Aug 9, 2018 at 7:10 AM Post #16 of 15,378
Is it just me or those Z1R are pretty big in the sense deep so probably protruding a lot?

They do look pretty big. I'm excited to try them when they're available in stores, but I doubt they'll fit my ears well...
Aug 9, 2018 at 9:47 AM Post #18 of 15,378
Ugh, another hybrid. Was hoping Sony would go for the elusive TOTL single DD, given their success with the EX1000.

The engineer who designed EX1000 is now making Sony's customs Just ear, for the reason that the EX1000 was his peak in universal single DD IEM and he can't think of any way to better it without making an even bigger driver than the one in EX1000, so even for the Just ear originally he attempted to go for a bigger DD than the EX1000 but he ended up reversing that approach by using a slightly smaller DD and stick a BA in there to make it a hybrid as he can't figure out a way to put a giant DD in a comfortable form factor. Single DD design has hit the physical limit ceiling, so going hybrid is the only current way unless there is major DD break through.

Even then the composition of the IER-Z1R (er can't they use a different name) is interesting as it's a dual dynamic + 1 BA setup. The 12mm full range DD + 1 BA for treble is very similar to JE, but the 5mm DD for high frequency range is completely new, even as a JE owner I think it is plenty interesting.
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Aug 9, 2018 at 1:13 PM Post #20 of 15,378
I read somewhere there is no crossover but the 5mm driver is not full band but for high frequencies... and they say there is one : "Sony’s dedicated audio grade film capacitor for crossover network circuits was used in the IER-Z1R, delivering a refined sound with low distortion"

Also : "Perfectly controlled acoustics of the IER-Z1R is achieved by the Refined phase structure which features a magnesium alloy inner housing that delivers to listeners a natural sound with precise sense of image projection never experienced before. All three drivers; the 5mm dynamic driver, 12mm dynamic driver and balanced armature driver unit are built into the inner housing which works as an optimal sound path. Sound coming from each driver is optimally blended in the sound path which ensures ideal phase response and clear separation."


More info in the press release :
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Aug 9, 2018 at 1:49 PM Post #21 of 15,378
Hi Nanaholic, I will be very interested in your perspective on the IER-Z1R . Since you and I own the Just ear, your comparison of these universals versus Just Ear will be more relevant for me. I fully acknowledge that there will always be that bit if CIEM versus Universal but still curious about the sound on the IER-Z1R.
Please make some time to listen and post. I do not think I will get a chance to demo them in the US as this will be the last market Sony will launch.
Thanks much.
The engineer who designed EX1000 is now making Sony's customs Just ear, for the reason that the EX1000 was his peak in universal single DD IEM and he can't think of any way to better it without making an even bigger driver than the one in EX1000, so even for the Just ear originally he attempted to go for a bigger DD than the EX1000 but he ended up reversing that approach by using a slightly smaller DD and stick a BA in there to make it a hybrid as he can't figure out a way to put a giant DD in a comfortable form factor. Single DD design has hit the physical limit ceiling, so going hybrid is the only current way unless there is major DD break through.

Even then the composition of the IER-Z1R (er can't they use a different name) is interesting as it's a dual dynamic + 1 BA setup. The 12mm full range DD + 1 BA for treble is very similar to JE, but the 5mm DD for high frequency range is completely new, even as a JE owner I think it is plenty interesting.
Aug 10, 2018 at 5:05 AM Post #23 of 15,378
I was in til I saw the price. I need to get the ML triple comfort tips. The M is far too small for me and the L is just a little too tight where I find myself adjusting it every other song. If I'm spending that much on an IEM, it's going to be a CIEM. I am interested to see how it fairs vs other TOTL hybrids from 64 Audio and EE.
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Aug 10, 2018 at 6:31 AM Post #25 of 15,378
The engineer who designed EX1000 is now making Sony's customs Just ear, for the reason that the EX1000 was his peak in universal single DD IEM and he can't think of any way to better it without making an even bigger driver than the one in EX1000, so even for the Just ear originally he attempted to go for a bigger DD than the EX1000 but he ended up reversing that approach by using a slightly smaller DD and stick a BA in there to make it a hybrid as he can't figure out a way to put a giant DD in a comfortable form factor. Single DD design has hit the physical limit ceiling, so going hybrid is the only current way unless there is major DD break through.

Even then the composition of the IER-Z1R (er can't they use a different name) is interesting as it's a dual dynamic + 1 BA setup. The 12mm full range DD + 1 BA for treble is very similar to JE, but the 5mm DD for high frequency range is completely new, even as a JE owner I think it is plenty interesting.

So the only way to get rid of that nasty peak would be to have a bigger driver? Anyway, interesting insight.
Aug 10, 2018 at 6:43 AM Post #26 of 15,378
So the only way to get rid of that nasty peak would be to have a bigger driver? Anyway, interesting insight.

I think the peak mentioned is the peak of excellence the engineer attained with the EX1000 (which has no nasty peak by any means from my listening experience with it).
Anyway the Z1R is going to be an interesting hybrid with dual DD and one BA not the usual setup. Again, no matter the performance, tuning is going to be the key here.
Aug 10, 2018 at 10:31 AM Post #27 of 15,378

I've got a very very brief listening of the IER-Z1R by sheer luck when an opening came up, only about 5 minutes.
Out of my WM1Z and immediately it sounded very familiar - and then I realised it sounded a little like something in between a Just ear MH2 Listening model and the Club model. So it's a very "Sony" house sound; fun musical tune that has a bit of treble sparkle but stopping before it gets too shrilled (FWIW I find phones like Andromeda shrilled for comparison), and a slightly emphasised bass for some oomph and toe tapping fun. The vocals also has a smooth and sweet sound to them. Being Japanese tuning they are comparatively brighter overall than the Western offerings, but they managed to get the right amount so as to not feel fatiguing. Also just like the Just ear due to the dynamic nature they sound much less closed in than pure BA IEMs. This isn't an accuracy type IEM, and it sounds just about right as something that is offered as a high end universal choice for people who may not want to go the custom Just ears route but still want something which has a similar flavour to them.
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Aug 11, 2018 at 6:00 AM Post #28 of 15,378
3AD295F6-64E0-4A8F-AF09-CA0F58346896.jpeg 7E58C3CD-8D2E-408E-A345-187F52AD79BF.jpeg

I liked the Z1R so much, that I pre ordered it.

This line up from Sony reminded so much of Campfire's own. The Z1R & The Atlas, M9 & The Andromeda. Weight wise the Z1Rs are pretty hefty, but manageable. Personally I felt they sounded better than The Atlas. This considering I have yet to be enamoured by any hybrid so far.

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