Reviews by srivas95


New Head-Fier
Pros: Stays on, Good bass
Cons: trebles and mids sound harsh
I had a pair of sennheisers before these and i was happy to get these instead. these were bass heavy headphones . but after a while i started noticing that te mids and trebles sound a bit harsh. classical sounded terrible using these headphones.The bass is quite good though. if youre a bass head then this is a good buy for you.


New Head-Fier
Pros: Small, Good for working out
Cons: Good for nothing else
This is a Really small player with a really small screen. The audio out is not All that good, and the only thing this is good for is for working out. Disappointed


New Head-Fier
Pros: Sound Quality, EQ options
Cons: Build quality, EQ1 Unusable
I got the Fiio e6 as a replacement for my previous Digizoid zo. Boy, was i blown away. The fiio, for a 30$ amp, does things which I have not seen in even some 300$ amplifiers.
The Build quality in the e6 is below average. The volume rocker is really creaky and the bass boost button is really easy to press. The all plastic construction makes it really light(16g) butsacrifices on the build of the amp. Its also a fingerprint magnet.
The circuitary inside the e6 is top notch. The inside compensates for the outside.(Pardon the pun :wink: ) There are three modes on the fiio. EQ1,EQ2, and EQ3. The first eq Increases the bass by about 8.5db. The second EQ, which i found to be better, increases the bass by around 4.5db. Im not sure what the third EQ does. When i put it on the third eq, I found it just reduces the volume a bit. Fiio does say this is for high power jacks, and whenni comnected my galaxy tab 10.1, it did just reduce the volume. I preferred the bass boost in the e5. The amplification is by around 25-30% of the original volume. The overall quality of the music did not increase much, but ill have to try with the L9 cable as well. The hissing noise that was present on the e5 has been done away with in the e6. Cell phone signals dont interfere with it as well.
The Fiio e6 is an amazing product for its price point. The eq modes alone will justify the 30$. If the circuitary had been put into an Aluminium body and had been made in germany, they could have charged around 200$ and gotten away with it. If you had a 100$, i would say go for the e7, but this product is amazing for the 30$ you pay for it.
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Reactions: trellus
i would go for e10 or maybe ibasso D-zero for 100$ lol