hfb - Bounce House - chat aka shtpost central
Sep 27, 2014 at 3:27 AM Post #16 of 713
Busy busy busy....no wrest for the wicked on this end

In other news, I updated my iPhone to the latest iOS and now my procam and Filmic Pro apps refuse to work. If I don't figure something out soon my YouTube channel is really going to start looking ghetto
Sep 27, 2014 at 7:31 AM Post #17 of 713
Present-day believers in an absolute truth identified with virtue and justice are neither willing nor desirable companions for the defenders of social justice.


If you want some Spooky Truth, look up the origin of that first quote.  In-context it isn't as nefarious as it seems, but the thoughtlessness of it is telling and deeply problematic in a way that I think is relevant to a lot of what's going on now.  Pretty much all movements like this have their bad eggs of course, but in this instance those people are very consistently allergic to things like truth, objectivity, standards, etc. and conveniently feel righteous for it.  Personally, I'd love it if games truly examined these issues since I genuinely want to be stimulated by them and detest the {imo} unambitious "we just want fun games, mkay?" line of counter-argument, but hell if some of these jerks {of which I know many} would know the first thing about making that happen.

I have other thoughts about this, but genuinely don't know if I want to get into it now, if at all in this thread. 

Facts don't real only feels. Okay that's it from me, I don't want the diary getting unneeded attention.

To be perfectly honest, I don't know what I expect to come up with this topic on the thread. I mean there's the gaming media/journalism angle, and I guess that's pretty safe. Maybe. Very conspiracy-esque imo.

The obvious Pandora's box topic is obvious, and that I won't touch with a 100ft adamantium pole.

Or we can just focus on games.

Playing in minefields is fun! /s
Sep 27, 2014 at 10:16 AM Post #18 of 713
Does anyone want to cue music for me while I clean windows?  https://plug.dj/krush-groovin

On an unrelated note, Alex Jones YouTube Poops are becoming one of my favorite things on the internet.  Shame there are so few :/
Sep 27, 2014 at 11:31 AM Post #19 of 713
Man we have FINALLY got around to watching Doctor Who...in season 2 now. It's amazing to me how good the British are at series, where us French generally suck so bad. I actually read a whole essay this summer on how the French fail to use the basic recipes that Americans so excel at. Well the British, at their most brilliant (Doctor Who, season 1 of Misfits, Luther, Jekyll, Dead Set, etc.) just play with these recipes like mad scientists. Love it.
Sep 27, 2014 at 1:25 PM Post #20 of 713
  Busy busy busy....no wrest for the wicked on this end
In other news, I updated my iPhone to the latest iOS and now my procam and Filmic Pro apps refuse to work. If I don't figure something out soon my YouTube channel is really going to start looking ghetto

DF, you really need a Lumia 1020.
Excellent video, surprisingly great audio (the best I have recorded on a concert so it should do excellent at your home setting), good overall phone. Sample I recorded recently for fun, Face to Face (punk band):

Sep 27, 2014 at 2:08 PM Post #21 of 713
Muppet, any impressions of Thom Yorke's new EP (Tomorrow's  Modern Boxes)?  

Sep 28, 2014 at 1:02 AM Post #22 of 713
DF, you really need a Lumia 1020.
Excellent video, surprisingly great audio (the best I have recorded on a concert so it should do excellent at your home setting), good overall phone. Sample I recorded recently for fun, Face to Face (punk band):

Thanks, the update improved the video and the picture quality of my iPhone 5. I decided to reshoot a Hifiman HE-560 review tonight and i was surprised the bundled video app performed so well. I have a Sony alpha on the way which I will be using for video reviews from now on. Speaking of video reviews, hey Muppet, I finally got to listen to Luis's new baby.
Sep 28, 2014 at 7:22 AM Post #23 of 713
Hi all.
For a while I've been considering getting a new point and shoot camera because while the Canon SD960 IS still meets my needs pretty well, I was starting to see what more I can get in terms of image quality. But then my iPhone 6 arrived and for the first time I'm not sure I need a POS camera any more. It has sufficiently credible low-light and near-subject focusing (not quite macro) that I'm running out of excuses for keeping a single-purpose camera. It's not why I bought the phone but it's becoming one of the justifications for having done so.
Audio-wise, not much has changed for me, aside from finishing some crafts projects and a Geek Out 100 IEM arriving. About the latter, I'm not sure what to think yet.
Sep 28, 2014 at 7:32 AM Post #24 of 713
Hey Ardgedee good to see you again. I have an Sony Alpha5000 coming in. It's my first real camera. Maybe I can pick your brain on some photography tips down the road my friend.
Sep 28, 2014 at 11:47 AM Post #26 of 713
Hi all.

For a while I've been considering getting a new point and shoot camera because while the Canon SD960 IS still meets my needs well, I was starting to see what more I can get in terms of image quality. But then my iPhone 6 arrived and for the first time I'm not sure I need a POS camera any more. It has sufficiently credible low-light and near-subject focusing (not quite macro) that I'm running out of excuses for keeping a single-purpose camera. It's not why I bought the phone but it's becoming one of the justifications for having done so.

Audio-wise, not much has changed for me, aside from finishing some crafts projects and a Geek Out 100 IEM arriving. About the latter, I'm not sure what to think yet.

That's a fair assessment wrt PnS cameras. The cameras on our phones, and especially on high end phones, are producing good enough pictures for most people to not consider a PnS anymore. it still makes me fume seeing all those entry level DSLR on people that probably will leave it collect dust. A DSLR won't suddenly make your photos creative. And that's something I'm trying to get a feel of in my shootings. And more time....
Sep 28, 2014 at 12:50 PM Post #27 of 713
Different tools can facilitate different goals. One of the strengths of the dSLR is supposed to be finely-grained control over the broadest range of parameters. At the expense of being able to master those controls in any situation, of course. Which is where automation comes in.
Modern digital PnS cameras are really just as good in many ways; their primary weakness is smaller, non-interchangeable lenses. (The sensor is also smaller, and there are other factors; but they aren't as important as the lens). There's a practical limit to this, of course; The bigger the primary is, the better the potential image, but the camera becomes less pocketable and versatile. So there'll probably always be a range of PnS cameras sold to fill the gap between phone cameras and dSLRs, optimized for different users' purposes; the sales potential for them has been kneecapped, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually become a niche product.
Sep 28, 2014 at 5:32 PM Post #29 of 713
  @DF: I see you've got a real ashens setup going there :)

Pretty much, he uses his coach while I use my bed and pillows, lol. I like Ashens, the guy can be a real riot sometimes
Sep 28, 2014 at 5:55 PM Post #30 of 713
Yeah, I meant that as a compliment.  I kind of hate how professional a lot of YouTube's become and I think his couch shenanigans kind of keep the old spirit of it alive. 

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