  1. J

    Thinking of buying DT 880 250 ohms

    Hey guys I am very new atthis kind of stuff. Currently, I have an audeze mobius which I largely use for gaming and to some extent music. While I do enjoy the music (classical) from the mobius, i feel like it is a bit aggressive or something. It gives me headache occasionly. I gace an amiron...
  2. R

    Portable IEM DAC/Amp Under $1k

    I’m a long time audiophile/enthusiast looking for the best portable headphone dac/amp under $1k For my current setup I use an ifi xdsd to drive the latest ety, audeo pfe 232, and Heir 8.a. (I also have campfire Solaris and Hyla TE-5B on the way). The goal for the next two or three years is to...
  3. G

    amp for DT 990 250ohm

    Hey! I recently got my Beyerdynamic dt 990 and I'd like to know what amplifier will do the job for around 100$. I got the 250ohm version. I was thinking about the smsl sap 7 / 12, don't know which one will fit better. Thanks :)
  4. K

    Need help picking a DAC.

    Hey, I currently own a couple of mid-fi headphones r70x and DT1990 pro's and I am looking to upgrade my DAC. I currently own modi 2 but I've been hearing a constant humming ground noise and looking to just get better quality. I have a budget of around $1000 (though if I don't need to spend that...
  5. J

    Apollo X6 as DAC/Headphone Amp for Audeze LCD-X's?

    Recently picked up a pair of Audeze LCD-Xs. Driving them with an Apollo X6. I mainly use the combination for production, but also want to expand and improve my casual listening the experience. The LCD-X's are 20 ohms. They don't require a ton of juice to drive and as far as I can tell they...
  6. J

    Can I damage my new headphones with an amp

    Hi, new poster on this site :). Recently acquired some Dt770 pro 80 when my ath m50x headband broke. initially i was dissapointed by sound and was aware that an amp might resolve the issue. Before purchasing an amp i tried an amp from an old set of (not very good) bookshelf speakers my dad had...
  7. HeartShapedPillboxHat

    Looking for an educated guess, rumours or deductions on when can we hope to see the return of the THX-AAA-789 on Massdrop?

    I’m in the market for a Dac/Amp. If the THX-AAA-789 was available my search would be over (and my post you’d be “what Dac would compliment the thx), alas patience not being one of my strong suits, I’m considering the NFB 11-38 with the TCXO upgrade or the R2R-11 both from Audio-GD. It might help...
  8. heidimilk

    1000-2000$ to spend, but how?

    Hello! This is my first thread on this forum. As I've been mainly reading reviews on head-fi, I thought I might ask you guys for help. I want to buy a nice hifi headphone setup but I really don't know how to spend my money. I like to just lie in my bed and listen to Music for long periods of...