CanJam London 2023 Impressions Thread
Aug 28, 2023 at 10:31 AM Post #406 of 462
It's the Nan-7, made by a small chinese company called Nan-Z I think.
Looks like a Chinese knock off, of Audeze headphones.

Unlike Audeze they come with 3 different pads which are not glued.
Here is a review with measurements
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Aug 28, 2023 at 10:34 AM Post #407 of 462
Looks like a Chinese knock off, of Audeze headphones.
It does, but it sounds pretty great imo and for the price (under 1k) very value, not close to the audeze sound signature either. Only problem is they can be hard to drive.
Aug 28, 2023 at 10:36 AM Post #408 of 462
It does, but it sounds pretty great imo and for the price (under 1k) very value, not close to the audeze sound signature either. Only problem is they can be hard to drive.
Their tuning isnt too far off from Harman curve, but like Audeze with flat Bass
Price 850$ + shipping and tax.
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Aug 28, 2023 at 11:25 AM Post #409 of 462
It's the Nan-7, made by a small chinese company called Nan-Z I think.
I went to plug in my DX300 to them. No chance! 🤣 Extremely hard to drive and so didn't listen in the end.
Aug 29, 2023 at 12:16 AM Post #410 of 462
Looks like a Chinese knock off, of Audeze headphones.

Unlike Audeze they come with 3 different pads which are not glued.
Here is a review with measurements
Oh, I missed that! Excellent measurements which *might* only need a fix around 1 kHz. 410g and 81 dB sensitivity. Needs a nuclear amplifier.
Their tuning isnt too far off from Harman curve, but like Audeze with flat Bass
Price 850$ + shipping and tax.
The review says really good things about the bass: "One of the most dynamic bass in a headphone: tight, punchy, and full of impact. With loads of sub-bass oomph and rumble,"
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Aug 29, 2023 at 8:54 AM Post #411 of 462
Oh, I missed that! Excellent measurements which *might* only need a fix around 1 kHz. 410g and 81 dB sensitivity. Needs a nuclear amplifier.

The review says really good things about the bass: "One of the most dynamic bass in a headphone: tight, punchy, and full of impact. With loads of sub-bass oomph and rumble,"
Nan-7 is supposed to be not as hard to drive official "marketing" claims say it's 14ohms and around 100db sensitivity.
Nan-6 is way harder to drive approaching he-6/susvara territory.

Indeed nan-7 looks very promising, could be a nice headphone with reasonable price.

ps. oops sorry I just found that 100db is per V not per mW. So yes it needs some juice :wink:
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Aug 29, 2023 at 12:16 PM Post #412 of 462
So this was the highlight of the show for me. Meeting @zach915m was just amazing. I am such a ZMF groupie! A brilliant company with brilliant products. Mrs Zach was lovely too.


I listened to Caldera and AC on the new solid state collaboration with JPS Labs. A real vintage look and honestly, the synergy with ZMF was amazing. A really pleasing combination. Caldera were amazing. Incredible bass, and so fast! Such poise and grip. For sure they are being added to my collection.

I so very nearly took these stabilised Caldera home. The rose gold grilles work really well with the body colours, but I prefer plain steel or black, so didn't commit. I had to go and think hard over lunch and it really wasn't an easy decision. Especially as the show pricing was incredibly generous.




I really loved these Olive AC too...



And a few of the new amp...



CanJam London 2023 was a great experience. I can't wait for next year! :)
Totally agree, Zach is one of the best in the industry. Love the products, and the people are wonderful. Can't say enough positive things about this company.


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Aug 29, 2023 at 5:25 PM Post #413 of 462
Disappointments of the show for me were:

Audeze LCD-X: Fed from the Holo Audio stack, these sounded awful. Unruly, undefined, shouty, crap. Just no.


Anything Chord: Why are these DACs put on a pedestal? I listened to Hugo TT2. The rep said "Sounds awful doesn't it?", obviously joking. I replied "Yes", being serious. I was not impressed at all. Bloody awful. I later listened to DAVE via the brilliant LTA Z10e and Audeze CRBN. Just not impressed by DAVE either. It isn't quite ESS annoying, but it's pretty close.



The biggest disappointment for me personally was the Ferrum Wandla stack with Hypsos and Oor. I can only imagine there was a setup issue, or poor source used, but it sounded distant, dull and lifeless to me. I really wanted to love it as well.


The HifiMan stand was a mixed bag. Susvara sounded crap. HE1000 sounded crap. Arya Organic sounded interesting. Someone needs to tell HiFiMan to use proper source, DAC and amplification for their headphones because their own combined components are rubbish. Don't shoot me. Seriously disappointed. I so wanted to find out whether Susvara hype was warranted as well :frowning2:

Maybe it was the source/chain but Susvara shouldn't sound that bad. Best HP I have heard from all the planar TOTLs.
Aug 29, 2023 at 5:29 PM Post #414 of 462
Maybe it was the source/chain but Susvara shouldn't sound that bad. Best HP I have heard from all the planar TOTLs.
I don't doubt it. Shows are poor venues for critical listening.
Aug 30, 2023 at 2:35 AM Post #415 of 462
Thank you for this. I was unable to attend due to my extreme farting habits. But I thought your thoughts were just awesome. It helps many to know what happened and the gear on show. Seems like alot of over expensive gear but some good options too..
Aug 30, 2023 at 10:19 AM Post #416 of 462
I went to plug in my DX300 to them. No chance! 🤣 Extremely hard to drive and so didn't listen in the end.
I really like the Nan7 - light, comfortable, decent price and sounds excellent with a good amp. I've had great success with a signal chain comprising HiBy RS6 -> Satri Circuit Lab HDA-5520II (current mode) -> Cayin C9 (pre-amp mode). This drives Nan7 about as well as a decent desktop setup, and is, kind of, vaguely, transportable.

Using a DX300 on its own? No chance, as you say.
Aug 30, 2023 at 10:23 AM Post #417 of 462
SP3000: finally updated the interface and processor for fast navigation that everyone expects in the modern era. The design choice of sharp corners is confusing and means in practice an outer case is needed whether for home or travel. Obviously much more driving power than anything by Sony ; the Meze flagship is happier driven by the SP3K versus Sony DAP. Silver, black and copper all present. At the show sounded the same, noting the forum posts and A&K themselves suggesting a difference. Compared to WM1Z first gen more extended, separation and detail. More sub-bass rumble. Not "throw away WM1Z v1" difference. But the SP3K can be the all-use-cases purchase ; desktop and portable...

Lotoo Mjölnir: volume 50/100 provided a comfortable volume for the Audeze LCD-5, in show conditions. Focal Utopia is child's play. With IEM there was very slight hiss and grit to the background. We are talking incredibly minor that not possibly everyone will hear and could just be show conditions the power socket used not the player. Absolutely zero issues when playback begins and I mention it only because of the proposed price. Dislike the dip switches on the front, maybe need more time with it. Or just trust that alternative designs were ruled out during development for good reason(s). I dislike "select headphone plug output selector" on the front in that I really am that lazy. Also when changing track, you have to press the touchscreen or physical button for the secondary (non-touch) display to also update, see photograph. Presumably can be fixed by firmware

A fellow head-fier wrote they could only compare with full size headphones in show conditions. I used my custom 64 Audio's, which provides the necessary isolation from the show conditions. Marginally more spacious, detailed and defined over WM1Z. I think the SP3000 is a better buy in all honesty bearing in mind A&K show discount means you can save 50% or buy 2x SP3000 for one Lotoo Mjölnir
Finally unbiased opinions on the wm1z vs modern solutions, and none of the "miles ahead in terms of SQ" thing that many people spew even since the days of the dx220 release.
Aug 30, 2023 at 4:25 PM Post #418 of 462
Compliments again to the team and volunteers. Show rating 3 B's: bigger, better, bolder. All exhibitors were most accommodating, patient and welcoming. Hats off, these shows must require stamina

Impressions triangulation (same as last year save one item swap):
- Sony WM1Z first gen, Sony IER-Z1R (E4UA adaptors and Campfire Audio pure silver balanced 4.4mm cable with stock silicone tips), 64 Audio A18S custom fit.

Sennheiser HE 1 = unicorn in its own separate column. For the 15 minutes it was HvB Beethoven Fifth's Sympthony ; could not waste time browsing the streaming selection. Hear everything without anything wrong tonally or technically. If you earn 7 figures, buy this or donate to me

Insert usual show impressions and sighted bias disclaimer. Unless specifically mentioned please assume comfort and fit were fine on my ears or head. No real photographs because my smartphone is 8 years young (not a typo) and plenty of better cameras. In fact I seem to have been photographed by everyone :face_palm: ha ha

ZMF room: team ZMF are the nicest people you could meet. Spent a solid 2 hours. Was able to A/B Atrium Closed in two different woods on the dCS Lina stack. In order of preference: Caldera, Atrium open/closed, Verite open/closed but splitting hairs they each have something going for them. Knowing the Caldera closed is in development is conflicting as the clock ticks down to the expiry of the show discount... The ZMF unreleased portable headphone: the weight loss immediately apparent. There is a family sound, not the same level as the grown ups but that is expected

dCS room: did not listen to anything but spoke to the knowledgeable team. Lina was represented in the ZMF and HE 1 rooms anyhow

Effect Audio: Cleopatra II Octa attached to the IER-Z1R yielded slightly more separation, bass control and detail. Slight but detectable

Vision Ears: VE10 new model versus EXT: prefer the VE10 fit but the EXT sound as more exciting and extension. I did not think the sound especially stood out (read to the end)

Final Audio: Instantly prefer D8000 Pro over non-Pro connected to (one of the) Burson all in one desktops. The still-in-development new flagship was display only. PR manager said had hoped to have a demo version but Japan not ready to sign off the sound yet. A5000 new budget IEM model was a pleasant listen. Real attention went to the A8000 IEM: yeah the bass is better than IER-Z1R. Do not hear a midrange dip on A8000

64 Audio: only here to listen to the Fourté Blanc, the new U4S and to ask if the m12 Apex module will be available for standalone purchase (currently exclusive to buyers of the U4S). Did not hear anything in the Blanc that is interest. The U4S the budget model sounds quite competitive relative to the 64A range. It was a not yet and possibly not ever on the m12 Apex as a standalone purchase option. It was then teasingly suggested to wait 6 weeks for something new. Okay then...

Ultimate Ears: Listened to the entire line of the first time. "Clarity" was the watchword and totally get the professional popularity. Thought the Live mix of dynamic/BA was not fully coherent. New 21 driver flagship: universal demo definitely chonk. I think they made a mistake with the nozzle design ; it is by no means the only hefty IEM at the show or in the world. I would strongly recommend UE re-design the universal demo unit for more consistent fit for potential custom orders

A&K SP3000: finally updated the interface and processor for fast navigation that everyone expects in the modern era. The design choice of sharp corners is confusing and means in practice an outer case is needed whether for home or travel. Obviously much more driving power than anything by Sony ; the Meze flagship is happier driven by the SP3K versus Sony DAP. Silver, black and copper all present. At the show sounded the same, noting the forum posts and A&K themselves suggesting a difference. Compared to WM1Z first gen more extended, separation and detail. More sub-bass rumble. Not "throw away WM1Z v1" difference. But the SP3K can be the all-use-cases purchase ; desktop and portable...

Fir Audio: yeah kinetic bass is doing something and not just marketing. I prefer the KR5 over the Xe6. The X6 is too bass heavy though totally get this is preference (I have the coloured sounding Fostex TH900 at home). Radon 6: standout sub-bass, layering, detail and I think W signature. R6 a warmer sounding monitor over KR5 but not as dark as Xe6

Sennheiser: (disclaimer: everyone will likely own or have heard the full size lineup). The team were super polite responding to my query about an official HD 540 ear pad (figured worse answer is a no, which indeed it was). Moving on, the IE lineup stood out for their small dimensions and therefore easy "do not need to think about it" fit. IE 600 is probably tuned "too good" in that the sound is 'close enough' to IE 900 the value proposition is with the IE 600. Did not hear a midrange dip or treble sizzle that I have read about on the IE 600 or IE 900. Might be the Sony source at play. IE 200: £130 RRP is the headline for entry to a balanced Sennheiser sound. Signature is touch lean for my taste, but we are comparing to more expensive monitors

QDC: UK show debut (thank you head-fi). VX: totally get the praise and the tunable signature provides flexibility. V14: I actually enjoyed the additional est treble drivers and "switch 3 and 4 up" for classical. VX better 'value'. Also heard the Dmagic. Recall a neutral sound nothing especially standout - the lack of any glaring tonality issues is a plus. Save up for VX if looking at the QDC family. If you must own a triple dynamic, buy this over the Campfire Trifecta all day, every day

Soundz: Only heard the 4, 7 and 10 driver flagship. Getting to the end of the show had to prioritise, no time even say hello to Jude who sat down next to me, ha. Good tuning, reasonable height and starting with a baseline of no glaring tonality problem is an immediate plus for the future of the company. I would like slightly more width and also density overall but that is not necessarily "right" nor "correct". One of the reps also had a Sony DAP so reinforce they have a good ear :p

Hifiman Svanar: wired over wireless for sound quality and probably like more than IE 900 but that is guesswork. The wireless charging case is large, a unique shape and not really practical in my opinion. Would Apple, Sony or Samsung greenlight similar dimensions, but maybe that is the point... Wireless instantly paired with the DAP over LDAC and remained solid. Inappropriate for me to comment on the touch controls

Focal Bathys: if I was starting with a blank slate this would be a tempting "buy this and be done with it" purchase. Even over "lowly" aptX bluetooth to the DAP, the sound was clear, impactful and nothing "wrong". No idea if there are touch controls but really appreciate physical volume buttons

Oriolus Traillii JP: clearly top of the line but value is not there. Listened to the (I think) Penon Impact courtesy of the fellow head-fier in the next chair. The PI has 95% of the same sound for much lower cost

Unique Melody Mest III and Multiverse Mentor: first experience of the brand, both had exotic looking cables, unsure if stock. Balanced sound but bone conduction I think has been surpassed by other things at the show and would also like more air in the treble. I do not think either stood out

Noble Audio: The Sultan and Kublai Khan are both comfortably an upgrade on my original K10. With the flagships, I prefer the more detailed neutral Viking Ragnar over the richer Ronin (this is relative against each other). Others would swap the preference around. Both very spacious and if shopping in the flagship space would include on the candidate list, assuming you do not want custom fit (believe universal only) Edit: Noble say flagships available in custom fit. The "ha" that you heard is from your wallet

Empire Ears: pre-show concerns were premature. Hifonix stepped up. Odin: I really like it with the exception of the upper midrange forwardness. On some tracks it works on other tracks it is distracting. Mandatory demo before purchase. Legend Evo: I like this more than the Odin even though the Odin is a better overall IEM. Legend Evo does not hide from being for bass heads and yeah could do with more treble sparkle. These qualities are less annoying than the Odin upper midrange as it is "what it says on the tin". Raven: this is the real deal. Save up for this over Odin with the asterisk of universal fit only. More balance signature while keeping all the specialness of soundstage, detail and impact. A real shame that the design means a custom will likely never happen.

Lime Ears Anima: the new updated tuning was available to demo. I have not heard the original tuning. Fit was absolutely fine, nozzle balances nicely in the canal although the rest of the monitor is big (I would choose custom for myself). Will likely vary wearer to wearer. Pretty looking monitor and likely knows it! Immediate impression was a big soundstage, possibly the biggest "IEM stage" at the show. Impactful, detailed bass and sparkly treble. If I had more time would have tried to pin down the upper midrange ; is it a touch bright, needs more note weight or both

Team Singapore: knocking. it. out. of. the. park. The entire Elise Audio section had the best in ear monitors.

Elysian Acoustics: The Diva is fine but completely overshadowed by the Annihilator, which is easily top of the line sound for everything. This is not a useful report but I would hope nobody is buying based on this post. Also heard the sold-out, discontinued Annihilator X (I think) but not as an A/B. Mentioning this in case someone did conduct just that... (edit: I think the owner / the rep said they are from Malaysia, this is my oversight)

Subtonic: did not listen as understand same sound as 2022 show featuring a pre-launch demo and remains possibly the best sounding IEM in the world. My focus was on "not heard this before"

Elise Audio X Symphonium Helios SE: better improved fit and more natural tuning over the original would ordinarily be an easy, just do it recommend. Noting also only 50 units (I think) will be made, but...

Nightjar Acoustics Singularity: This is a single dynamic IEM that I understand is a recent release I would buy this over the Helios SE and nearly everything else at the show with the exception of 3-to-4 models (in IEM land). Similar pricing only more bass impact, natural and spacious. The best dynamic driver IEM at the show regardless of dynamic driver count

Nightjar Acoustics "Duality": unreleased, not official name, not yet final tuning. Two dynamic drivers. More technical and impactful sound. They were testing a "add 5db sub-bass" adaptor, which possibly should be illegal. I preferred without the adaptor mind ; additional sub-bass is personal preference. Interesting to find out what signature the final release will have and if there will be a 'user tunable sound'. This brand is making me rethink "only buy customs going forward", sigh...

Addendum 1:

Cayin N30LE DAP: out of action on day 2 afternoon. Something about a tube was broken. Unfortunate...

Lotoo Mjölnir: volume 50/100 provided a comfortable volume for the Audeze LCD-5, in show conditions. Focal Utopia is child's play. With IEM there was very slight hiss and grit to the background. We are talking incredibly minor that not possibly everyone will hear and could just be show conditions the power socket used not the player. Absolutely zero issues when playback begins and I mention it only because of the proposed price. Dislike the dip switches on the front, maybe need more time with it. Or just trust that alternative designs were ruled out during development for good reason(s). I dislike "select headphone plug output selector" on the front in that I really am that lazy. Also when changing track, you have to press the touchscreen or physical button for the secondary (non-touch) display to also update, see photograph. Presumably can be fixed by firmware

A fellow head-fier wrote they could only compare with full size headphones in show conditions. I used my custom 64 Audio's, which provides the necessary isolation from the show conditions. Marginally more spacious, detailed and defined over WM1Z. I think the SP3000 is a better buy in all honesty bearing in mind A&K show discount means you can save 50% or buy 2x SP3000 for one Lotoo Mjölnir

Addendum 2:

Anecdotally, saw a number of Chord Mojo (2) and Hugo (2) owners at the show with problems getting their setup to work at all. This reinforces my thinking a compact laptop or a DAP is essential to maximise shows

Addendum 3:

Forgot about the Yamaha YH5000SE special listening booth
Thank you for your impressions of the show. I wanted to know what your thoughts are in comparing the HiFiMan Svanar to the Nightjar Singularity? Which is more balanced? Which is most appropriate for Hip-Hop, Funk, Jazz and Soundtracks?
Aug 31, 2023 at 8:01 AM Post #419 of 462
Thank you for your impressions of the show. I wanted to know what your thoughts are in comparing the HiFiMan Svanar to the Nightjar Singularity? Which is more balanced? Which is most appropriate for Hip-Hop, Funk, Jazz and Soundtracks?

Thanks for asking. I did not perform a side by side listen so am unable to provide this comparison, notwithstanding show conditions. Also from a UK perspective the wired version HFM is circa £800 more expensive than the singularity. Even assuming the HFM will step it up in a better listening environment, still £800 difference...

As the first 100 units of the singularity are sold out, perhaps make a request in the dedicated singularity thread for that specific comparison. Or try to attend the upcoming SolCal CanJam 2023 for the Nightjar stand

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