['Mini-Con'!] Arizona Head-Fi Meet: February 10th, 2018 Impressions
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Feb 11, 2018 at 12:53 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 33


1000+ Head-Fier
Nov 24, 2008
Without a doubt @Coolzo, @koover, @Destroysall, and everyone have raised the bar making this the best Phoenix meet to date! Thank you to Schiit, @Audeze, @HeadAmpTeam, and @ampsandsound for bringing your wares. Thanks to @T Bone for sharing his audition time with the TTVJ Audio Apex Pinnacle2. I had a wonderful time Saturday making new friendships and rekindling old. Looking forward to the meet in September.

The biggest takeaway for my ears was the pre-production ZMF Auteur. I really enjoyed the clarity, resolution, and comfort of this can. The ZMF Auteur Blackwood is definitely worth some serious consideration. :scales: I thought I had achieved immunity from upgrade-itis....:headphones:•not•
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Feb 11, 2018 at 1:13 PM Post #2 of 33
Great meet! Well worth the drive for me.

Thanks to all the folks that brought stuff out, including headamp, amps and sound, audeze, and Schiit. I know that breaking down the rigs and transporting them is a hassle, so thanks. Especially to those that brought tube rigs.

I was really impressed with so much stuff. All the tube amps were great. The susvara was impressive, although I still prefer the utopia. The mrspeakers driven by the blue Hawaii was really good once we removed the dampening material from the cans. The mainline was great (I just ordered one). The ampsandsond amps were great, and the discount Justin offered was sooooo tempting. If I wasn’t building my own, I would have taken the deal.

It was also great to meet so many folks in person. Thanks for the great meet.
Feb 11, 2018 at 6:20 PM Post #3 of 33
Another well put together meet! Thank you to @koover, @Coolzo, @Destroysall and everyone else involved putting this together.




@HeadAmpTeam looking dapper with the Abyss Phi
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Feb 12, 2018 at 12:10 PM Post #8 of 33
@T Bone, thank you very much for making the trip down to Phoenix and bringing along all your goodies! It was nice to get a chance to hear the Pinnacle 2 and the rest of your chain (Holo / LCD3F).

@Valens7 - nice to meet also. I believe you came in from out of state also?

@ampsandsound - it was a pleasure to meet you! I really like what your company is doing and wish I had all the resources to add one of your beauties to my collection. Thank you for coming out!
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Feb 12, 2018 at 1:32 PM Post #9 of 33
It was our first HeadFi meet and we had a great a time! Thank you all!

Jen was was listening to a pair of HD-800's and I'm listening to the ZMF Auteur Blackwood.
Jen and a few other female types were there! Don’t forget to wipe down all your equipment to get rid of kooties!
Feb 12, 2018 at 4:37 PM Post #12 of 33
If you had a chance to listen to the Apex Pinnacle 2 and wanted to share your feedback with Todd, I would encourage you to post your thoughts on the "Pinnacle 2 loaner thread"
And here too please....... for those of us that were sick with that damn flu this weekend and unable to attend crying crocodile tears into their pillows thinking about all that they were missing..... ops, did I say that out loud?
Feb 12, 2018 at 4:46 PM Post #13 of 33
for those of us that were sick with that damn flu this weekend and unable to attend crying crocodile tears into their pillows thinking about all that they were missing.....
It's a stunning performer! I am really going to miss it when my time is up. It ships to Miami next.
Too bad you couldn't make it to the meet. It was like an Eddie Current love-fest. There was a balancing act, an aficionado, a black widow - your zana deux would have rounded out the model lineup.
Feb 12, 2018 at 5:15 PM Post #14 of 33
It's a stunning performer! I am really going to miss it when my time is up. It ships to Miami next.
Too bad you couldn't make it to the meet. It was like an Eddie Current love-fest. There was a balancing act, an aficionado, a black widow - your zana deux would have rounded out the model lineup.
And a ZDT Jr
Feb 13, 2018 at 11:29 AM Post #15 of 33
Hey guys,

Firstly, I’d like to say what an outstanding meet. I had an incredible time hanging with everyone again. It was great to see so many of the same faces from the last meet along with all the new. It was awesome. I believe at one time, I counted 49 members/members of the trade in the room at one time with a few sitting outside the room munching on some food. I believe we reached and surpassed 70+ throughout the day so I’d say that was a success. Thank you guys!

A special shout out must go to Schitt for once again sponsoring the event. We couldn’t have had the fun we had without the graciousness and generosity of your fabulous company and business model. Denise?.... you rock!!

Also, a special thanks go out to the entire group and Chris (also Evan and Mark) from Audeze. You were the first to commit so the hype train got on the tracks with your attendance and participation. Looking forward to seeing you guys again in September. Thank you!!

Justin from Ampsandmsound! Your gear is just awesome. You know how to build an amp (s) and for a very reasonable retail. Also thank you for the discount you put out for everyone and my hope is you received some return on your visit. The LCD 4 and Argatha (I believe) was just sublime and one of the finest combos I heard. The synergy just blew me away. I wish I had the cash as I would have scooped that amp up in a heartbeat.
Thank you kindly for flying in to be with the group.

Peter from Headamp. That Blue Hawaii was incredible and paired with the Stax? Omg, just unbelievable. Your table seemed to be swamped with head-fiers all day. I know because I was right next to you. It’s much appreciated you made the trek and spent the day with us. Incredible gear!! Thanks

Thank you to Lorend from Meze for the loaner Neo’s. As always, both the 99 classics and Neo were never on their stands at my table. Everyone was taking a listen and they continue to excel in their performance. Looking forward to the Empyrean! Those are so gonna rock it out. September maybe? :L3000:

To the other contributors....
Zach from ZMF who once again was gracious enough to loan us his gear where he is truly a unique master craftsman in his art. Everyone once again was stoked to have an opportunity to enjoy your incredible headphones man!

Mrspeakers was gracious enough to loan us the new Aeon courtesy of ampsandsound. I know what this HP sounds like because I own it. Quality stuff and my current daily driver.

iFi loaned us their awesome amps while giving everyone a chance to check out your quality sounds. I just love these
Amps and is on my shory list due to its reasonable price to performance.

T-Bone from Vegas drove in with his lovely wife Jen and brought along that crazy cool Pinnicle 2 on a loaner program from “Todd the vinal Junkie” thank you Todd! What an incredible amp, especially paired with the Holo Spring DAC and LCD-3. :astonished: Just mind blowing. If you had the opportunity to take a
Listen, it was as good as it gets. It was great to meet and hang with you guys!

Alan drove in with his wife (she went shopping) all the way from New Mexico to join us. Very cool guy and it was outrageous you made that drive man. You sold some stuff too. Love those stabilizer pads or whatever you call them. They’re perfect. I hope you had a great time and great to meet you man!

@Anthel from Texas flew in on his birthday just to join us and it was a pleasure to meet you man. A really nice guy and it was
My pleasure to make your aquintence. Looking forward to seeing you in September.

And to the rest of the Az Head-fires? You guys (and ladies) all rocked it out. You’re like my new friends and people I just like hanging out with. Without everyone’s participation and attendance, this meet couldn’t have been as cool as it was.

This meet was so awesome guys and it was one of the most enjoyable days I’ve had in a long time.

September will be even better as Joe, Chris and I are already working on it. We’ll have double the space, so that can only mean double the fun.

Peace!! :v:
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