UFOs Are Real, Now What?
Jan 20, 2024 at 5:36 AM Post #211 of 245
Allow me to share my funny thinking since This is an interesting thread and topic, which I used to have a lot of interests in back when I was a young kid and fascinated by science and science fictions. Since studying in some technology fields and more about science matters, together with the motivations from governments of “equipping the medias outlets and weaponizing them” to supporting their own agendas. Also, I learned that, history isn’t all as written or told, but rather written and biased by the victorious, and told by them.

Forgive me, but consider me being very skeptical of all the UFO and aliens and so on. I do believe that there is some very bad things going on in the world, and in order to gaslighting it, they are throwing more confusing into the atmosphere.

What I believe is based on logic. For example, in this infinite universe with infinite possibilities and so on, we can not simply be the only sentinel kind or intelligent one. However, in order to encounter one another, the vast spaces would make it almost impossible, not completely impossible, but almost. How so ? Because, if it was within an affordable reason to reach other life forms, war would have happened, because of greed and desires. You can debate that what if the aliens have evolved over greed and desires ? Well, then they couldn’t evolve, because they couldn’t be motivated to improvements, in a word "perfection". If so, they couldn’t exist in this universe where matters and energy are simply trading forms/charges/entangle to one another or "imperfection and continuously interacting". Therefore, if such aliens existed, they are not of this universe. If they are from or able to exist in this universe, then they would have been bounded by this universe physics and laws, the entanglements and interchangeable interactions, be our universe matters, and no longer able to escape. We will cycle back again to greed and desire.

So, as greed and desire go, and aliens exist but carry these aspects, then within their limits, a single species may be the only dominant one and erase the rest and be by themselves, and that could possibly be human. Even if they used to self destruct and had the meaning to survive apocalyptic events, and or erasing their own history, the fact remains that in a whole wide range of space, this species would be the only one. So much as that reaching the other would be impossible…. Or even if it was possible, they would have had zero means to go back to their planets. Let’s say if they were meant to reach us from 10 light years, and nothing travel at the speed of light, then they could have taken as long as several hundred years over several generations to reach us, which extinguish any meanings for such species to be holding onto the ideas of dominating us or invasion, then they couldn’t go back to their planet as it may not even exist anymore by then. So, they could have been here, stay here, and teach us what we know. Us as in Humanity or we could have been an engineered Ape, and a few of these supreme Intelligences are walking among us. Then this supports the idea of society constructions.

Society constructions: Leaders, followers, governments, the elitists, the power that be. The folks or the few that manipulate the society and keep us in control, aka to dictate Gold as a valuable and tangible materials, or the USD....etc... you probably know what I am trying to say.

Now, even if, all of the possibilities scenarios were to happened, that just means our circle of interactions toward other beings are to the extreme range, and can no longer reach one another enough to interact, just like magnets being out of range. Then it would be impossible to have such sighting of what we could deem ET and their Spacecrafts. Yes, UFO exist, because it is simply Unidentified Objects. I know personally that military secret craft which were being tested could have accidentally flew out of their parameters and be spotted, unknown to the people, and people called it UFO, that doesnt mean it is ET.

In my Conclusion, I believe ET exist, but not in the possible range that could interact with us. Possibly they are here, within us, teaching us, guiding us, manipulating us, control our society behind our governments king/queen...etc...and help us progress in technology. Simply put, they are Human but elitist being, and no longer considered ET.

Then again, why are we here at this point, of being gaslighted from the on going wars, the UFO, the covid....etc... ? There is something going on

Speaking of the movie interstellar, space-time, gravity. I do believe that time arrow is a single direction, and hence gravity existed. It also means that our universe will eventually come to an end where matters/energies are no longer interacting and became perfectly balanced.... We dont know when, but, it also means that time travelling is impossible. Therefore, I dont believe that UFO could possibly be of other advanced being, time travelling to us. Because, if it was possible, then greed and desires would have messed up a lot of things... the same as our universe and it self interactions/exchanges between energies and matters.

Grabbing a bottle of wine**

You make some interesting points but they're from a human perspective, we can't contemplate how other beings rationalise or what motivates them. Maybe long (eons?) ago they left their world and are now nomads of space, spreading out in all directions? Maybe they have no use for precious metals like gold as anything other than for making components, and hoarding it as jewelry is a character flaw they don't posses. If the universe started by dust and rock coalescing to form stars and planets then maybe it can again and has happened time and time again.
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Jan 20, 2024 at 8:12 AM Post #212 of 245
The possibility they are our future selves coming back to do who knows what or engineer some event that will change their future at our expense.
Not future; PAST humans that evolved millions of years ago...
Jan 20, 2024 at 6:52 PM Post #213 of 245
Not future; PAST humans that evolved millions of years ago...
So where are these "past humans" now, where and who are the humans in our past, how are they different than us, what is the purpose of their interaction with us, if they evolved in the past does that mean their evolutionary process has stopped, who were their ancestors, were they of natural origin or gene pool manipulation by more advanced past humans that evolved billions of years ago and that last post was some pretty good creative writing compared to the mess I made of a sentence before my body was cleansed of the toxins in the trial by fire and I began my transition into godhood, wasn't it?
Jan 21, 2024 at 6:36 AM Post #214 of 245
So where are these "past humans" now, where and who are the humans in our past, how are they different than us, what is the purpose of their interaction with us, if they evolved in the past does that mean their evolutionary process has stopped, who were their ancestors, were they of natural origin or gene pool manipulation by more advanced past humans that evolved billions of years ago and that last post was some pretty good creative writing compared to the mess I made of a sentence before my body was cleansed of the toxins in the trial by fire and I began my transition into godhood, wasn't it?
I dont have the answers my friend, but I am on the search!
Jan 25, 2024 at 6:11 AM Post #215 of 245
Apr 25, 2024 at 5:59 PM Post #218 of 245
Apr 26, 2024 at 9:42 AM Post #219 of 245
Apr 26, 2024 at 9:55 AM Post #220 of 245
homo erectus is only 80,000 years old. that's why the earth and humanity is f---ed we became apex predators in a flash. concerning ufo,s. meh. armageddon we will do on our own. if you haven't figured out, humans love fantasy, like religion. and conspiracy, there's always a boogey man, ufos, big foot, lochness, and election fraud in 2016. but ufos at least seem harmless for humanity, im talking self imploding from, but first contact, if it occurs, will be fascinating
Apr 26, 2024 at 4:34 PM Post #221 of 245
homo erectus is only 80,000 years old. that's why the earth and humanity is f---ed we became apex predators in a flash. concerning ufo,s. meh. armageddon we will do on our own. if you haven't figured out, humans love fantasy, like religion. and conspiracy, there's always a boogey man, ufos, big foot, lochness, and election fraud in 2016. but ufos at least seem harmless for humanity, im talking self imploding from, but first contact, if it occurs, will be fascinating
Have you seen the U.S. NAVY videos?
Apr 27, 2024 at 9:40 AM Post #222 of 245
Have you seen the U.S. NAVY videos?
sure, nice unidentified flying objects. there's recent big foot vids as well. but not mocking, just the physical distances and time necessary to travel. and we are in time line a blip, and that's the timing from space aliens to catch earth in the finger snap of development. but then there's a lottery so i guess we could draw the short straw.
Apr 27, 2024 at 1:42 PM Post #223 of 245
just the physical distances and time necessary to travel.
There are those who believe that the underwater UFOs never really leave here, and even if they do come from 10,000 light years away, who's to say they do not have the technology to bend time and space?!
Apr 27, 2024 at 1:58 PM Post #224 of 245
There are those who believe that the underwater UFOs never really leave here, and even if they do come from 10,000 light years away, who's to say they do not have the technology to bend time and space?!
They could also be "multi-dimensional"
Apr 29, 2024 at 2:39 AM Post #225 of 245
They could also be "multi-dimensional"
That's the ticket.

I'm of the opinion this recent move to mainstream UAP/UFO would never have happened in our dimension, I don't remember hearing about the TicTac and GoFast videos till last year, and this just another example of the Mandela Effect.

My Sister, her Husband, the guy I have known since 4th Grade Lutheran School, a former altarboy and choirboy like myself, and I all remember the Bible verse about the Lion and the Lamb. My Nephew, the Lutheran Minister, says it is the Wolf and the Lamb and that's what my Bible says now.

It has always been the wolf and the lamb here. People from this dimension have never known anything but the wolf and the lamb and attribute it to being a false memory. They can't help it they were born here, and I'm just passing through.

Neil Degrasse Tyson, my Homie, remembers our solar system being in the Sagitarius Arm of the Milky Way. You think he would know...that were'e now in the Orion Spur area of the galaxy:

sure, nice unidentified flying objects.
The Government thought so, too, and last month declassified a crash retrieval program called Kona Blue:

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