Questyle CMA Fifteen — Official Thread
Feb 28, 2024 at 5:07 PM Post #346 of 375
Does anyone know how the CMA15 compares to the Ifi Ican Pro Signature amp? From reading the thread it seems to have more power, but I don't think that we'll be an issue for me.

I'm considering upgrading my CMA600, if the price is right (and drops after the release of the CMA18).
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Mar 1, 2024 at 11:23 AM Post #347 of 375
Know the 4 gain switches are at the same old place, know the bias control is still a mysterious founction, still bought it, losing my mind:weary: *slam*
Mar 1, 2024 at 11:24 AM Post #348 of 375
Know the 4 gain switches are at the same old place, know the bias control is still a mysterious founction, still bought it, losing my mind:weary: *slam*IMG_20240302_001135_edit_1202918033984871.jpg
Impressions? 😬
Mar 1, 2024 at 1:35 PM Post #350 of 375
Know the 4 gain switches are at the same old place, know the bias control is still a mysterious founction, still bought it, losing my mind:weary: *slam*IMG_20240302_001135_edit_1202918033984871.jpg
How much and from where?
Mar 1, 2024 at 7:21 PM Post #352 of 375
18,000 RMB ($2,500), Mainland China

Thanks. I heard the CMA Fifteen at CanJam London and thought it sounded amazing. The highlight of the show for me. Other than the change of circuit board material, what other differences are there between the CMA Fifteen and Eighteen?
Mar 2, 2024 at 12:23 AM Post #353 of 375
Thanks. I heard the CMA Fifteen at CanJam London and thought it sounded amazing. The highlight of the show for me. Other than the change of circuit board material, what other differences are there between the CMA Fifteen and Eighteen?
I owned CMA15 for months and I just replaced it with CMA18 master.
I would say 18 master is a regular upgrade to the 15. The sound signature is quite consistent. CMA15 amazed me a lot when I first listened to, and 18 master will only be better. I noticed it has a better low-end and a little bit thicker mid-range. The sound stage is quite the same. Each note is even more sharp, maybe due to the new DAC. 15 sounds somehow more relaxing to me, and 18 master shows more precision. I consider 18 master as a master version of the old 15. As you said, they improved manufacturing engineering to make the old 15 reach the extreme. Besides, CMA15 is still on sale, Questyle didn't make it off shelf, I think maybe they plan to allow two versions to exist at the same time.
Mar 18, 2024 at 5:31 PM Post #355 of 375
Posting here because the Twelve thread is basically dead.
I just received a clear top for my Twelve Master. Pretty cool.
It really does but be aware the the entire case is heat sink. I forgot what they sink under the board against the bottom plate and don't think it's a big deal but thought I'd mention it. I remember it from when I replaced all the FW caps with FGs on my 15. Have to lay down the large ones that I also bypassed with smaller ones and the others are tight but very happy with the result. I've heard everything and beyond preference, nothing's better. If this 18 is what I hope/expect, it will get the same treatment.
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Mar 18, 2024 at 5:36 PM Post #356 of 375
I owned CMA15 for months and I just replaced it with CMA18 master.
I would say 18 master is a regular upgrade to the 15. The sound signature is quite consistent. CMA15 amazed me a lot when I first listened to, and 18 master will only be better. I noticed it has a better low-end and a little bit thicker mid-range. The sound stage is quite the same. Each note is even more sharp, maybe due to the new DAC. 15 sounds somehow more relaxing to me, and 18 master shows more precision. I consider 18 master as a master version of the old 15. As you said, they improved manufacturing engineering to make the old 15 reach the extreme. Besides, CMA15 is still on sale, Questyle didn't make it off shelf, I think maybe they plan to allow two versions to exist at the same time.
The only major differences are the lower current DAC of effectively the same topology (likely thinner tracks) and the board material which was a noticeable upgrade on the 12 master. I'm sure there's other tweaks as well since 3 years have passed. They've improved each generation so far.
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Mar 18, 2024 at 5:52 PM Post #357 of 375
Know the 4 gain switches are at the same old place, know the bias control is still a mysterious founction, still bought it, losing my mind:weary: *slam*
If it's like the other ones, the gain switches are best at default unless you require a change and it always sounds better in high bias. What's weird is that it's also true from the line out where it shouldn't make any difference. These DACs are great. The only thing I'd like to see, is 2nd coax dig in.
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Mar 19, 2024 at 6:26 AM Post #358 of 375
I owned CMA15 for months and I just replaced it with CMA18 master.
I would say 18 master is a regular upgrade to the 15. The sound signature is quite consistent. CMA15 amazed me a lot when I first listened to, and 18 master will only be better. I noticed it has a better low-end and a little bit thicker mid-range. The sound stage is quite the same. Each note is even more sharp, maybe due to the new DAC. 15 sounds somehow more relaxing to me, and 18 master shows more precision. I consider 18 master as a master version of the old 15. As you said, they improved manufacturing engineering to make the old 15 reach the extreme. Besides, CMA15 is still on sale, Questyle didn't make it off shelf, I think maybe they plan to allow two versions to exist at the same time.
I think that the signature is quite different between 15 and Eighteen Master: the Eighteen Master is warmer and has more strenght on low end, while the 15 is brighter.
I think Questyle did it to give more choice on the market to potential clients who likes different tuning.

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