the BTR7 or the GRYPHON
  • When this mid-bass tuning, it has his own personality, so the source doesn't matter, maybe someone that control the top frequencies could be a nice pick, and a source with good separation is good for avoid congestion
  • For the tips, I pick the “reference black” which has a open bore configuration but it a little bit larger
🔈Driver. 12mm DLC Dynamic Driver on Semi-open structure
🔌Cable. 6N single crystal copper | 2pin connector| 3.5mm jack
💊Capsule. 5-axis CNC full metal shell with Helmholtz-like resonator
✨Sen & Imp. 112B/mW | 35 ohm

With a mid-bass bump like the one on the graph, and no subbass this earphone maybe doesn’t suit the audiophile contemporary standards. But if you don’t see the FR, and just focus on the sound, are going to find a precious U-shape, with a warmer tonality and so much body on it. Maybe it has a lot of bodyness, and could be over-colored, but this kind of analogue sound with the incredible technology of the driver, which allowed to play every track with 0 distortion, make this earphone one of the best contender for mid-bass lover (like me)
A little bit hotter on the top frequencies, sometimes sibilant, but maintaining a coherence which is difficult to find on this kind of tuning. Maybe I´m being a little subjective here, but I really think this are one of the best tuning with this emphasis on midbass, with a nice "hump" but still having coherence, presence and texture in all frequencies


I usually try to EQ to find the best performance of any equipment, no matter if it is a TV, PC or headphone. Audio shouldn't be an exception. Usually plays viaroon or[/color]UAPP, using stock cables. Just some tip rolling to get a proper seal.
  • MATRIX i-mini 3 pro
  • iFi XDSD Gryphon
  • FiiO K9pro AKM
  • FiiO BTR7
  • FiiO BTR3K
This is my[/color] Tidal Test Playlist

LOWs 94%
  • Bass is clearly mid-focused, it's the start of the show, and clearly pushing the body and musicality of all frequencies
  • Find a tuning focused on mid-bass with this level of texture & detail is a strange thing. Really impressive & clean bass(mid)
  • In the technical part, the dynamics, rumble and punch are top-level. Looking at the graph maybe u would miss more subbass, but It really develop a nice sensation of air and rumble to your ears
  • Needs some time to shine, and some burning (brain or driver one, choose your preference). If you find a nice tips to get the seal, and forgive the lack of subbass, Its probably one of the best on this category
MIDs 86%
  • Even with that midbass bump, mid frequencies are in the center of the shows, with an over-average coloration
  • Strong voices sound a little bit weird, like too emphasized, while the thin ones are delicious. For example, Amy (winehouse) sounds with more body that you are gonna find in other earphone, and a little bit "darker"
  • Timbre is a little bit exaggerated, but sounds correct, more colored than metallic
  • Sibilant tones are just around the corner, but nothing to worried about, and scales really nice with volume and sources
HIGHs 83%
  • Some excess on the presence of the frequencies , with some sounds with more emphasized than a neutral tuning, but they are not sharp, helping to sound cohesive
  • About sparkling, the sensation is good, with stuff going around your hear
  • The capacity to reveal is a little less-average, but they are more than enough to sound enjoyable


  • The ability to layer the music is nice, but its clearly affect for the vertical stage
  • Texture is not the best on the segment, but for a relaxed presentation like this is nice. The bass got more than enough information, having rumble and definition at the same time
  • Its not a detail monster, but is more than capable to work nicely to reveal
  • The midbass make everything sound warmer than necessary, but and the same time the body note and relaxed way of presentation makes this earphone easy to hear during long sessions
  • Best for male voices, the female ones seems to have more body than necessary, anyways the clean and relaxed presentation for both genres should be a nice pick for unplugged albums
  • Instruments sounds robust, every drum/guitar has a pleasant rumble inside your ear, and I'm still surprised about the tech behind this driver, it's hard to find a song with bleed problems. I really like the sound of piano on these earphones
  • I would say is one of the best for jazz/unplugged albums
  • More vertical than horizontal, not the widest one. It's on the intimate side. Probably is caused by the "in your head" voices, just set backs in your eyes. Its like having a two vertical wall of sounds (bass) with the voices inside your head
  • In sense of space, like I told, things seems to be very close to your head, part of that is for the presence of the (clear) bass, the details anyways
  • On this section I should say; this earphone has that reverb/concert effect, I usually like that way of presentation, getting the body of sound to make the track more musical, but It's not a "natural stage"
  • With an intimate presentation and only one driver, the technology and tuning of the driver allowed to have a nice separation
  • Voices come right between your eyes, bass is around your hear and details come from your side. Maybe is not the most coherent presentation, but doesn't bleed and maintain the voices separated from the bass
  • Having this kind of velocity and no-resonances make this one of the best single DDs I've tried. Capable to resolve tracks with multiple layering even with this kind of tuning
  • The speed, is impressive to maintain a superb level of recovery. Tight and concrete notes, make this earphone one of the best on this section

I have to confess, I´m addicted to the hump, but when it comes with this dynamics, this intimate stage and some details coming from afar... its for sure this is a masterpiece. Probably some equipment is more technical, or the timbre is nicely done, but get everything done with a 12mm DD, its just impressive.
Apart from that, the package, cable, design and build, make this product a bargain, just the size of the shell, the upper-mid presentation and some details keep them on the 4★ rating
If you are a Mid-Bass lover, and like some of the next earphones I´m going to compare with the HE03D, just jump on this train, you are not going to regret it

I really loved to write this review, enjoying music and put all my effort on describe what are the good/bad things of an IEM, thanks to all people that arrive to the end of this review, you can find more information about comparison versus other earphones, and some albums I recommend hearing with this item.

Enjoy music, that is why we are all here. Feel free to comment.

Hit the like button!!


As always, we are going to compare versus a similar price range, or just with similar tuning earphone.



OH10 The old? King
  • Even with this precious shell, quality is better on the Whizzer, Fit is better, Weight is tremendous
  • More hump, more highs, its the v of hell
  • Tuning clearly affected the technicalities, but its funnier than the Whizzer
  • An underrated gem that probably just find a contender

HE03D Contender to the throne
  • Its made on 2020 meanwhile the Ikko is from the old decade
  • More technical, not so aggressive on tuning
  • The stage is better, the bass is near to be funnier
  • Best product, but contained



BELIEVE Be-liever
  • Nice shell, smallest, and the fit is better
  • More relaxed Shape
  • Timbre is better, but lacks on dynamics
  • Another nice DD, more darker than the Whizzer

HE03D Evo-lution
  • Bulkier, but precious, quality over price-range
  • Everything got more presence, the bass is more dry
  • The lacks of distortion, make them sound more resolute
  • A Believe more technical but worse timbre

Clicking on the image of the album open the web-player of TIDAL


MTV Unplugged

★★★★ A classic unplugged, showing what maná is capable in this recording

Recommended tracks:
‣ En El Muelle De San Blas
‣ Coladito
‣ Rayando el Sol

The male voices and the presentation on this album fits perfectly with the soul of this earphone, a nice test for the timbre


★★★★ Lost Tim Bergling in 2018 probably is the worst what happen on the EDM story. This album is a memorial to celebrate how revolutionary Tim was. RIP

Recommended tracks:
‣ Heaven
‣ Peace Of Mid
‣ Fades Away
‣ Tough Love

Just an album to relaxed, feel the separation and texture this earphone is capable of
Last edited:


Previously known as sakt1moko
Pros: .
✅ One of the best stages, make them perfect for gaming
✅ Top-level drivers
✅ Quality / Design is top notch (as always from KINERA)…
Cons: .
⭕ …but maybe you don’t like it
⭕ So much contrast on the timbre
⭕ High frequencies are OVER 9000!

by PROblem
This & Others reviews you’re about to read, are made without any compliments, no regrets and for personal use. I usually review products that I’ve paid for by myself. These are personal opinions. I hope you like and understand what it is. A non-pro audiophile trying to write a different approach that we usually read in professional publications. English is not my mother language, so sorry for bad writing.
0-50% ★ RUN From It
50-70% ★★ Needs improvement
70-85% ★★★ Average, probably got some issues
85-95% ★★★★ Special, deserve attention
95-100% ★★★★★ U WANT THIS on your collection
This is my
LAST.FM profile

Tested at 280€ (used). Could be bought at KINERA OFFICIAL STORE


KINERA has a special place in my heart, when I started on the philia, the VESPER was one of the first over 50€ purchases I made. KINERA is a known brand for making probably one of the best designs on this iems since 2011, developing their own drivers and reaching the TOTL price on a lot of their tribirds. This NORN is in the 500€ bracket fighting to get a place between some furious enemies, going for a hybrid configuration with a spectacular 7mm Dynamic Driver on the bass with 4BA to get the high and mid frequencies. Let's go check it out! & test if the FR graph tells us all about the sound…


  • The resin capsule, beautifully handmade is one of the best jobs on this bracket, you can feel every detail on the build of this capsule, and the connector its a 2 pin that seems nicely finish, the cable don't have any issues to be connected (problem that I've found in other iems like CLAIRE, STARLIGHT or TEA)
  • Special mention deserve the paint job, coronated with the silver word on NORN on the top
  • The weight of the capsule is 4.3gr, adequate, you almost no feel you got something on the ears
  • With the smallest vent on the top Ive ever seen, KINERA does an exceptional job with the tunneling and channels inside the capsule, splitting every frequency with their own tube, not having any reflection and sounding exceptionality clear, and finishing in 3 different holes to your ears. The diameter of the nozzle is 6.1mm.
  • The isolation is topnotch, with a nice pair of tips, nobody is gonna hear what is sounding in your ears. It's not the best to walk around, you are gonna figure out a bus hit you when you would be at the hospital 😂
  • The comfort and fit are supreme, probably the only issue is the weight of the cable, but if you aren't sensitive that, this is soft and the lacking of weight make them probably one of the best for long time sessions (talking about fit only)
  • The quality of the over 300€ packaging of KINERA (FREYA, URD, NORN…) is really special, the only brands I tried that got that quality in this price bracket are DUNU and FIIO. The case, the accessories provided, a bag of FINAL AUDIO E tips… just superb
  • I'm suspicious about the humidity this iems could get inside, the small ventilation and the fit it has, make my ears sweat, so proceed with caution when use

  • This earphone really scales with nice eq, highs should be more controlled and bass gets a little bit of separation with the K9pro. Same happens with the GRYPHON. Anyways, the BTR3K could move via 2.5mm without issues
  • It's more sensitive to the power than the character of the source, so works well with any dac, but If you plug in a DAC like the MATRIX, with problems on the output impedance, the dynamic tends to lose definition.
  • With the super-fit of the NORN any tips that gives you a nice isolation works nicely, but my preference as always goes with the KBEAR 07-08 or the FINAL AUDIO E
🔈Driver.7mm titanium-plated fiber suspension diaphragm | 2 Knowles RAF-32873 + Kinera BA | 3 crossover FR & 3 Indepent Tube Design
🔌Cable. Pure Copper | 2pin connector| 2.5mm jack (+ some adapters)
💊Capsule. Ergonomic Resin with handmade painting
✨Sen & Imp. 110dB/mW | 32 ohm

The first thing you see when checking the FR Graph is the aggressive tuning on the top frequencies, they start soon to be pushed to the top, making this iem look so much more sharp than they really are. They are far to be relaxed, but believe me, the intensity and clarity of the sound without any siblings still surprises me about the job that kinera made on the BA configuration.
The color and tonality of this iem suits perfectly with the colors chosen for the capsule, its vibrant, its red, its like fire and is going to burn you, making the music sound alive and astonishing. It's far to be relaxed, not pushing the bass to the extreme, but the presence low frequencies have, helps to control the fatigue with high frequencies. This is the issue I find with the NORN, the long time sessions could be fatiguing depending on the music you choose, making your ears asking for a rest.


I usually try to EQ to find the best performance of any equipment, no matter if it is a TV, PC or headphone. Audio shouldn't be an exception. Usually plays viaroon or[/color]UAPP, using stock cables. Just some tip rolling to get a proper seal.
  • MATRIX i-mini 3 pro
  • FiiO K9 pro akm version
  • iFi XDSD Gryphon
  • Fiio BTR5
  • Fiio BTR3K
This is my[/color] Tidal Test Playlist

LOWs 84%
  • Two steps over neutral, got the tuning necessary to control the other frequencies. A really technical way to present and use a dynamic driver of this characteristics
  • Information and texture of the driver is nice, but is not the best for definition of the low frequencies, and tends to bleed a little, little bit
  • One of the best bass for dynamic & speed, the rumble & punch are average
  • Just say I don't have any driver flex issues, but with this small vent on the top, will be possible if any suffer this problem

MIDs 81%
  • Mids and clearly on the front, supported by the high frequencies, and making them one of the stars of the show
  • Again KINERA making the BA sound right on voices, sounding relaxed but detailed, the counterpart is the female voices sometimes sounds a little bit thinner that I would like
  • The timbre is nice, instruments got insane definition, just a little excess on contrast make the timbre unnatural and over-saturated
  • I'll talk about the stage later on the review, but the separation & clarity make this frequencies enjoyable as hell
HIGHs 77%
  • Focusing your earphone on top frequencies, is a risky bet, they made an awesome job to give this clarity and detail, but could be aggressive and far to be relaxed
  • Air and sparklyness is amazing, probably one of the best thing of this iem
  • The ability to resolve and show every part the track is astonishing, maybe is much emphasized than necessary

  • Layering is nice, every frequency got their own channel, the bass doesn't bleed
  • The lack of texture on the bass contrast with the excess of it on the rest frequencies
  • Details are awesome, but excess of sparkling
  • The counterpart of the risky tuning that KINERA tried on this earphone, is the excess of coloration/contrast, giving a little bit of metallic? timbre, wich in this segment of price is not good at all
  • Not sibilance voices, just a little too much present of the voice on the tracks focused on the singer. Anyways, I could say that some old female artist albums (see recommendation on the last part of the review) sound nice. Can't say the same with new recorded albums
  • Instruments are wich get the worse part of the tuning, guitars and cymbals tends to sound too much, not bad, but clearly exaggerated on volume
  • The airy presentation clearly affects the stage, more horizontal than vertical. Everything sounds around your hear, and they are incredible for gaming
  • The sensation of 3D scene, like I said, make them incredible for gaming, also with this tuning, steps and details are really clear
  • Ability to separate is average, the quantity of highs and sparkling make difficult to separate so many details
  • The stage presents with voice at eye-height, bass is around the scene, some instruments are presented near to the voices, sometimes makes difficult to get a nice presentation
  • With complex tracks tends to solape sounds, anyways the bass is clean as hell, just got the problem mentioned above
  • The recovery is nice, not the best BA implementation from KINERA, but this is part of the risky bet they make here

At the time of this review, the classifieds of this forum got a lot of units of this earphone at the half-price of store price… I can't understand why this underrated gem is there. Maybe the tuning is aggressive on the highs, but give them a chance, do not go so up on the volume, and try to avoid bad (loudness war) recordings. This is one of the more technical iems out there, near to the “audiophiles gems” (CLAIRE & MONARCH) but trying to make the music more exciting, more vibrant, and that’s why is so valuable, because KINERA is trying to make some different… something unique…
Apart from that, the price/performance is nice, the quality of the packaging, the level of design, painting and finish is superior to other earphones costing half of them. Compared to SA6 or CLAIRE, this KINERA is superior in all build aspects. The drivers included on this earphone, are impressive, making the scene detailed, cohesive and nothing sound sibilant. Like I said, probably I’m not so sensitive to high frequencies, but sounds better than looks (including the FR graph)
Just give them a chance, if you are bored from pleasing tuning and calm tuning, and usually listen some old recordings, and want something more vibrant to enjoy your music, just jump on the viking boat.

I really loved to write this review, enjoying music and put all my effort on describe what are the good/bad things of an IEM, thanks to all people that arrive to the end of this review, you can find more information about comparison versus other earphones, and some albums I recommend hearing with this item.

Enjoy music, that is why we are all here. Feel free to comment.

As always, we are going to compare versus a similar price range, or just with similar tuning earphone.



  • Build Quality of ADONIS is nice, but NORN is two steps above
  • Adonis is vibrant, but less aggressive, the bass is more textured on the ADONIS
  • A little more clean presentation, but scene is smaller
  • More coherent presentation, but not as lively as NORN
NORN The risk evolution
  • Compete versus NORN in build and package is hard, even for KINERA
  • Maybe more vibrant than coherent, lack of texture on the NORN, more punchiness
  • Technicalities and Stage are clearly for the NORN, the coherence is for ADONIS
  • Over saturated, but so much funnier than ADONIS




EST 112 The relaxed friend
  • On build and package presentation, DUNU wins for the quality of the cable, but it's almost a tie
  • A relaxed presentation that demonstrate you don't need over exaggerate the highs to make them sound clear
  • The stage of the DUNU is horizontal, but the size is similar to the NORN. I prefer the timbre of DUNU for long listening sessions
  • A neutral warmth earphone with relaxed highs that surprise for the musicality it has
NORN The party friend
  • Get so close on package to DUNU, and have better build construction (and fit) says everything of KINERA
  • Just the opposite presentation, bass is punchier, and voices are near to your eyes
  • Stage is a little bit wider, and got more verticality, details are more present on this tuning
  • A perspective totally different to make an iem, you should your side

Clicking on the image of the album open the webplayer of TIDAL

Marcin Przybytowicz The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

★★★★ Probably one of the best game soundtracks ever made, a brilliant compendium of tracks with the highest quality master recording

Recommended tracks:
‣Just Heard all the tracks and remember this GOAT videogame

A perfect test to check if this earphone is so much for your ears, maybe the guitar strings are over saturated, but the imaging and detail are superb

MADONNA Ray of Light

★★★★★ Madonna and William Orbit made one the best comteporary pop-techno albums with a top-level production quality

Recommended tracks:
‣ Frozen
‣ Nothing Really Matters
‣ Drowned

Probably the best album to check the different character of this iem and see how its affected for the source and tracks you use with it


★★★★ The first album of this singer is a presentation of power, voice and character mixed with electronic and hip hop. A truly masterpiece

Recommended tracks:
‣ River
‣ White Flag

This kind of electronic-made voice focused album is just exactly why NORN exist, make them funniest and making your head move
Last edited:


Previously known as sakt1moko
YANYIN ALADDIN. Technical Softness
Pros: .
✅Technicalities & Stage over price range
✅Clarity, without harsh
✅The softness is enjoyable, make them easier to listen for hours but…
Cons: .
⭕…the fit is an issue, uncomfortable for long listening sessions
⭕Lack of definition & texture
⭕If you are looking for analytical bass, not here mate

by PROblem
This & Others reviews you’re about to read, are made without any compliments, no regrets and for personal use. I usually reviewed products that I’ve paid for by myself. These are personal opinions. I hope you like and understand what it is. A non-pro audiophile trying to write a different approach that we usually read in professional publications.

0-50% ★ RUN From It
50-70% ★★ Needs improvement
70-85% ★★★ Average, probably got some issues
85-95% ★★★★ Special, deserve attention
95-100% ★★★★★ U WANT THIS on your collection

This is my
LAST.FM profile

Tested thanks to @Dagola. Could be bought at HIFIGO

YANYIN, a new brand born in 2020, landed on the hifi (chifi) territory with this hyped earphone that fits on the sub300 bracket. This Hybrid 3BA / 1DD comes in a nice packaging, it seems to be the first official launch of the brand but lacks in accessories.
The tuners of the earphone point the sound to a mature-intimate presentation, looking for a soft/comfy tuning that tries to make a name on this market. The relaxing but coherent presentation seems to be the firm of the brand.
At the time of this review, YANYIN launch 4 earphones, more expensive than this, with their own firm on every of them.


  • Resin capsule with custom mold, no edges and really nice build construction, 2pin connector
  • A gray painting for the body and a beautiful liquid graphite faceplate with beautiful logo of YANYIN and the name of the iem on silver letters
  • The weight is over average, with a custom shape mold
  • A high-quality vent on the top, the same that comes is more-expensive equipment
  • The isolation is nice, and nobody is going to listen nothing of your earphones
  • The fit is nice, this type on CIEM build usually adapt nicely to my ears, but the comfort is not at the same level, after a couple of hours I need a rest, because the size of the tourbillon
  • Spartan packaging, no case included. Cable is nice braided, with a silver plated 2 cores white cable

  • I don’t believe on extreme power requirements, but the ALADDIN seems to be enhanced with nice amps and get the bass controlled, with the K9 I obtained better bass control
  • I would recommend a medium gain on something warm like K9 or Q5S, improving the intimate stage and giving more clarity to the bass frequencies. Also, the AKM will give you more sparkling on the high frequencies
  • For tips, get the comfier silicone you got, something like FINAL AUDIO E will suit perfectly, or the KBEAR 07 are nice as well. FOAM could be too much muddier for the bass
🔈 Driver. Bio-Diaphragm Dynamic Driver | 3 BA | with 3 crossover FR & 3 Indepent Tube Design
🔌Cable. Pure Copper Silver-Plated | 2pin connector| 3.5mm jack
💊Capsule. Ergonomic Resin
✨Sen & Imp. 108dB/mW | 10 ohm

The hybrid combination of this iem, with a Bio-Diaphragm Dynamic Driver Tuning, that reminds me of my lovely NIGHTHAWKS, gives a soft presentation with necessary details on the rest of frequencies. On this occasion, the mids are the stars of the show, make them in the center of the stage, without throwing them to your face.
The timbre and tonality are just perfect, probably on the “warm” side, because of the relaxed presentation, but for me are pretty neutral, just a little bit of color to make them less analytical and more enjoyable.
Just my two cents about the bass, I would like to be a little more detailed, its too much “hump” for a technical earphone like this, and tends to bleed on the mids, is the only counterpart I can find on i


I usually try to EQ to find the best performance of any equipment, no matter if it is a TV, PC or headphone. Audio shouldn´t be an exception. Usually plays via roon or UAPP, using stock cables. Just some tip rolling to get a properly seal.
  • MATRIX i-mini 3 pro
  • FiiO K9 pro akm version
  • iFi XDSD Gryphon
  • Fiio BTR5
  • Fiio BTR3K
This is my Tidal Test Playlist

LOWs 79%
  • An Over-Neutral bass, soft, not giving all the information that bass got, it´s muddier than resolving
  • Texture is poor and tends to bleed on some tracks with prominent bass
  • Got a lot of punch, but lacks on dynamics and rumble, this could be bad for audiophiles, but give them a pleasing relaxed sound for long listening sessions
  • For other YANYIN I’ve tried on the past, this seems to be the firm of the brand, not giving the technical performance on these frequencies, just this engaging bass that fits with a lot of genres
MIDs 91%
  • The presence of the vocals is just superb, cohesive, and in the right place, this is the strongest point of this earphone.
  • Lovely voices, with so much body in both genres, if you want an earphone to enjoy the singer and instruments, this is the right one
  • All instruments sound nicely, from piano to synthesizers, from electric guitars to violins. One of the best BA tuning on mids for timbre
  • With bass-tracks tends to got some bleeds on mid-frequencies
HIGHs 89%
  • Relaxed, but the details are there, nothing's gonna hide from you
  • Sparklyness, sounds are gonna fly over your head and come from every place
  • The definition is not the best, but more than necessary

  • Isn´t the most resolving earphone but has the ability to layer really nice, if we don’t talk about bass bleed. Would show every floor of sound, but not going to give you all the info
  • The lack of texture on the bass is the main reason for the softness of this earphone, on mid frequencies the voices got more body, but the rest are relaxed on the presentation with no edges
  • The details are present, got some sparkle on the high frequencies, but it's far from being the best on definition
  • It's coherent on the timbre, the softness, the quality of the instruments played, just superb…
  • The voices comes with body, right timbre, and presence, nothing to say here
  • Same history for the instruments, amazing presentation
  • More horizontal than vertical, mid frequencies tend to be present a little upper your eyes, making them apart for the rest. The bass and details comes from sides, but the bass is bigger enough to be present on all scene
  • The spaciousness is average, not intimate but near to that
  • Nice separation, except on bass-tracks, on which you are gonna find some bleed
  • Feels to be on the “down-center” of the scene, with mids coming upfront you
  • Resolving and capacity to show every detail.
  • Bass tends to lose coherence on complex tracks, being muddy sometimes
  • Slow recovery with nice hump, but tends to bleed with so much bass
  • Agility is less-average


Making an earphone with this style on your first try it's something special, is not the most resolutive, probably got some bleeds on the bass, and the fit is clearly an issue… but the rest is superb. If you are looking for a mid-focused, relaxed presentation but with other technical abilities that clearly make this a winner. Voices got character, are clearly pushed to be the star of the show and suits a lot of genres, this iem achieve to get one of the best timbre on the sub300€ bracket.
Probably the fit and packaging are the worst of the product, so proceed with caution if you have small ears.

I really loved to write this review, enjoying music and put all my effort on describe what are the good/bad things of an IEM, thanks to all people that arrive to the end of this review, you can find more information about comparison versus other earphones, and some albums I recommend hearing with this item.

Enjoy music, that is why we are all here. Feel free to comment.


As always, we are going to compare versus a similar price range, or just with similar tuning earphone.

Vs. QOA Adonis


ADONIS Aggressive highs, enjoyable bass.
  • Build is more generic, and one step down on quality, looks like a past-generation earphone. The package and accessories are superior
  • More vibrant tuning, empathized high frequencies. Bass is on warm-side
  • Small stage, but is circular and coherent
  • More engaging and fun, it is the comfiest

ALADDIN King of softness.
  • More CIEM appearance, build quality is superior with better vents, paint, and materials
  • Neutral & Softness tunning
  • Intimate stage, without losing so much coherence, lacks verticality
  • Relaxed and technical superior, but not presenting the textures of the elements. Fit is an issue

Vs. Mangird Tea


TEA Inmensive Stage 3D effect
  • Quality is similar, but the fit is better on the TEA
  • Bass is more analytical, more punchier & textured
  • Got more details and airy presentation
  • The analytical version of the Aladdin

ALADDIN Bleed is fun
  • More beautiful on painting finish, less comfy
  • Timbre king, bass bleeder
  • Intimate and coherent scene
  • The fun version of the Teas

Clicking on the image of the album open the webplayer of TIDAL

LORDE Pure Heroine

★★★★★ Electronic ambient with nice collaborations on voiced tracks.

Recommended tracks:
‣ Glory And Glore
‣ Royals

A nice engaging album for the bass on some tracks, this kind of relaxed albums fits nicely with the ALADDIN.

KANYE WEST Graduation

★★★★★ A classic rap, mixing lot of samples and giving to the genre a modern touch.

Recommended tracks:
‣ Stronger
‣ Can´t tell me nothing

Nice álbum to check the bleeds on the voices with the bass, but anyways the quality of midbass make these tracks so enjoyable.

RÖYSKOPP Profund Mysteries II

★★★★★ Electronic ambient with nice collaborations on voiced tracks.

Recommended tracks:
‣ Sorry

A nice engaging album for the bass on some tracks, this kind of relaxed albums fits nicely with the ALADDIN.
Last edited:


Previously known as sakt1moko
Pros: .
✅Fit & Presentation
✅Fast bass response
✅Gives a lot of details...
Cons: .
⭕ return Silibances are easy to find
⭕Thin notes, lack of weight on strong male voices
by PROblem
This & Others reviews you're about to read, are made without any compliments, no regrets and for personal use. I usually
reviewed products that I've paid for by myself. These are personal opinions. I hope you like and understand what it is. A
non-pro audiophile trying to write a different approach that we usually read in professional publications.

0-50% ⭐ RUN From It
50-70%⭐ ⭐ Needs improvement
70-85%⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Average, probably got some issues
85-95%⭐ ⭐ ⭐⭐ Special, deserve attention
95-100%⭐ ⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ U WANT THIS on your collection

Enjoy music, that's why we are all here. Feel free to comment.
This is my LAST.FM profile

Tested at 100€ (Used). Could be bought at HIFI-GO


QOA, sub-brand of KINERA, focused on Japanese (female) customers, presented another hybrid, meaning this a step up from another known earphone, the QOA VESPER. This is a more complex construction one, with beautiful packaging, as always KINERA tries to bring us. Compared with the vesper this product is more treble focused, less dark than the lovely VESPER. Let’s check it out!


  • Resin capsule with 2pin, a little bit recessed, nice glossy finish in a small size capsule, perfect for female users.
  • The body is blue with a violet painting on the faceplate, looks like the interior of a stone, with complex colors and the silver letters of ADONIS on top. You can see clearly where the faceplate starts, because of the difference in colors of the two parts of the body.
  • The weight is 4.3gr with a nice “custom” mold with no edges
  • It has a small vent on top, that avoids driver flex. Drivers got their own tunnel to carry the sound separately, one of the channels has a metallic finish (photo)
  • The isolation is average, and the sound leakage is un-appreciable.
  • The fit and comfort are top notch, I love the fit of these tiny capsules, it is on the same level as the vesper. The cable provided is nice with a clear-brown color.
  • Easy to drive, works nicely from a phone. A Dongle-Dac will be more than enough.
  • A neutral dac, or any with relaxed highs would be the best suit, to control the high frequencies.
  • Foam tips are recommended to give more body to male voices and avoid sibilance.


An Asian tuning coming from QOA, with excess sibilance at high volumes. Listening to these pair on low volumes could be nice, but when you increase the volume, they start to be annoying, with excessive sparkle. The Dynamic is capable of serving a textured bass, a little bit prominent, but on the neutral side. On other frequencies it has a nice mid presence and extends high frequencies, more sparkly than detailed.


I usually try to EQ to find the best performance of any equipment, no matter if it is a TV, PC or headphone. Audio shouldn´t be
an exception. Usually plays via roon or UAPP.
  • MATRIX i-mini 3 pro
  • FiiO K9 pro akm version
  • iFi XDSD Gryphon
  • Fiio BTR5
  • Fiio BTR3K
This is my Tidal Test Playlist
LOWs 82%
  • More analytical than enjoyable, not enough for some bass-genres, but u can feel the rumble. Like all DD from KINERA launched, got a really good quality one inside.
  • Textured, with all the information you need. Neutral, with some warmth on it.
  • Tight & dynamic, nice recovery. Got some rumble for sub-bass. Clean & fast as hell.
  • From a bass-lover perspective, maybe it lacks some punchiness.
MIDs 81%
  • The mid frequencies are the stars here, up in the front, giving to the voices the center of the scene. With the bass, is the coherent part of this earphone.
  • Strong male voices lack some body, but the female one, like Alicia Keys, sounds amazing. Nice for blues or r&b.
  • With some recordings, because of the revealing profile it has got some metallic timbre. Nothing to worry about, but this is the only bad point in this area.
HIGHs 72%
  • It is going to represent every sound on the track, their ability to reveal little detail is clearly over-average.
  • The excessive effort on presents every detail, lacks on the timbre and coherence of the earphone, tends to sibilance and maybe need some tuning on these frequencies to calm them.
  • With foam tips, or a DAC capable of giving the bass more body (the K9PRO achieves that) the top frequencies sound less aggressive. Another choice should be the Xbass on any iFi product.

  • Layering is over-average, rich on information, ability to reveal new sounds on the tracks.
  • The texture on the bass is impressive, but on the rest of FR the only instruments that deserve mention are the guitars.
  • For 180€ the richness of detail is impressive.
  • The coherence on the representation of the scene is nice, everything sounds natural, if you don’t go so high on the volume knob. If you like a pop-guitar focused music, this really is going to sound splendidly natural, but tends to sound over-exaggerated and saturated some frequencies.
  • Female voices: amazing, this little beauty really makes me hear other kinds of music in my library. With male voices is good as well, but with deepest ones is not the best example to enjoy them.
  • On string instruments is a hidden gem, the rest tends to have so much contrast.
  • As Horizontal as Vertical, form a perfect circle around your head.
  • The spaciousness of the presentation is like a big pub, its going to sound with the voice on the front with everything pushing it to your ears.
  • The separation, thanks to the fast DD is nice, details come from the sides, voice and bass in two different layers on front. Is nice for the price, but maybe you can expect a little more from a hybrid configuration.
  • The bass never bleeds and keeps a good effort to be musical without invading the rest of frequencies.
  • With some complex tracks or bad recordings maybe loose some on the bass dynamics, anyways, the BAs works nicely with velocity and resolving the high frequencies
  • The recovery of the DD is just nice, probably the best DD on this price range, sometimes I think this could be a nice single DD setup if QOA would like to.

For a 180€ earphone, you got what you paid: a relaxed V (W) shaped tuning, with typical Asian excess on the high frequencies, but suits perfectly for unplugged male singers (just lacks a little of body with the strong ones) and it shines with the female ones, the guitars sound perfect, extremely detailed and could be tuning with just a little pair of foam tips. These facts made them a little uncomfortable with some recordings but that is the only terrible thing you are going to find on this package, the rest is beautiful… and enjoyable.


VESPER is darker and relaxed.
  • Much muddier if you are looking for details.
  • An earphone for long listening sessions, just to let the music come to you.
  • They are a little more comfortable. I would pick them for hard-rock.
ADONIS is a neutralish iem,
  • Focused on be analytical, giving you more information and layers of the music,
  • The terminations, cable and package is one step over, like the detail retrieval.


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Great review nice layout congratulations!
Thanks @TheDeafMonk !!

Im improving the layout and trying to give more info or future reviews!

Check the latest YANYIN ALADDIN I wrote 🤙


Previously known as sakt1moko
SHIMIN LI. One Mid-Step
Pros: .
✅Bass texture & body
✅ Design & fit superb
✅ Relaxed but detailed highs
Cons: .
⭕ Lacks of dynamics
⭕ Isn't the more resolutive
⭕ Excessively Mid-focused
Tested at 35€. U can get it from Official Tangzu Store
This & Others reviews you're about to read, are made without any compliments, no regrets and for personal use. I usually reviewed products that I've paid for by myself. These are personal opinions. I hope you like and understand what it is. A non-pro audiophile trying to write a different approach that we usually read in professional publications.

Enjoy music, that's why we are all here. Feel free to comment.

This is my LAST.FM profile

This is my Tidal Test Playlist



Tangzu (old T-Force) gives us the second iem of the trilogy, probably the cheapest one of the three, trying to follow the unique tuning of the lovely Yuan-li.

The box and presentation for the price is nice, the only thing you don't find versus the previous release is the marvelous black case from the yuan. The cable is nicely braided, with 2 pin connection, the material is a suede-plastic that feels nice, but I'm worried about the durability of this kind of material…
These are the specs:

🔈 Driver. 1 Dynamic Driver
🔌Cable. 1.2m | 2pin connector | 3.5mm jack
💊Capsule. Metal
✨Sen & Imp. 109dB/mW | 18 ohm


Tangzu keeps with the similar metal presentation that first iem's yuan li, just superb quality mold, luxury capsule, with the 2 pin connector integrated perfectly.

Another nice detail is the vent on the front between the bee-panel, giving some exit to the air from the driver. I pick the gold version, just to see how gold color is. It may feel a little bit cheap, mate could be a better choice for my test.

Anyways, the fit is superb, like the yuan li, a bit heavier but comfy as hell. For 30 bucks, u get an expensive-feel iem on hand.

About tuning, the first day I saw the FR, I was scared about the absence of bass. I thought that they totally changed the tuning, moving to the brightest side… thankfully I was wrong…

LOWs. ⭐⭐⭐⭐


The bass tuning is a little over neutral, the presence is really nice, not adding more than necessary but supporting musicality over neutrality.
From a basslover perspective maybe it's not enough, but u can find all over the place, without bleeding just giving emphasis to the mix. The texture richness, without over-emphasized (hello CRA) is difficult to find on this budget.

MIDs. ⭐⭐⭐


First time I wore them, the mids were really shouty. Clearly Tangzu are trying to make a Asian-market-tuning, focusing on mids. Mids aren't my thing, but at the beginning this pair feels uncomfortable, voices sounded exaggerated.

After some burning (brain or driver one, choose whatever you want) mid frequencies seems to be relaxed, transforming this iem in a nice vocal-focus, with an intimate presentation supported with the extended bass tuning.

Timbre for the budget is nice, but the clarity and resolution falls apart in heavy tracks.

HIGHs. ⭐⭐⭐⭐


The Yuan-li is a brighter iem, so Tangzu is trying to make some difference with the upper part on this Shimli.

I'm not a treble-head, but I like microdetails, and iems that give me all the info one track has; this pair does, for sure.
They are controlled, far from being shouty, near to being on the relaxed side. They are not the best for micro-detail, but are not going to miss anything with them.



Well, let's begin remembering how much this iem cost, and the impressive tuning it got… Tangzu tries to extract the best out of the driver, but sometimes… it's not enough.
The SHIMINLI lacks on dynamics, and when it loses the agility to move some tracks, the resolution is lost in the process. Tends to lose more resolution with complicated tracks. About Stage, is on the intimate side, and layering is average

These are the worst points that can be said about this beauty, but tangzu achieved to get the 140% from the drivers.


Before giving the conclusion, I would like to compare to:

-YuanLi got laid-back bass, less detailed.
-ShiminLi feels more relaxed, maybe overemphasized mid-focus.
-YuanLi got spaciousness and dynamism, ShiminLi a little better layering.
-Both feel amazing on the hand/ear, but the package of the YuanLi is better.
Vs BLON03.

-BLON got the muddy bass, ShiminLi is the most analytical one.
-Mids on the ShiminLi are the main thing, Blon are warmer and covered by the bass bleed.
-Some similarities on the highs, being relaxed on both, but ShiminLi gives more info.
-BLON is the pub-feeling, liveness; the shimli is a relaxed set centered on vocals.

-Bass of the mele is far from analytical, just want to be fun, but bleed more than the shimin
-Both are mid-centered, the ShiminLi is softer, meanwhile the MELE is aggressive and less resolutive
-Highs are relaxed on both.
-Scene is intimate on both, for layering the ShiminLi is the winner.
That's all, Tangzu knows perfectly what we want to do with this second entry in the trilogy, and in the practice they achieved that. The only question I'm still asking myself is what they could make with a superior driver quality on resolution and dynamics.

Anyways, if you are looking for a mid-vocal iem, & MELE feels aggressive… the ShiminLi would be my recommendation. And got to remember, this is probably the best neutral bass u can find on the sub50 budget on the market right now.

Tangzu Audio, U really got my attention for the next release! 🤙

I usually try to EQ to find the best performance of any equipment, no matter if it is a TV, PC or headphone. Audio shouldn´t be an exception.
  • MATRIX i-mini 3 pro
  • FiiO K9 pro akm version
  • iFi XDSD Gryphon
  • Fiio BTR5
  • Fiio BTR3K
Last edited:


Previously known as sakt1moko
CAMPFIRE SOLARIS 2020. Reaching the Sun
Pros: Impressive Layering & Stage
Bass punch without mid bleeding
Quality of capsule build
Cons: Price is absurd
The package is ridiculous
Worst cable I´ve seen on this price range
Need a sensible source
Tested at 1650€. U can get it from ZOCOCITY
This & Others reviews you're about to read, are made without any compliments, no regrets and for personal use. I usually reviewed products that I've paid for by myself. These are personal opinions. I hope you like and understand what it is. A non-pro audiophile trying to write a different approach that we usually read in professional publications.

Enjoy music, that's why we are all here. Feel free to comment.


🔈 Driver. Dual Custom Balanced Armature
Drivers + T.A.E.C. (High) | Single Updated Custom Balanced Armature Driver (Mid) | Specially Tuned 10mm Dynamic Driver (Mid + Low) Plasma enhanced Chemical Vapor Depostion (C.V.D.) Amorphous Diamond Like Carbon (A.D.L.C.) Diaphragm.
🔌Cable. 1.2m | Campfire Audio Super Smoky Litz Cable – Silver Plated Conductors featuring multi diameter stranding with Berylium Copper MMCX and 3.5mm Stereo Plug | 3.5mm
💊Capsule. Durable Black PVD Finished Body
Sen & Imp. 94dB/mW | 15.5 ohm

Campfire, the famous brand create a new version of one of their most impressive (and pricey) iems on their line. An hybrid configuration, with a package that dont reach the level of price and sound of this level. It comes with an ALO CABLE, thay could be made with precious materials, but tends to tangle and feels cheap on hand, in other part the MMCX connectors feels incredibly professional. The case in other part is the nice and marvelous usually campfire one, spaceous and ready to protect the iem in any dangerous travel.


The capsule is remade to fit better on the ear, trying to fix one the issue with the og solaris; the size is a 20% smaller than the old version, and fits so much better in the ears. The quality is quite impressive, like the canon, wich have the typical structure on the final part. It feels solid on hands, build like a tank, but the common issue with CAMPFIRE iems is the painting, u can see thay they usually lost some of the paint with use, thats something I cant forgive when u buy an iem of this level.

The HARMAN-based tuning thay the solaris got, really shines with the quality of the drivers they use. Its fun, engaging, perfect; just gives you the music the way it has be heared. Make the things simple, is not a easy job.


If u ever heard the new "standard" tuning on the 700€ tribirds segment, this not that low-end tipycal focused on sub-bass, the solaris is gonna give the punchiness on the mid-bass, without losing quality or texture. When u got a iem that make u heard move, its a nice tuning. No bleeding, no muddyness, just perfect bass with harman tuning. Biggest part of the money on this iem is gonna be find on the low frecuencies.

MIDs ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Absolutely beautiful, u can throw any vocal (female or male), with any quality material and their transform to something beatiful. Just perfect, and the most impressive part, is the absolutely ausence of bleeding from the bass, when u got a driver at this level, thats what you pay for.

HIGHs ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Not being sparkle, without losing so much detail, probably the solaris are not following the latest tendency on audio-phile-tuning (Im looking at you MOONDROP) exagirating the high part, to be over-detailed. It wants you to focus on mids, and giving more focus to the bass side, over the highs. Anyway, the quality offered is top of the line on this frecuencies, even you could eq some peaks to reach that presence on highs.

TECH & STAGE ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The first thing I notice when try a this kind of IEM (the only iem that reach this level of layering and spaceouness is the MANGIRD TEA) is the layering, but it achieved thay giving you a more intimate separation, without any bleeding, like the mids. The presentation is just perfect, the imaging is precisely, I don´t know if others iems can achieve that levels, but this little one is the nearest earphone to the ARYAs I´ve ever try, not having the enormous stage, but feels really close to that.

Timbre or technicalities, nothing to complain here, I cant distinguise if male or female vocals sounds best, or if the instrument sounds natural, it makes you forgot about the machine, and center on the music. Just made to enjoy musicality.


Have to say, I dont usually move on this price range, I usually carry my iems at the street, and SOLARIS are not for that; but if u have the budget, got the SALARI and want a HARMAN-based tuning... just forgive the minimun package with bad cable, no are gonna find a better deal.

I usually try to EQ to find the best performance of any equipment, no matter if it is a TV, PC or headphone. Audio shouldn´t be an exception.
  • MATRIX i-mini 3 pro
  • FiiO K9 pro akm version
  • iFi XDSD Gryphon
  • Fiio BTR5
  • Fiio BTR3K
Last edited:


Previously known as sakt1moko
TRI STARSEA. Noise from the stars
Pros: Funniest All-Rounder iem on price bracket.
Switches works!
Typical KBEAR U-Shape tuning…
Cons: …with excessive High Sparkle.
Not the best iem for clarity.
Tested at 100€. U can get it from HIFI-GO
This & Others reviews you're about to read, are made without any compliments, no regrets and for personal use. I usually reviewed products that I've paid for by myself. These are personal opinions. I hope you like and understand what it is. A non-pro audiophile trying to write a different approach that we usually read in professional publications.

Enjoy music, that's why we are all here. Feel free to comment.

TRI, sub-brand of KBEAR, presents this hybrid configuration fitted on a resin capsule, with a couple of tuning switches to present different signatures. The capsule got a small vent in one of the sides, and you can see the drivers with they custom tunnels putting there to carry the sound to the ear separately.
Driver. 8mm Bio-Composite Silicon Diaphgram | Knowles ED29689 Balance Armature | Customized TRI-HI-A Balance Armature
Cable. 1.2m Silver Plated | 2pin connector | 3.5mm jack
Sen & Imp. 106+2dB/mW | 9.5Ω
Capsule. Resin

FIT & TUNING. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I tend to prefer resin capsules over the metal ones, the starsea are really comfortable to my ears, not being enormous, and giving a medium isolation. U can wear them for hours, and the cable provided feels nice on the ear.
The tuning is a typical U-Shape coming from KBEAR, with some sparkle on highs.

LOWs. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Punchy, giving some texture, and being soft enough to not affect so much on mids.
Maybe it is not the most subbass focused iem on the market, but for sure is fun.
Its an all rounder bass, almost any genre of music suits with this tunning.

MIDs. ⭐⭐⭐
The presence of the mids for an U-shape tuning is really nice, they are really nice placed on the center, not being harassed by the highs or low.
The Timbre starts to go crazy sometimes, nothing to worry about, but feels metallic with some blur in vocal focused music.

HIGHs. ⭐⭐⭐
The excessive sparkle could be a little bit agressive in some genres, but the detail it provided, plus the bass texture, make this iem very analytical.
U are not going to feel the highs on your face, but they are there, having much presence over the mids.

TECH & STAGE. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Really nice stage, wide as high, coherent, and giving that 3D effect.
Nice for gaming, the OST are going to sound nice, and the layering is over-average.


Hybrid configurations always being a win-win, I really like that team between Dynamic and BA. TRI really knows how to tune an iem to make them fun, detailed and superb quality construction.
If you want to start a collection with a consolidated Hybrid IEM, I can´t tell you the best alternative at this price range. The all-rounder capabilities of this iem, make a perfect purchase for 100€ bracket.
If u are concern about clarity, timbre, and centered on vocal genres, the lack of neutrality and the presence of some "noises" make them a no-no for you.
I usually try to eq and find the best performance of any equipment. So audio is not an exception.
  • MATRIX i-mini 3 pro
  • FIIO k9 pro akm version
  • iFi XDSD Gryphon
  • Fiio BTR5
  • Fiio BTR3K
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Nice but briefish review. You got your points over accurately. (Like you) I think it is well tuned. I often use it for classical music as note thickness is quite accurate and I like the highs on it. Hope you give us more reviews......good start.
Thanks for your comments.

Im trying not to make an super-extensive iems review. Trying to make them straight to the point.

I would review more on weekly basis!!!