Fujiya Headphone Spring Festival 2018 (10th Anniversary)
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Apr 30, 2018 at 6:52 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 27
Aug 15, 2011
Fujiya Headphone Festival Spring 2018 (10th Anniversary)

This year, Fujiya Avic celebrated it's 10th hpfes (Headphone Festival) anniversary with a suite of new product offerings from various brands. The show had over 100 exhibitors spread over 5 floors representing over 200 brands. The show attracted an audience of more than 10,000 over the two day weekend. The show attracted both exhibitors and visitors from overseas.

Various Head-Fi members were present at the show, with the usual suspects @Currawong , @arnaud , @ExpatinJapan, and @shigzeo meeting up together. Other Head-Fi members also attended and introduced themselves rather discretely. @CEE TEE made a visit all the way from the States for his first Fujiya Headphone Festival and we had a blast hanging out throughout his entire trip here.

Sadly this year I didn't cover as many exhibits nor take as many pictures as I usually do. I focused on some key exhibits that I personally had interests in.

1) Stax

First stop, had to be the Stax. I've been a Stax fan for ages, I've been to their office and showrooms a couple of times and I couldn't miss their newly announced SR-009S flagship. Some of us were lucky enough to get in 20 mins of listening time just before the show started letting the crowds in. So it was still quiet with just us and the exhibitors on the floor.

The SR-009 had been the flagship of Stax since March 2011 and had won many hearts with electrostatic lovers. However development hadn't stopped there for the Stax engineers. They found ways to improve the SR-009 without having to revise their design nor materials completely.

The SR-009S still has the same diaphragm, same materials for the housing, stator, earpads, headband, and headpad. Stax did however had improved on the way they prepared the stator by going through the etching process twice producing even smoother holes reducing air resistance. The electrodes are also now gold plated to further
reduce resonance.

The external guard mesh is also more cupped rather than just flat (that the old SR-009 was). The housing is also a little thinner...not so much on the main body but the outer concave bezel is a little thinner.

One other difference I found was the inner dust protector mesh that was different on the SR-009S over the SR-009. The SR-009S had a thinner mesh as shown in the pictures below.

So what does all this mean? To my ears (and to others I talked to) the SR-009S is a marked improvement over the SR-009. It just sounded more dynamic, a little cleaner and less diffused. There was a nice crisp to it and although there was more bass depth to it, it also did sound somewhat more energetic and lively.

The SR-009 had a slight upper mid hump between the 1-2kHz which my ears seem particularly sensitive to seems to be less apparent on the SR-009S which is to my preference.

L: SR-009S
R: SR-009

SR-009S driver

Inner dust protective mesh of the SR-009S

SR-009 Driver

Inner dust protective mesh of the SR-009

Stax SRM-D10 DAC/Amp

Another STAX product I dabbled briefly was with the new SRM-D10. It was a nifty (not so little but light) unit that has a DAC (DSD-capable) in it. The USB input did not work with my NW-WM1Z so I just tried line in from my Sony instead. I tried it with the SR-L300 and it drove it reasonably well. I have to say though I can't really see myself out 'n about with any open headphone let alone a Stax.


2) E.A.R. Yoshino

Leaving the Stax exhibit, we bumped into Tim de Paravicini...it was more like @Currawong pulling @CEE TEE & I aside and said, "That's Tim!! That's Tim!! I saw him a few years back!", and I have to be frank...."Who's Tim?" and @Currawong explained. He is a most entertaining individual who's not shy in not mincing his words. It was a great learning experience to him share his expertise.


L-R: Hiroko Yoshino, Tim de Paravicini, @CEE TEE, @Currawong

Still standing strong, the HP4

3) Oriolus

Slowly making out of the room, we stopped by the Oriolus table. They showed off their new offerings including their Oriolus Reborn which was a very nice hybrid however it was their BA300S balanced (hybrid) tube amp that caught my eye. It takes in balanced 4.4mm in from the likes of the NW-WM1A/Z (in fact it was designed to match the form factor of the NW-ZX300) and has only a 4.4mm headphone jack out. There's no volume pot, depending on the DAP's volume control. The battery lasts for approx 7-10 hours.

Sonically it gave a larger soundstage to my NW-WM1Z which was extremely welcoming.


4) Meze

Moving on from Oriolus, I stopped by the Meze exhibit to see the Empyrean. It uses a rather interesting trace pattern on the diaphragm, the arcs on the middle upper half of the diaphragm is for bass whilst the circular in the lower half is for midrange/treble (if I understand it correctly). Another interesting pointer that caught my attention was the offering of 3 different earpads (full leather, partial leather/Alcantara, full Alcantara) are non-magnetic however the mesh is. The driver's magnetic field holds the earpad cup mesh into the driver enclosure. No separate external magnets required for the earpads to snap onto the housing and cause any kind of interference to the driver itself.

Sonically however, I felt it was a little too bland for my tastes. I was hoping for more "bite" to it to draw my attention to any particular strengths of the signature (e.g. bass impact, airy highs, mids clarity, etc.) however especially coming straight from the SR-009S, I was a little underwhelmed. Changing to the different earpads, I think the full Alcantara was probably my preferred of all 3 however still not as engaging as I would have liked.

Their concept however was pretty cool.


5) Campfire Audio

We moved from the 11th flr to the 6th flr and stopped by to talk to Ken and Caleb. Ken showed off his new Atlas which is target to take the Vega's place moving the Vega down a notch. The Atlas is no less impressive. Ken has done a tremendous job in creating such a full sound from just a single dynamic driver (playing balanced from my NW-WM1Z).

The casing has some weight to it however fit in my ears comfortably.


6) Ultrasone

Ultrasone did not any new products this round however we took the opportunity to give their Edition 15 another listen. Overall Ultrasone has been tending toward the "right" direction in the past few years especially ever since the Edition 5. The prices are still somewhat unrealistic however the signature Ultrasone is settling for in their high end headphones have been more "mainstream" for the audiophiles.

Ultrasone does know how to make light comfy headphones too.


Pathos Acoustic amps also made it to the same Timelord showroom as Ultrasone and Chord however I did not get a chance to listen to them.

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Apr 30, 2018 at 6:53 AM Post #2 of 27
7) Analog Squared Paper

Shikada-san was also there but only for the 1st day of the show. As some of you may be aware, Analog Squared Paper showed off a prototype last year. The final design has come in the form of the TUR-06ES. Unfortunately as Shikada-san was packing up, I didn't get to test it out.


8) Interim Break from Audio

A little time for Tomoe-chan. She is a regular at show and I've known her for about 7 year now. She's always a blast to have a chat with - a very upbeat personality.


9) Xi Audio

Xi Audio has been making it's presence known more recently especially with their combined package with the Abyss Phi. I didn't get a chance to try their Broadway S however I have tried their Formula S in the past. That is one powerful amp that aside from driving the Abyss Phi can also drive the Susvara.

The last time I tried the Formula S, it came only with the silver faceplate however it seems it comes in all black too now.


10) Oji Special

Those who follow my past reports would know that I've been paying a little more attention to the Oji Special. Despite it being around for many years and way back in 2011 and 2012, Oji Special was known for modifying the RSA portable amps, in more recent years they've been making some high end desktop gear - not just amps, but DACs, clock syncs, etc.

Last year in the Fujiya Headphone Spring Festival 2017, Oji Special had a limited release of their BDI-DC 24G Limited and Oji Special has done it again this year. Everytime I see their specials I'm so tempted to open my wallet however they would still burn a pretty large hole in the wallet. They had their balanced-only BDI-DC 24G for approx ¥700,000 and the balanced/RCA input for ¥830,000.

However their amps just ooze buttery smooth sound quality. It drove the Beyer T1 600Ω ever so effortlessly. Similarly the amp has enough grunt to drive the Hifiman Susvara.

The BDI-DC 24G 2x transformers, each into 2 amps (total of 4 amps). There is also larger BDI-DC 44G where it's 4 x transformers/4 amps.

Unfortunately the Oji Special isn't available overseas for anyone to try however I'll see what I can do about that :wink:.


11) FitEar

FitEar released a new CIEM, the 224DTW - a 2-way, 2-unit, 4-driver combo. 2xtweeters as one unit, and 2xwoofers in another unit. As one would expect with FitEar's DW (double woofer), there's a nice warm bass bloom to it much like the MH-335DW. The double tweeter on the other hand has given a nice twist to the signature of the 224DTW. At least to me, the first thought that came to my mind was "a little planar-like" signature. It has a very holographic front row presentation.

Something doesn't seem to gel well though in my mind about this new offering...somewhere along the FR, I feel there's a bit of a detachment between the mids to treble transition. However I'm just too used to my FitEar Titans therefore the 224DTW may just need a little more time to get accustomed to.


12) Shure

The other big announcement at the Fujiya show is the KSE1200. Now this caught us all by surprise even up to the last minute. As the lot of us Head-Fiers were heading to the elevator up to the exhibition floors, we flicked through the Fujiya booklet and thought to ourselves, "Did they misprint!? But the KSE1500 isn't new!". Then started speculating and @Currawong guessed it right that it was the KSE1500 without the DAC (and display). I swung by the Shure tables on the 2nd day and had a chance to give it a listen. As a KSE1500, the sound signature was as familiar as it could be - further, I've not used the internal DAC of the KSE1500 usually depending on my own DAP lineout (or as below, headphone out), so the there was no surprises for me for this new offering. The Input Pad is a little more limited though with only 0dB and -10dB (whilst the KSE1500 had up to -20dB) however the battery life is a healthy 12 hours.


13) Sennheiser

Finally! I got to try the infamous HD820. One had to get a prescheduled ticket to listen to this headphone and we were given only 3 mins! However I was quite impressed with the HD820. It didn't sound like a closed headphone and that was the surprise to me. Unfortunately with 3 mins, one could hardly make a decent detailed impression in such a short time. C'mon Sennheiser, you have a whole room and only 2 sample demo units!?


Surprisingly there was no queue for the HE1. Despite me having heard the HE1 on numerous occasions, this was the first time I was truly awed with it. I don't know why in the past I felt though it was nice, it wasn't mind blowing. Finally this round I finally appreciated it more.



14) Fostex

Now here's another booth where I had a decent pleasant surprise. Fostex updated their TE100 to the TE100R which is basically the same TE100 however with a new cable FitEar cable.

The TE100R isn't as warm as the earlier TE100 I heard last year.



This is where the surprise is....the TE200. Fostex released a universal version of the Fitear Air 2. Where the FitEar Air 2 is a CIEM, the Fostex TE200 is the universal. As with the TE100 (and FitEar Air and Air 2 and Titan), the TE200 is also a hybrid. It has as dual Fostex dynamic driver in an isobaric configuration and the balanced armature from FitEar. As with the other TE100(R), the shell is also made by FitEar.

As I'm a big fan of the Ttian and Air 2, this universal offering by Fostex is simply remarkable. It'll still cost a pretty penny but the Fostex/FitEar collaboration is easily the best current hybrid offering.


15) Brise Audio

I didn't spend as much time with Brise Audio as I did in the past as I simply ran out of time. However I did manage to listen to their super fancy rig with their own DIY amp. I have to say the've done a great job with their amp. They had been loaning the Oji Special BDI-DC 24G last year, but recently Brise Audio has come up with their own amp (only for the show, not for sale).

I plugged the Susvara in there with their UPG001 headphone and it was simply sublime - smooth, holographic, and just a bliss to listen to. I've been a fan of Brise Audio cables and continue to do so.

Brise Audio did release some more new cables, unfortunately I did not get a chance to talk to them about it.


16) Audeze

What? Magnetic Planar Bluetooth? I have to say I wasn't expecting to see the Mobius but gave it a shot anyway. Not too sure if I have much to say about it, it was nice but nothing that stood out to grab my attention. Don't get me wrong, I do use bluetooth too however maybe subconsciously I don't have my audio critique mindset on when I do.

As a normal pair of bluetooth headphone though, I think they sound fine. I do wish they were a little smaller however.


17) Re-Leaf

I covered Re-Leaf some time back. They make very high end amps that specialise in current-based. These featured below are the same hybrids as last year however with some modifications. These still have the Current, Low Voltage, and High Voltage however their Current is now "doubled" (per amp). In the configuration below where it's doubled per channel and quad for both channels, one can drive the Susvara in such a mode too. Further, the chaps in Re-Leaf have these isolating stands to hold their Hybrid E3's.



As per introduction, I didn't get to cover all the exhibits as I wanted to. I know some of you will say, "Hey, now I know you stopped by the Mr. Speakers table to hear their VOCE as there's pix of you on Facebook!" or, "I saw you sitting listening to the JH Billy Jean and you've written diddly squat about it!!" but those were more so "drive by shootings" rather than going there with a specific intent.

Overall though I like this show a little more than some of the past as I didn't feel so rushed to have to go through everything. There were selected booths where I intended to cover and did so to a level to my satisfaction.

Most of all though with such shows, is spending time with friends. They are to me extremely meaningful to chat, exchange ideas, joke around with, and simply having a good time to hang around with.
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Apr 30, 2018 at 7:49 AM Post #3 of 27
Apr 30, 2018 at 9:05 AM Post #4 of 27
Apr 30, 2018 at 10:23 AM Post #5 of 27
Hey @AnakChan, great report!
Regarding the SR-009S, the less 1-2khz comment is nice to read, to me, that was one of the things that caused what I call "the sound of plastic" on the original SR-009.
PS: what headphones does Tim wear? I've never seen those, btw he's one of my favorite audio designers!
Apr 30, 2018 at 6:08 PM Post #6 of 27
The first time I noticed the SR-009 1-2kHz hump was a few years back when a few of us had a Stax meet in Tokyo. I thought it was my Electra and I spent the next few months trying different tubes to tame that down.

Last year Arnaud was generous enough to loan me his BHSE for 3 weeks for a comparison to the Susvara setup and naturally I took the opportunity to do a comparison against my Electra again and found the hump was still there with the BHSE (but not as prominent as with the Electra). Talking to him, he highlighted that 1-2kHz portion of the FR. Now for most folks that little hump is natural and possibly even an asset of the SR-009, but to my ears it was just a little too noticeable. So this is entirely preferential from listener to listener.

Good question about Tim’s headphones! At first I thought he was wearing a pair of Rogers Laboratory Japan but it doesn’t seem to match any product photos I can find.
Apr 30, 2018 at 7:01 PM Post #8 of 27
Fujiya Headphone Festival Spring 2018 (10th Anniversary)

This year, Fujiya Avic celebrated it's 10th hpfes (Headphone Festival) anniversary with a suite of new product offerings from various brands. The show had over 100 exhibitors spread over 5 floors representing over 200 brands. The show attracted an audience of more than 10,000 over the two day weekend. The show attracted both exhibitors and visitors from overseas.

Various Head-Fi members were present at the show, with the usual suspects @Currawong , @arnaud , @ExpatinJapan, and @shigzeo meeting up together. Other Head-Fi members also attended and introduced themselves rather discretely. @CEE TEE made a visit all the way from the States for his first Fujiya Headphone Festival and we had a blast hanging out throughout his entire trip here.

Sadly this year I didn't cover as many exhibits nor take as many pictures as I usually do. I focused on some key exhibits that I personally had interests in.

1) Stax

First stop, had to be the Stax. I've been a Stax fan for ages, I've been to their office and showrooms a couple of times and I couldn't miss their newly announced SR-009S flagship. Some of us were lucky enough to get in 20 mins of listening time just before the show started letting the crowds in. So it was still quiet with just us and the exhibitors on the floor.

The SR-009 had been the flagship of Stax since March 2011 and had won many hearts with electrostatic lovers. However development hadn't stopped there for the Stax engineers. They found ways to improve the SR-009 without having to revise their design nor materials completely.

The SR-009S still has the same diaphragm, same materials for the housing, stator, earpads, headband, and headpad. Stax did however had improved on the way they prepared the stator by going through the etching process twice producing even smoother holes reducing air resistance. The electrodes are also now gold plated to further
reduce resonance.

The external guard mesh is also more cupped rather than just flat (that the old SR-009 was). The housing is also a little thinner...not so much on the main body but the outer concave bezel is a little thinner.

One other difference I found was the inner dust protector mesh that was different on the SR-009S over the SR-009. The SR-009S had a thinner mesh as shown in the pictures below.

So what does all this mean? To my ears (and to others I talked to) the SR-009S is a marked improvement over the SR-009. It just sounded more dynamic, a little cleaner and less diffused. There was a nice crisp to it and although there was more bass depth to it, it also did sound somewhat more energetic and lively.

The SR-009 had a slight upper mid hump between the 1-2kHz which my ears seem particularly sensitive to seems to be less apparent on the SR-009S which is to my preference.

L: SR-009S
R: SR-009

SR-009S driver

Inner dust protective mesh of the SR-009S

SR-009 Driver

Inner dust protective mesh of the SR-009

Stax SRM-D10 DAC/Amp

Another STAX product I dabbled briefly was with the new SRM-D10. It was a nifty (not so little but light) unit that has a DAC (DSD-capable) in it. The USB input did not work with my NW-WM1Z so I just tried line in from my Sony instead. I tried it with the SR-L300 and it drove it reasonably well. I have to say though I can't really see myself out 'n about with any open headphone let alone a Stax.

2) E.A.R. Yoshino

Leaving the Stax exhibit, we bumped into Tim de Paravicini...it was more like @Currawong pulling @CEE TEE & I aside and said, "That's Tim!! That's Tim!! I saw him a few years back!", and I have to be frank...."Who's Tim?" and @Currawong explained. He is a most entertaining individual who's not shy in not mincing his words. It was a great learning experience to him share his expertise.

L-R: Hiroko Yoshino, Tim de Paravicini, @CEE TEE, @Currawong

Still standing strong, the HP4

3) Oriolus

Slowly making out of the room, we stopped by the Oriolus table. They showed off their new offerings including their Oriolus Reborn which was a very nice hybrid however it was their BA300S balanced (hybrid) tube amp that caught my eye. It takes in balanced 4.4mm in from the likes of the NW-WM1A/Z (in fact it was designed to match the form factor of the NW-ZX300) and has only a 4.4mm headphone jack out. There's no volume pot, depending on the DAP's volume control. The battery lasts for approx 7-10 hours.

Sonically it gave a larger soundstage to my NW-WM1Z which was extremely welcoming.

4) Meze

Moving on from Oriolus, I stopped by the Meze exhibit to see the Empyrean. It uses a rather interesting trace pattern on the diaphragm, the arcs on the middle upper half of the diaphragm is for bass whilst the circular in the lower half is for midrange/treble (if I understand it correctly). Another interesting pointer that caught my attention was the offering of 3 different earpads (full leather, partial leather/Alcantara, full Alcantara) are non-magnetic however the mesh is. The driver's magnetic field holds the earpad cup mesh into the driver enclosure. No separate external magnets required for the earpads to snap onto the housing and cause any kind of interference to the driver itself.

Sonically however, I felt it was a little too bland for my tastes. I was hoping for more "bite" to it to draw my attention to any particular strengths of the signature (e.g. bass impact, airy highs, mids clarity, etc.) however especially coming straight from the SR-009S, I was a little underwhelmed. Changing to the different earpads, I think the full Alcantara was probably my preferred of all 3 however still not as engaging as I would have liked.

Their concept however was pretty cool.

5) Campfire Audio

We moved from the 11th flr to the 6th flr and stopped by to talk to Ken and Caleb. Ken showed off his new Atlas which is target to take the Vega's place moving the Vega down a notch. The Atlas is no less impressive. Ken has done a tremendous job in creating such a full sound from just a single dynamic driver (playing balanced from my NW-WM1Z).

The casing has some weight to it however fit in my ears comfortably.

6) Ultrasone

Ultrasone did not any new products this round however we took the opportunity to give their Edition 15 another listen. Overall Ultrasone has been tending toward the "right" direction in the past few years especially ever since the Edition 5. The prices are still somewhat unrealistic however the signature Ultrasone is settling for in their high end headphones have been more "mainstream" for the audiophiles.

Ultrasone does know how to make light comfy headphones too.

Pathos Acoustic amps also made it to the same Timelord showroom as Ultrasone and Chord however I did not get a chance to listen to them.

The Empyrean is one headphone I’m very interested in and have never heard. Can you please answer just two questions for me? When you say it’s a little bland, can you name any past or present headphones that you can liken it’s signature to? And what is your personal favorite headphone (what is not bland to you)? Those answers will help us with your audio point of view. Thanks!
May 1, 2018 at 12:41 AM Post #14 of 27
The Empyrean is one headphone I’m very interested in and have never heard. Can you please answer just two questions for me? When you say it’s a little bland, can you name any past or present headphones that you can liken it’s signature to? And what is your personal favorite headphone (what is not bland to you)? Those answers will help us with your audio point of view. Thanks!
So I've been a fan of the Focal Utopia, Stax SR-007Mk1/SR-009, and Hifiman Susvara for reference.
May 1, 2018 at 1:58 AM Post #15 of 27
Thank you for such a comprehensive report AnakChan. Would love to attend similar event in the future. Is it open for public or only for press member?
Ah, regarding your username, is it a malay word?
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