Chicago Head-Fi get-together, w/pics
Dec 4, 2001 at 12:34 AM Post #46 of 72
bootman, the deal is... the RA-1 sounds good, but can be constructed for $20 (save the wooden case) instead of the $350 we are supposed to pay. Thats why it is a POS, too overpriced.
Dec 4, 2001 at 12:51 AM Post #47 of 72

Originally posted by chych
bootman, the deal is... the RA-1 sounds good, but can be constructed for $20 (save the wooden case) instead of the $350 we are supposed to pay. Thats why it is a POS, too overpriced.

I don't think that's a fair way to determine whether or not a product is a POS. If you found that your CD3000's or ER-4S's only had $20 in parts, would you still think they're overpriced or a POS?

Assuming you're right and it has only $20 in parts, is it fair to say that it can be constructed for $20? If you gave me the parts needed to construct an amp for free, along with very easy-to-read and detailed instructions, I think that it'd still be a very expensive amp because of how I value my time, and because I don't really have an interest in doing that. DIY'ers build stuff because they enjoy the heck out of building stuff (again, I'm not one of them), and not necessarily to save money. I think any die-hard DIY'er will tell you that, taking time into consideration, one rarely saves money DIY'ing -- the time they take to build things isn't quantified in dollars because it's fun for them.

For a business (or someone who doesn't much enjoy building things like amps, etc.) it's different -- the time is a very real cost. And if you're selling these things professionally, you have to get the word out. Advertising, shows, cost of having a web site built, etc..... those costs are also real, and are also taken into consideration when products are priced.

If parts cost is the measure of value, then this is one hobby we shouldn't be so fully engaged in.
Dec 4, 2001 at 1:00 AM Post #48 of 72
I guess you are right Jude. In no way was I implying that I think it is a POS (I still think it is overpriced) but that is the reason I think others think that it is.

However, in the end it does matter on the person... I find enjoyment in building things (admittedly, I haven't really built much), thus I find the RA-1 overpriced because I can probably build it for much much less (the same goes for all those ultra expensive cables). If I couldn't build it (like, say, an ety) I probably wouldn't think it is overpriced (then again I think IT is overpriced).
Dec 4, 2001 at 1:11 AM Post #49 of 72
Hey guys.......identify yourselves in the pics.....please?
Don't be shy.

I am the one in the back, dress in the black. I thought it was the HeadRoom color. No one told me we were going Hawaiian.

Had a great time. Enjoyed meeting everyone. The pictures proved to my wife that there really are others who are as nuts as I am. Without the pictures, it was difficult to prove.

Now I am torn. I now want to get the Maxed Out Home. I can't decide whether to get my Home upgraded or just sell it and get a new MOH.
Dec 4, 2001 at 1:34 AM Post #51 of 72

Let's rattle some cages around here.

Enlighten me as to where these mystical "cages" are so that I may once and for all "rattle" them with my magically existing magnificently invisible headroom mug that I am sitting on
Dec 4, 2001 at 2:39 AM Post #52 of 72
Ok I'll rattle. (even though this is an old argument)
While the parts of a RA-1 might be $20 (wholesale)bucks do you really think you can build an exact copy for 20?
I don't think so. It would cost you about $100-150 or so. (you don't work for free, right?). Now the amp is not sold direct so there is the markup needed for the retailers. (you don't want them to sell it for no profit, no?) Now, the normal markup for wholesale vs retail is usually 100% or more. Now you can see why the amp cost $350 retail.
Funny, but I'm sure that the MG-Head probably cost about the same to build, but I don't hear much on how its an overpriced rip-off and they get about the same amount of favorable reviews.
Dec 4, 2001 at 3:50 AM Post #55 of 72
I prefer sabres over cages, but I seem to have misplaced mine.
Dec 4, 2001 at 4:08 AM Post #56 of 72
What? You mean it's safe for those of us who like the RA-1 to say so again?? Whew!

IMO Jude and bootman are exactly right.
Dec 4, 2001 at 4:20 AM Post #57 of 72

Originally posted by jude
I'm not hearing any rattling.

I would love to rattle the cage, but the question was if something is a POS based on price -vs- cost to build. I dont think 'POS' is the correct angle to take, and so as much as I want to rattle, I'll have to keep quiet.
Sure, theres merit in the argument that getting a bill from the plumber that says, "hitting with a hammer= $5 ;knowing where to hit= $195" ...but getting value for the dollar matters a LOT. I dont expect a carpenter to charge as much as an attorney, or a car mechanic as much as a doctor. Just because someone puts an amp together and markets it, doesnt mean he is more like unto a lawyer or doctor in how much his product is worth. So yeah, a guy's gotta make a living, but dont try and tell me you need to get $95 for fixing a flat tire either!
Sorry I couldnt rattle better than that; maybe if you rephrased the argument. You spineless lick-spittle.
Sorry, that got away from me there at the end...
Dec 4, 2001 at 4:29 AM Post #59 of 72
Rattle... ehh...


Funny, but I'm sure that the MG-Head probably cost about the same to build, but I don't hear much on how its an overpriced rip-off and they get about the same amount of favorable reviews.

Ignorance is Bliss. I don't know how much the MG Head really costs to make. I probably couldn't make one anyway (the RA-1 seems easier to make). I can afford the MG Head (and do own it). That's all that matters


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