How much has the headwize music forum affected your tastes?
Jun 27, 2001 at 4:45 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


1000+ Head-Fier
Jun 22, 2001
The title says it all. Well, maybe you could include the headfi music forum in there if you want.

I've been a straight rock n roller pretty much until suggestions for certain trip hop acts and Mahler conductors at headwize got me interested in them. I've been bitten by the electronica bug thanks to you folks too because my headphones really sing with that stuff as well.
Jun 28, 2001 at 9:33 AM Post #2 of 18
if you're getting into electronica, allow me to make two reccomendations: Thievery corporation and Kruder & Dorfmeister. Thievery has a trippy, jazzy sound to their stuff (the earlier you get the trippier, the later you get the jazzier), and K&D stay more on the trippy side of things for the most part. Both have compilation CD's under the title "DJ-Kicks," and those are a good place to start (especially with thievery). The best K&D CD that I've listened to to date would have to be "Conversions." Very cool ambient stuff. Thievery's DJ-Kicks CD might be their best, at least if you want a good all-around sampler of their abilities. Sounds from the thievery Hifi is pretty old and incredibly good, and their lates album Mirror conspiracy is really sweet and has a lot of bossa-nova sounding stuff.

Crap, I just rambled on for seven sentances on a bunch of crap that hardly even relates to this topic! Well, just goes to show how much I like these guys
Jun 28, 2001 at 11:21 AM Post #3 of 18
Zero. Nada. Well, maybe one or two.

Neruda's hyping of Thievery Corp's Mirror cause me to buy that, and that's kinda my genre, but (TO ME) it's disposable generic techno... And that DKrall chick, I tried... but I don't take to it at all. I've tried some of the jazz suggestions, but it's just not my thing... Steely Dan is about as jazzy as I get. Ministry is more my thing.

In about 20 albums I think 3 or 4 became albums I like. Still, $350 to find 3-4 albums you like when you're closing in on 2000 CDs... not that bad an investment. It gets hard to find things to buy at this point. New music, well, ISN'T MUSIC.
Jun 28, 2001 at 2:53 PM Post #4 of 18
Not yet. I had the same reaction as Apheared to ThieveryCorporation. Some good stuff, especially for parties or driving, but not something I'd listen to often. I also tried some Diana Krall songs, but they just couldn't keep my attention. I haven't yet looked up some of the classical recommended, but I'll try that area next.
Jun 28, 2001 at 4:38 PM Post #5 of 18
I've only recently begun to apprecieate hi fi music. I sample every single musical suggestion on Headwise and this BB, via MP3's initially, then I buy it if I like it.

I began my listening life with rock music. I still love hard, driving rock, and use it regularly to propel me on my bicycle (60's rock, RATM and that ilk). But I have fallen in love with certain classical music like the vocal duet in Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro" I think it's called, as well as others. So.... I would say that my musical horizon's have been expanded by these boards.

Side note: I like some of D. Krall's stuff, but I appreciate the instruments behind her as much as her singing, which isn't in the same league as some others like Etta James and Sarah Vaughn.

Another female vocalist that really has me hanging on every note she sings is K. D. Lang. That girl can sing, even if she is a carpet muncher
(Her cd "All You Can Eat", which I took out from the library out of curiosity, seems to be entirely lesbian love songs, but there is some good stuff on it, IMHO.
Jun 28, 2001 at 9:19 PM Post #6 of 18
If someone mentions an artist/album that I was considering anyway, it might tip the scales in favor of a purchase.

For example, all the talk about Crash Test Dummies "God Shuffled His Feet" made me go back and re-purchase the album. I owned it when it first came out, but sold it later.

Well, now I'm pissed because I have completely fallen in love with the band again and will be buying ALL their other CDs.

It always amazed me that the "music" section of Headwize was always the least popular. In the end, it should be all about the music, not the gear.

Jun 29, 2001 at 12:14 AM Post #8 of 18
Neruda, ha. That's what I'm talkin about. It was YOUR suggestions for Thievery and K&D that made me get them. Mirror Conspiracy has GREAT tracks but the sound licks hairy balls. I bought their DJ Kicks not too long ago. It was a dud cd (literally) so I got the chance to trade it. Sorry, it was a little too spotty for me , but it had some nice moments - especailly with the dub tracks. I'll be getting the K&D sessions soon. I've already got their DJ Kicks contribution, and its near the top of my playlist

markl, can't say I'm a big Dummies fan but their production is great. Best male vocals I can think of off the top o my head too.

Gunthr, nice of you to shed some light on what inspired kd lang to title that cd 'all you can EAT'

Apheared, to paraphrase John Lennon, all I am saying is give nu-metal a chance. It was tough to get into Limp Bizkit, but they have a top notch kick-ass band. I love John Otto (drums) and Wes Borland (guitar). Try to ignore the goofy lyrics and you might enjoy it. Korn is another newish band I like for their balls out rock. Their drummer is stellar; the bassist ain't bad either.

dwilkin, I'm not really a jazz fan but I'm getting my feet wet there too. I just picked up Kind of Blue. Its a nice chill out album that I arrived at in a round-a-bout way via Thievery. Sometimes I drift off blissfully to sleep listening to it, but then I wake up when it starts getting wierdish near the end.
I haven't bought any Diana Krall, but she is a local gal so that's good (even if Nanaimo kinda sucks). I hope she's gotten over that dysentery. eeeww.

XXhalberstramXX, my Scherchen discs are still going strong in the cd player. Oh yeah!

Jun 29, 2001 at 1:32 AM Post #9 of 18
Well, I haven't been here too long so I can't say that it has affected my tastes, I am fairly open minded to new stuff but I just don't like the way some kinds of music sound, so they aren't really worth at listening to for me. These would include rap, country, and disco

I listen to a lot of progressive metal and electronica, and secondary musical tastes would be celtic, classical, power metal, a bit of industrial, and sometimes some silly stuff. Also, the occasional acapella song is good, and a tiny bit of jazz (Although I will probably be listening to more jazz because of my new headphones

Jun 29, 2001 at 1:12 PM Post #10 of 18
not influanced my tastes, but some names popped up that I checked (or still have to check) out.
Jun 30, 2001 at 10:47 PM Post #11 of 18

Originally posted by markl

For example, all the talk about Crash Test Dummies "God Shuffled His Feet" made me go back and re-purchase the album. I owned it when it first came out, but sold it later.

Well, now I'm pissed because I have completely fallen in love with the band again and will be buying ALL their other CDs.


Unfortunately, their second CD has really mediocre sound engineering. Maybe the last one sounds good.

The first album is indeed excellent when it comes to sound quality.

The dark site, well, it does have some nifty stereo sound effects, but Floyd isn't my style.
Jul 7, 2001 at 12:40 PM Post #12 of 18
My top pics for Electronic, To include but not limited to Ambient. Orb, William Orbit, Wendy Carlos,Jean Michel Jarre, Vangelis,Brian Eno, Steve roach. If your an Ambient fan You got ta listen to The Magnifisent Void: (for those Electric nights) Moving right along Tangereen dream, Synergy.....Ect.....Ect....
Jul 8, 2001 at 2:30 AM Post #13 of 18
whoa, that electronic stuff spans a whole generation of music. I only just heard of JM Jarre while this radio station did a show that looked back on early synthesizer music. His track from Oxygene was fantastic.
Jul 8, 2001 at 8:10 AM Post #14 of 18
Jul 8, 2001 at 10:11 PM Post #15 of 18
I havn't checked out these forums much here or at headwize, so I'd say no. Chances are I already listen to most of all the **** anyway excluding classical.

I swear I'll probably listen to anything, ANYTHING except for country. My drug of choice would defintly be hip-hop. And don't be put away by all the bull you see on television or hear on the radio, theres alot of good REAL hip hop (underground AND mainstream) out there defintly worth taking a gander at. If you want a referal, I'd say Gangstarr (funny name once you get into their ****, mostly positive vibes) or A Tribe Called Quest since alot of you tend to be on a jazz tip anyway.

As for a jazz/reagea/hip hop/bosa nova/ambient/electronic style of music (heh heh), I second Neruda's Thievery Corporation recomendation. I certainly wouldn't call myself a hi fi enthusiest, with only a pair of sr-60s and a sony mini system, so I don't know how well recorded they are, but the tracks are certianly dope. Also, K&D is good but my end all favorite group of this nature would have to be NIGHTMARES ON WAX!!!! His DJ Kicks album is ALOT more hip hop then the stuff he makes, so I wouldn't get it if you really don't like hip hop, but hes defintly alot more serene and jazzy on his albums. And keep in mind that Thievery Corporations DJ Kicks only has a few of their actual songs, same with almost everyone on dj-kicks.

And I'm not a huge metal fan, but I LOVE ministry for some reason. I think I like their old old stuff a bit more being that I'm a little more industrial then metal, but their metal stuff is ill as hell too. And give Korn a chance. Their first album is raw as hell. Limp Bizket ain't bad, but Fred Durst gets on my ****ing nerves...

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