Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...
Jan 11, 2017 at 7:34 AM Post #31 of 11,485
@pctazhp just a little sad song on your leaving the US for another undiscovered country with no interenet, no music and they have banned me from entering their country!

Jan 11, 2017 at 7:38 AM Post #32 of 11,485
Okay, I got us over page three the rest is easy, join the fun. I think I just saw @UntilThen in this video

Jan 11, 2017 at 7:42 AM Post #33 of 11,485
One last ancient one and I turn over control of your musical interludes
Love the old choreography back in the day

Jan 11, 2017 at 9:21 AM Post #34 of 11,485
  @pctazhp just a little sad song on your leaving the US for another undiscovered country with no interenet, no music and they have banned me from entering their country!

Comrade: Do you own a museum of 150 antique jukeboxes all stocked with Blasts From the Past???? Truly awe inspiring

Jan 11, 2017 at 9:29 AM Post #35 of 11,485
I do
Jan 11, 2017 at 11:06 AM Post #36 of 11,485
Hi guys! Just for the sake of it, would be interested to know which other amps would you compare to the Euforia given the price point/sonic signature? Obviously this goes to @hypnos1 who's arguably the only one with actual ears on experience here; but I'd also welcome estimates from the other esteemed members of the Elise/Euforia appreciation club.

On a different note, @hypnos1 I'm sure you are aware of the connotation that your handle has in the Greek language, right? Have a good night's rest then, our guru...

Difficult one as yet I'm afraid, angpsi.
Unfortunately I myself haven't yet had the opportunity to compare with the likes of EC's Zana Deux; Cavalli's Liquid range; WooAudio's WA2/22; Bottlehead's Mainline (Kit form) etc....but this is the sort of company in which I would hope Euforia can hold its own reasonably at least! I hope there might be these, or similarly priced units at our local head-fi meet here in Milton Keynes, UK in April. I am, of course(!) extremely keen to see just how this amp compares...along with a good few others, no doubt lol!!

By the same token, I imagine 'estimates' from others are not really feasible/reliable alas, without actually hearing Euforia...so let's all hope and pray for speedy work from the guys in Poland...not to mention minimal delays en route to their lucky owners!...
  Hi guys.
Will follow this thread with interest.

Had a feeling you just might, S67...good to hear from you once more...

UT, you are right, EL3N as driver sounds very nice. It removes the slightly extra warmth that I like less with the stock TS 6SN7 driver.

Welcome RedBull...EL3N sure is one mighty tube. You want to hear how the EL11 sounds in Euforia lol!...(but what this amp does for the rare mesh-plated '40s Black Glass Valvo version - or old, Australian EL3NG - is truly breathtaking, and I'll be giving more details on the sound from these 'alternative' drivers in the days to come, with photos to match....or is it these tubes performing the magic on the amp?!!).
A word on the EL11 however. Although strictly the Telefunken-designed version of the Philips EL3N, but with different base, it also has a large round plate (anode) as opposed to the 3N's oval design. This 'true' EL11 sounds a good bit different to the EL3N and is fast becoming the favourite in the Elise...(more details of the differences can be found over at its 'Impressions' thread).
HOWEVER, one member would appear to have obtained a pair of 'Telefunkens' - named on both the tubes and the boxes - that at first sight actually seem to be "made-for Telefunken" by Philips (stable at least)...ie. with the oval plates, and therefore most probably the EL3N signature. And so careful scrutiny/comparison with other Telefunkens on offer would seem to be advised here.
From what I personally have seen so far, the East German "RFT" versions would appear to be safe bets as 'true' TFK design, and perform extremely well.
So now, RB, all you need is a Euforia to check all this out lol!
Jan 11, 2017 at 11:18 AM Post #37 of 11,485
On a different note, @hypnos1 I'm sure you are aware of the connotation that your handle has in the Greek language, right? Have a good night's rest then, our guru...

Hi again...yep, sure am - I always suspected some of my diatribes would double as wonderful soporifics...far better than any sleeping pill lol!

However, perhaps the other connotation has been at play these past 2 years?!!!
...("I couldn't possibly comment" LOL!...).
ps. Had a reasonable night's rest, thanks....but all this excitement does hamper sleep somewhat...(not complaining though!!)....CHEERS!...
Jan 11, 2017 at 11:29 AM Post #39 of 11,485
  Sounds yummy, can't wait to hear impressions. I just happen to be in the market for a nice tube amp. 

Welcome to you too, A R...I can't wait to hear others' impressions either. Will soon be posting a few more of my own...or should that be more soporifics lol? !
...(Elise has been described on Headfonics as "the best sub-$999 tube amp - ever"...and IMHO Euforia is indeed a good step or two up from there. So I personally would say it is a "very" nice tube amp!!...stay tuned...).
Jan 11, 2017 at 12:05 PM Post #41 of 11,485
Hi rigo. I suspect it would most probably be end Jan...but don't quote me on it!!  I shall check with Lukasz (Sales Manager at Feliks-Audio - himself a Feliks!)....unless you want to email him directly : info@feliksaudio.pl

Thanks for the email. I contacted him and will post any information that I receive.
Jan 11, 2017 at 4:40 PM Post #43 of 11,485
@pctazhp just wanted to let you know that if you can listen to this and after the vocals, listening to the guitar, if your toes aren't tapping  then you are to old to enjoy Elise, the wise one has spoken.  Actually, whenever I listen to this, I always get a smile on my face.  The picking is great, and just a happy song.   Enjoy

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